The Great Wall:

Construction started during the Qin Dynasty using forced labor and continued through the Han Dynasty. Originally the wall was built as a protector against the Mongol invaders from the north. There is an old saying in China that for every stone used to build the wall represents someone’s life that was lost in the construction. The Wall is 3700 miles long.

Terra Cotta Soldiers:

Found in 1974 by archaeologists, the Terra Cotta Soldiers represent the army of the First Emperor Qin. He was the first to rule all of China. Qin had complete control and regulated all aspects of the lives of his people. He is known for his harsh punishment. Education was discouraged during his rule, and much of Chinese literature was burned during this time. He created an elaborate spy system and rewarded those who turned in lawbreakers in society. In total, the Terra Cotta Soldiers were life-sized, painted with weapons and horses and 6000 total were found when discovered.

Silk Road:

The main export of China was silk and because of this it produced an era of peace. During this time, silk was carried as far away as Rome to the Mediterranean Sea and Buddhism was brought into China in the Han Dynasty along with many other trade items and ideas.


He was the first private teacher in China and was one of the most educated men of his time. He developed a way of living and taught anyone who was willing. His ideas became known as Confucianism. This entails a strict code of behavior, moral character and responsibility and still influences the way Chinese behave today. He is one of the most quoted people in the world. Education became valued during the Han Dynasty and many followers took an interest in reading and learning once again.

--“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” –Confucius

Yellow River Irrigation:

The Yellow River is 3000 miles long and Chinese civilization began here over 5000 years ago. The river floods every year which earned the nickname “The Great Sorrow” due to its destruction of life and property. Over time, the Chinese learned techniques of flood control and built dikes and irrigation systems to control the water.

Ancient Chinese Acupuncture:

Acupuncture is an Ancient Chinese medical practice that uses needles to cure medical ailments and diseases. This practice is still used today throughout the world.

Ancient Chinese Crossbow:

The army of the Han Dynasty used the newly invented crossbow to enlarge their empire through warfare. The Crossbow relied on a mechanical trigger which would not tire the archer. The archer can shoot more arrows more accurately faster and farther.

Chinese Civil Service/Bureaucracy System:

This was the first time that a government used exams to prove that people were qualified to be employed in certain fields. The tests showed that people earned the job and not because they were friends of high-placed people in the Empire. The first Dynasty to use this type of system was the Han. The jobs were varied; including collecting taxes, information and carrying out the emperors wishes.