WISC-IV* Training Program: Information & Registration Form

Mylne Street Mental Health Pty. Ltd. is a private psychology practice centrally located in Toowoomba, south-east Queensland, approximately 2 hours drive from Brisbane Airport.

Clinical Director, Michelle Aniftos (Clinical Psychologist and Accredited Supervisor) is planning to host a training program for those seeking to have a thorough understanding of the WISC-IV for purposes of administration and/or interpretation. Your early expressions of interest are sought as this program requires between six and twelve participants to run effectively.

The theory program is scheduled for Friday 29th January 2016 and the practicum to follow on Saturday 30th January 2016. For participants seeking proficiency certification, a subsequent day for evaluation and supervision has been scheduled for Friday the 8th April 2016.

Intended Audience:

·  Provisional Psychologists seeking introductory level training in cognitive assessment

·  Registered Psychologists seeking refresher training in implementation of the WISC-IV

·  Other professionals with responsibility for test administration and interpretation

N.B. The WISC-IV is a registered test which requires a high level of expertise. It is expected that participants in this training opportunity will have at least provisional registration as a psychologist OR at least a masters degree in psychology, education, or closely related field with formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments related to the intended use of the assessment. It is also expected that participants will access clinical supervision by an accredited psychologist to ensure that minimum competencies are developed and maintained.

Program Objectives:

·  To address Intellectual Assessment as a core competency for Australian psychologists

·  To provide a sound framework of knowledge about assessment practices

·  To develop competency in test administration, scoring and interpretation

·  To encourage self-critical and self-reflective evaluations of skill development

Course Components:

Day 1, Friday 29th January 2016, 9am-5pm:

·  Introduction: formal and informal methods of assessment; standardized assessment

·  Demonstration: administration, scoring & interpretation of the WISC-IV by the presenter

Day 2, Saturday 30th January 2016, 9am-5pm:

·  Practice Administration: participants working in triads to administer the WISC-IV with observation and feedback from trained facilitators

·  Evaluation: participants complete a self-critique of their developing competencies & observers provided constructive feedback and peer-mentoring

·  Reporting: scoring and interpretation competencies will be extended into the preparation of formal reports of assessment findings

Post-workshop Supervision:

·  Following initial training, participants will practise administration of the WISC-IV in their own place of study or work. They will have access to online/telephone supervision and support in order to prepare and submit at least two sample reports for final assessment. Participants may have to resubmit reports following supervision in order to attain a ‘final report’ of an appropriate standard. Once the participant has finalised the written reports, two case studies must be presented to the trainer either in face-to-face (in person or online). This work usually involves a minimum of 4 hours of clinical supervision to a maximum of 8 hours.

* Wechsler, D. (2003). Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Enquiries: Business Administrator Final Registration Due:

Mylne Street Mental Health P/L 15th January 2016

PO Box 6570, Toowoomba WEST, Q 4350

T +61 7 4638 8464 | E

1. Personal Details

Surname: / Given names:
Postal address:
State: / Postcode: / Country:
(if not Australia)


Home: / Work: / Mobile:
Email: / Fax:

2. Academic Qualifications

Please indicate your level of suitability for participation in this WISC-IV training program.

I am:

[ ] a Provisional Psychologist* seeking introductory level training in cognitive assessment

[ ] a Registered Psychologist* seeking refresher training in implementation of the WISC-IV

[ ] a professional responsible for test administration and interpretation. Please add detail:


Name of Qualification /

Year completed / Expected completion date

/ Awarding institution (indicate country)

*Psychologists, please provide your AHPRA registration number: ______

3. Professional Experience in Test Administration

Present position:
Employer/University Course: / Clinical Supervisor:
Summary of experience in test administration:

4. Course Expectations

Please provide a brief explanation of why you are interested in participating in this course and your expectations of the program and presenters. This is essential to design a relevant program.

5. Credit Card Payment Form

Full registration will include teaching notes and handouts; access to WISC-IV test resources throughout the training days; catering for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

I am registering ______(insert name of registrant) for:

[ ] Introductory Day 1, Friday 29th January 2016: $395

[ ] Practicum Day 2, Saturday 30th January 2016: $295 (Prerequisite: completed Introductory Day 1)

[ ] Supervision-til-Certification: $495 (Prerequisite: must have completed Introductory Day 1 Practicum Day 2. Registration fee includes supervision toward development of your practice-reports which must be submitted for assessment and review; and then presented as case studies for supervision.)

Please debit my Credit Card as follows:

Credit Card Type: [ ] Visa or [ ] Mastercard or [ ] ______
Card Number:
Expiry Date: / M / M / Y / Y
Amount to be debited:
[ ] Day 1 Only - $395 or [ ] Day 1 & Day 2 - $690 or [ ] Day 1, 2 & 3 - $1185
Cardholder’s Name:
Cardholder’s Signature: Date:

Please submit your registration to:

Business Administrator FINAL Registration Due:

Mylne Street Mental Health P/L 15 January 2016

PO Box 6570, Toowoomba WEST, Q 4350

T +61 7 4638 8464 | E