Meeting / Rothwell & Desborough Patient Participation Group / Date / 19th May 2015
Time / 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Patients / Linda Wood (LW)
Alan Garratt (AG)
Paul Hirst (PH)
Stuart Grange (SG) / Beryl Norman (BN)
Shirley Newman (SN)
Brian Chambers (BC)
Surgery / Nicola Warren (NW)
Sarah Yarrow (SY) / Pat Clipston (PC)
Apologies:Linda Dickinson (LD), Jean Wardle (JW)
Item / Actions / Who
1. / Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising / Minutes agreed;
PPG request to address the inaccuracies of the minutes of Rothwell Town Council have yet to be confirmed to the Practice Manager. The PPG addressed the issue with the Town Council and the PPG was informed that the Practice Manager would be contacted. This has not been done to date.
It appears that the following Rothwell Council Meeting minutes also had incorrect information about the surgery. Linda has mentioned this to them.
Cllr Ben King has not been able to confirm a date that he will be able to join the PPG to talk about the Desborough Neighbourhood Plan.
2. / PPG Display / The PPG will have a stand at the Health Event at Desborough Library 15th July. The event runs between 10am and 3pm. Nicola will provide:
  • Display Board
  • Electronic Prescribing Service leaflets
  • Friends and Family Test cards
  • Practice Newsletter
  • Patient Participation Group Sign-up sheets
  • Comments Cards
Alan is going to set up. He will collect the above from the Surgery on the day.
PPG members and some practice staff will attend throughout the day. A rota will be sent out for members to sign up to times that they will be able to man the stand.
The group felt it would be useful to have something that explains what a PPG is. Nicola will source. / AG
3. / Next Quarterly Meeting / Confirmed this will be held at Rothwell Medical Centre, 27th July, 6:30pm to 8pm.
Theme: attendance from the Pharmacies to talk to patients about pharmacy services / self-care.
4. / Virtual Group Matters / We have had three responses from the Virtual Group to join the Committee Group. Nicola will contact these members to confirm acceptance.
5. / Any Other Business / Healthier Northamptonshire Event 14/5/15
Shirley attended the event and gave us a review / synopsis of discussions and updates.
Healthwatch Northamptonshire, the independent champion for people using health and social care in Northamptonshire, held a workshop on The Future of Health and Social Care in Northamptonshire on the 14 May 2015. The workshop, which was attended by around 100 members of the public and various other organisations, was held at Kettering Conference Centre.
There were representatives from all the local NHS and social care organisations on recent and future developments and plans including the following:
• a joined up health and social care plan
• joint working between Northampton General Hospital and Kettering General Hospital
• how local people will be involved in shaping the plans and future development
There was no lay representative at the meeting, which was very noticeable.
Ideas for content of the next newsletter:
Electronic Prescription Service
Introduction of new staff
View from PPG/Reception
Linda and Shirley are going to come in next Tuesday to sit in Reception to see what a normal day consists of.
Name Badges
Name badges are needed for new members. / BC / AG
Next Meeting / Meetings: 12:30pm – 1:30pm, Desborough Meeting Room
Tuesday 23rd June 2015
Apologies: Paul Hirst, Nicola Warren, Beryl Norman