Dept. of Languages and LiteratureUniversity of Utah

KOR 3060 syllabus p.1Fall, 2017

THIRD YEAR KOREAN I(Third Year Korean) 중-고급 한국어 1


Fall 2017

TH 10:45-12:05SW 132

Instructor: Hyesun Kim김혜선/ Office: LNCO 2930/ Office Hours: Tuesdays at 2p.m. to 3 p.m. (or by appointment) / E-mail:/ Mailbox: 1400 Languages and Communication Bldg.

Please note: As a general rule, please allow 24 hours for responses to emails during the week, and 48 hours on weekends. Usually I will respond in less time, but I often do not check work email during the weekend, or after 5 p.m. and before 10 a.m. on week days. Exceptions to this rule will be made as necessary to adjust for assignment submission schedules, etc.

Course Description

This is a third year Korean language course designed for students who have completed up to KOREA 2020 at the U (or the equivalent elsewhere), and for students who can carry on simple conversations in Korean in most day-to-day situations, and/or who have spent a substantial amount of time in Korean-speaking settings and have upper-intermediate comprehension skills. This course will be conducted mostly in Korean, although the use of English or a mixture of English and Korean is allowed in certain situations that require the clear communication of instructions or linguistic points. Also, some activities and assignments will involve translating from Korean into English.

The purpose of this course is to further increase students’ability in speaking, reading and writing Korean through a more advanced acquisition of vocabulary, grammar, idioms, and cultural knowledge that will facilitate fluent, appropriate, and culturally nuanced language use.

Course Objectives

  1. to increasefluency in speaking, comprehending, reading, and writing Korean
  2. to increase literacy in Korea culture
  3. to encourage further study of the Korean language and culture

Required Texts (available at the University Book Store)

  • Integrated Korean Intermediate 2U of Hawai’i Press, 2013

Note: Grammar Review Lessons (see syllabus) will be presented with handouts or on PowerPoint slides, and in the case of the latter, files will be made available on Canvas after the lecture. (Most of theGrammar Review lessons are basedonmaterial from Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook, by Andrew S. Byon. Routledge, 2010).

Attendance and Participation (AP)10%

Your AP grade is based on your coming to class prepared, your attendance, your active participation in class activities, and your collegiality (courtesy, cooperation, professionalism). You are allowed twounexcused absences. Each unexcused absence beyond this will result in a one-point deduction from your participation grade, up to the total of 10 points for participation. An absence may be excused if supported by documentation, such as a doctor’s note. Three late arrivals (10 mins. or more) will count as one absence.For more details, click “Attendance and Participation” on Canvas.See also:

Other Expectations:

KOR 3060 is a moderately difficult 3 credit class; plan to spend 6 to 9 hours outside class in preparation, homework, review, etc.

Cell phones should be turned off during class, and laptops kept off desks unless a class activity requires their use.

Written Quizzes (WQ)15%

Except for WQ1, which will be mostly dictation and translation, and WQ2, which will test your knowledge of the course syllabus, written quizzes will consist of simple sentence-building or translating tasks. WQ1 will be based on the first week’sReview Activities. WQs 3 to 10 will be based onany previous Grammar Review,the vocab and grammar points of the upcoming Textbook Lesson, and any supplemental vocabulary presented during the previous lesson.This means that for WQs 3~10, you must review the previous Grammar Review and preview the upcoming Textbook Lesson. Your lowest Written Quiz grade will be dropped.

Listening Quizzes (LQ)10%

Listening Quizzes are based on the current lessons, and consist of filling in blanks by correctly transcribing what you hear. They are designed to make you listen carefully and to pay attention to important details, such as particles and verb endings. You will complete these quizzes outside class directly on Canvas, and you may take each quiz three times up to the deadline. The highest grade will be recorded.

NOTE: A make-up quiz will be allowed only in the case of an excused absence, or if you receive permission in advance from the instructor.

Written Homework (HW)20%

At the beginning of class most Tuesdays, you will turn in a written assignment (with occasional recording assignments included) specified beforehand and posted on CANVAS. Written homework (HW) will be graded on a ten-point scale. To receive a perfect grade of 10, homework must be complete, contain no more than one to three very minor errors, be of high-quality content appropriate to your individual acquisition level, and be neat (handwriting itself will not affect the grade, but scratch-outs, messy paper, etc. will—presentation is important in Korean culture!). One point will be taken off for each day an assignment is late, and the Friday after the due date will be the last day to turn in a late assignment unless you have a documented excuse or you received permission in advance. You may resubmit up to 3 HW assignments for an upgrade. In this case, the original assignment must have a grade of 7 or more, andyou must resubmit the assignment within a week of receiving it back from the instructor.

Reading Reports (RR) 10%

Four times during the semester, you will turn in a Reading Portfolio based on your chosen selections from the provided Reading List (see Appendix B). These will be graded like HW.

  • For ReadingPortfolios 1 and 2, you will complete 3 or more points of reading and report. For Portfolio 3, you will complete 4 or more points, andfor Portfolio 4you will complete 5 or more points. See Appendix B for detailed instructions and for the point values associated with individual texts.

Do not wait until just before the portfolio is due to complete these reading and conversation study tasks. You should be working on them throughout, and parts of some HW assignments will be based on your ongoing individual reading tasks.

Oral Presentations (OP)5%

Oral Presentations areconversations or narratives that you compose, practice, and perform for the class. Special instructions will be provided for each OP beforehand on Canvas, or in class. At the beginning of class, you will submit your script to the instructor. You may use a cue sheet for longer presentations, but you must nonetheless deliver the presentation spoken, not read. If you have severe stage fright, you may arrange a private performance.

  • Evaluation will be made according to the following five categories for a maximum of 15 points: CONTENT; ACCURACY; COMMUNICATION; PRONUNCIATION and INTONATION; PREPARATION. Please see the rubric inAppendix A for details.
  • You may have your content checked for errors ahead of time. In fact, you are encouraged to do so in order to avoid memorizing and thus reinforcing incorrect language use.

NOTE: A make-up OP will be allowed only in the case of an excused absence, or if you receive permission in advance from the instructor.

Lesson Tests (LT)25%

There will be 4 Lesson Testsbased on the previous lessonsand any additional content used in class. LT5 will be based on all previous lessons.

NOTE: A make-up LT will be allowed only in the case of an excused absence, or if you receive permission in advance from the instructor.

Final Presentation/Performance (FP)5%

You will beassigned to a group, and your group will prepare a presentationto be given at the end of the semester. Format, content, and specific instructions will be supplied later in the course.

Grading Policy

Attendance and Participation (AP)10%

Written Quizzes(WQ)15%

Listening Quizzes(LQ)5%

Homework (HW)20%

Reading Portfolios(RP)10%

Oral Presentations(OP)5%

Lesson Tests(LT)25%

Final Presentation/Performance(FP)5%

Total 100%

Grading Scale

A94.00% and above









F59.99% and below

Tentative Schedule

1 / 8/22Introductions, Review Activities / 8/24 Review Activities*(RA)
WQ 1(Syllabus Quiz) on Canvas by Mon. 8/28
2 / 8/29RA/ WQ2 (Dictation based on RA dialogues);
HW 1 / 8/31Gram. Review 1: Speech Levels
LQ1on Canvas by Sun. 9/3
3 / 9/5Textbook Lesson 8.c1
WQ3(GR1;TL8.c1) / 9/7TL 8.c1 cont. / Grammar Review 2: Noun Modifying Endings
OP 1
4 / 9/12Textbook Lesson 8.c2
HW 3
WQ4(GR2; TL8.c2) / 9/14TL 8.c2 cont. / Review
LQ2 on Canvas by Sun. 9/17
5 / 9/19Lesson Test 1(GR 1,2; Textbook L8);RR 1 DUE: WED. 9/20 / 9/21Grammar Review 3: Direct and Indirect Quotation
6 / 9/26Textbook Lesson 9.c1
HW 4
WQ5(GR 3; TL9.c1) / 9/28TL 9.c1 cont.
OP 2
7 / 10/3Textbook Lesson9.c2
HW 5
WQ 6(TL9.c2) / 10/5TL 9.c2cont./ Review
8 / Fall Break (Complete LQ 3 on Canvas by Mon. 10/16)
9 / 10/17Lesson Test 2
(GR 3; Textbook L9) / 10/19Grammar Review 4: Passives and Causatives
10 / 10/24TextbookLesson 10.c1
WQ7(GR 4; TL10.c1) / 10/26TL 10.c1 continued
OP 3
RR 2 DUE: SAT. 10/28
11 / 10/31Textbook L10.c2
HW 7
WQ 8(TL10c.2) / 11/2TL10.c2 cont. / Review
LQ 4 on Canvas by Sun. 11/5
12 / 11/7Lesson Test 3
(GR 4; Textbook L10) / 11/9TextbookLesson 11.c1
13 / 11/14TL11.c1 cont.
OP 4 / 11/16Textbook Lesson 11.c2
WQ 10(TL 11.c2)
14 / 11/21TL 11.c2 cont. / Review
HW 9 (FP first draft) / 11/23 Thanksgiving
LQ 5 on Canvas by Mon. 11/27
15 / 11/28Lesson Test 4
(Textbook L14) / 11/30
16 / 12/5FP Rehearsals
HW 10 / 12/7
Perform Presentations
RR3 DUE: WED. 12/13
17 / Exam Week: Lesson Test 5(comprehensive)
Monday, Dec. 11, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

*Key: RA—Review Activity; GR – Grammar Review; TL – Textbook Lesson; c1,c2 – Conversation 1, Conversation 2; RP – Reading Portfolio. **Written Quizzes will also cover any supplementary vocabulary (추가 단어) introduced in a prior lesson.

Accommodations Policy

If you are in need of special accommodations, please refer to the university policy:

ADA Statement

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. (For more information, please see:

Faculty Responsibilities

All students are expected to maintain professional behavior in the classroom setting, according to the Student Code spelled out in the Student Handbook. Students have specific rights in the classroom as detailed in Article III of the Code. The Code also specifies proscribed conduct (Article XI) that involves cheating on tests, plagiarism, and/or collusion, as well as fraud, theft, etc. Students should read the Code carefully and know they are responsible for the content. According to Faculty Rules and Regulations, it is the faculty’s responsibility to enforce responsible classroom behaviors. This enforcement will begin with verbal warning, and if disorderly conduct continues, the student will be dismissed from class and receive a failing grade. Students have the right to appeal such action to the Student Behavior Committee.


Some students may find that material presented or discussed in this course conflicts with core religious or personal beliefs. Please review the entire syllabus well before the drop-add period ends. Please see the following link for further clarification of this policy:


According to the University of Utah Student Code, plagiarism is defined as “the intentional unacknowledged use or incorporation of any other person’s work in, or as a basis for, one’s own work offered for academic consideration or credit or for public presentation. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, representing as one’s own, without attribution, any other individual’s words, phrasing, ideas, sequence of ideas, information or any other mode or content of expression.” Any student found to have plagiarized material will be reported to the Student Behavior Committee and will automatically receive an “F” on the assignment in question.

Non-Contract Note

Please be aware: this syllabus is not a binding legal contract. The instructor may choose to add, omit, or change certain readings or requirements with advance notification.

Appendix A

ORAL PRESENTATIONS – Evaluation Rubric

Point designation: 1-poor 2-fair 3-good

Category / What it takes to get a 3
CONTENT / All requirements are followed (length, vocab and grammar use, etc.).
ACCURACY / All usage, grammar, and vocab is correct.
  • Speech is clear, loud enough, and fluent enough (shouldn’t be too fast) for the instructor and most of the class to understand.
  • Facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language are natural, and aid in the communication of your content.

PRONUNCIATION and INTONATION / Even if you don’t sound like a native speaker,
  • vowels and consonants are clearly distinguished.
  • intonation is accurate.

  • The OP is written or typed out neatly with your name(s) and the OP number on the sheet.
  • You are ready to present when called.
  • You have the content memorized, and your reliance on cues is nonexistent or barely noticeable.

Appendix B

Instructions for the Reading Report

Compose one report per unit according to the format below. A unit is a single very young children’s story, a short story, an essay, or a chapter of a book. If a book has no chapters, or the short story is especially long, you may create your own divisions, indicating them with page numbers.

  • If you have finished a long work by the time you turn in your portfolio, you may write one long report for the entire text instead of a separate report for each chapter (unit). For each reading report, copy the headings under “Format” below and fill out the report as indicated. Don’t forget to include your name and the report number, using the title 독서 보고 1, 독서 보고 2, etc.
  • Combine individual reports into one Word file when submitting your Reading Report.


  1. If your report is on a section of a book, please note the total number of pages in the book, and the number of pages you rea (not including extra material such as table of contents and author’s comments in the back, unless otherwise indicated) as follows: 통합 쪽수 [total pages]: ______내가 읽은 쪽수 [number of pages I read]:______Otherwise, skip to 2 below.
  2. 제목 [Title of the work and chapter title, if any.]:
  3. 저자 [Author’s name.]:
  4. 그림 [Illustrator’s name, if any.]:
  5. 옮긴이 [Translator’s name, if any.]:
  6. 새로 배운 단어/문법/표현 [A selection of new words/grammar/expressions you learned; at least 2 per point. E.g., a 3-point Reading Report should contain at least 6 new words/grammar/expressions. Please include any words from the title that are new to you.If you cannot find that many words, etc. that are new to you, you may list ones that you wish to practice more.]:
  7. 줄거리/내용 요약 [Summarize the content. Use 줄거리 for a story/novel, and 내용 for an essay.]:
  8. 내 소감 [Write a reaction. Did you like the text? Why or why not? What did it make you think about or feel? What did you find puzzling? How about the illustrations, if any? Etc.]:

Length requirement: Your Summary and Reaction sections (6 and 7 above) combined should contain no less than 100 words per point. So a 3-point Reading Portfolio should contain around 300 words total of summary and reaction combined. These do not need to be distributed evenly among units (you may make some longer than others), but write at least five sentences per summary or reaction.

(Appendix B continued)

Reading List with Point Values

You may read any book in the외국인을 위한 한국어 읽기reader series (Marriot Library Call Number: PL 914.4.0348 2013; location: Level 2 General Collection). These books contain stories from Korean history, folklore, literature, and essays on cultural topics. Each of these books is worth 5 points, but difficulty levels vary, and are usually indicated in the book, so choose ones that best suit your proficiency level.

The books in the list below are in the juvenile section on the 3rd floor of the Marriot Library. Points are assigned roughly according to word count, not usually according to difficulty. As with the books above, choose ones that best suit your proficiency level.

  • Note that some of the 0.5 point books have very little text. (e.g., 나의 엄마simply repeats the word “엄마.”) But these books can still be “read” for their illustrations, cultural context, and other details, which you should comment on in your written response. (For instance, the illustrations in one of the 0.5-point books don’t show anyone’s head. What might be the effect of this?)

저자 / 제목 / Marriot Library Permanent Call Number (all numbers below are preceded by JUVENILE) / KOREA 3060/70 point value
김장성 / 민들레는 민들레 / 895.7.K533mm 2014 / 0.5
최향랑 / 숲속 재봉사 / 391.4 C464su 2010 / 0.5
전선영 / 발걸음 / 391.413 C466pa 2013 / 0.5
강경수 / 나의 엄마 / 895.73 K596na 2016 / 0.5
신혜은 / 마음아 작아지지 마 / 152.4 S564ma 2010 / 1
권정생 / 오소리네 집 꽃밭 / 895.7 .K866os 1997 / 1
최숙희 / 너는 기적이야 / 895.7 C464no 2010 / 1
김한민 / 도롱뇽 꿈을 꿨다고? / 895.7 K436to 2014 / 1
백희나 / 달 샤베트 / 895.7 P345ts 2014 / 1
이호백 / 세상에서 제일 힘센 수탁 / 895.7 Y562se 1997 / 1
이상교 / 빈집 (please also read the last four pages of the book) / 895.7 Y574pj 2014 / 1
김성은 / 자꾸 샘이 나요 / 895.735 K5678cs 2010 / 1
백희나 / 구름빵 / 895.735 P345kp 2004 / 1
조은수 / 병하의 고민 / 362.4 C468py 2014 / 1
이형구 / 단군신화 (Korean history) / 398.09519 Y549tg 1995 / 1
이해인 / 누구라도 문구점 / 895.714 H235nu 2014 / 1
최순애 / 오빠 생각 (also read "숨은 이야기" at the end) / 895.735 C464op 2015 / 1
정연경 / 쿵! 중력은 즐거워 (science) / 895.735 C966ku 2015 / 1
조은수 / 그림 옷을 입은 집 / 895.735 C468ko 2002 / 1.5
고대영 / 집안 치우기 / 895.735 K683ch 2010 / 1.5
Sharmat, Mitchell. / 편식 대장 냠냠이 / 372.412 S5315py / 2
채인선 / 딸은 좋다 / 895.7 C434tt 2006 / 2
강풀 / 얼음 땡! / 895.7 K364or 2014 / 2
박경진 / 더 깊이 가보자 / 895.7 P355to 2007 / 2
김미혜 / 누렁이의 정월 대보름 / 895.735 K482ni / 2
한성옥 / 나의 사직동 (nonfiction) / 307.76 H367nu 2003 / 2
이욱재 / 탁한 공기, 이제 그만 / 363.73 Y583ta 2012 / 3
김영진 / 꿈공장을 지켜라! / 895.73 K965kk 2014 / 3
강풀 / 안녕 친구야 / 895.735 .K354ac 2013 / 3
홍성찬 / 토끼의 재판 / 895.735 H664tu 2012 / 3
채인선 / 내 짝궁 최영대 / 895.735 C434nt 1999 / 3.5
정채봉 / 오세암 1 (graphic novel) / 895.7 J864os 2003 / 4
정채봉 / 오세암 2 (graphic novel) / 895.7 J864se 2003 / 4
김홍모 / 내친구 마로 (graphic novel) / 895.7 K566mi 201 / 4
김형운 / 호박 속에서 자란 토끼 / 895.735 K565hp 2009 / 5
권혁토 / 세밀화로 본 꽃과 나비 (plants/animals) / 595.789 K966kk 2014 / 5
김장성 / 가슴 뭉클한 옛날 이야기 / 895.735 K563ks 2014 / 6
김지연 / 미운 아기 오리 뿡쉬 (graphic novel) / 895.7 K534mi 2015 / 6
박혜숙 / 말로만 사과쟁이 / 895.7 P354ma 2015 / 6
강숙인 / 꾸구를 조심해 / 895.735 K364kk 2011 / 8
강영환 / 집짓기 (Korean building history) / 720.9519 K364ch 1996 / 8
송언 / 내마음데로 학교 / 895.7 S664nm 2014 / 8
양승현 / 부끄러워도 괜찮아 / 895.7 Y364pu 2010 / 10
김중미 / 종이 밥 / 895.735 K348cp 2002 / 10
오승희 / 그림도둑 준모 / 895.735 O786kt 2003 / 10
이상권 / 애벌레가 애벌레를 먹어요 / 895.735 Y573ae 2002 / 10
임정진 / 나보다 작은 형 / 895.735 I434na 2001 / 10
유은실 / 멀쩡한 이유정 / 895.73 Y887mo 2008 / 10
김태호 / 네모 돼지 / 895.7 K834ne 2015 / 10
최규석 / 대한민국 원주민 (graphic novel) / 362.9519 C464ta 2008 / 12
최규석 / 울기엔 좀 애매한 (graphic novel) / 741.5 C464ul 2010 / 12
김금숙 / 아버지의 노래 (graphic novel) / 741.5 K557ab 2013 / 12
김려령 / 내 가슴에 해마가 산다 / 895.7 K59nk 2007 / 12
강정연 / 바빠 가족 / 895.735 K364pk 2006 / 12
김대조 / 말로 때리면 완돼! / 895.735 K585ml 2014 / 12
최양선 / 지도에 없는 마을 / 895.7 C5558ch 2012 / 13
남찬숙 / 괴상한 녀석 / 895.735 N363ko 2013 / 13
김옥 / 손바닥에 쓴 글씨 (historical novel) / 895.734 K5665so 2002 / 13
황선미 / 마당을 나온 암탉 / 895.735 H936ma 2000 / 14
이은정 / 소나기밥 공주 / 895.735 Y863so 2013 / 14
유은실 / 나의 린드그렌 선생님 / 895.735 Y886na 2013 / 14
송미경 / 돌 씹어 먹는 아이 / 895.7 S664to 2014 / 14
강정연 / 슬플 땐 매운 떡볶이 / 895.735 K364sp 2010 / 15
최석초 / 향기로 가득한 옛 그림 뜰 (Kor history and art) / 759.9519 C464hr 2009 / 15
최석초 / 이야기가 숨어 있는 옛 그림 숲 (Kor history and art) / 759.9519 C464ik 2009 / 15
최석초 / 재미로 북적이는 옛 그림 길 (Kor history and art) / 795.9519 C464cr 2009 / 15
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de / 어린 왕자 / 843.91 S137pe K6ki 1992 / 15
김수빈 / 여름이 반짝 / 895.735K782yo 2015 / 16
김리리 / 나의 달타냥 / 895.735 K774na 2013 / 17
한윤섭 / 봉주르 뚜르 / 895.7 H377po 2010 / 17
공진하 / 왔다갔다 우산 아저씨 / 895.735 K664wk 2004 / 18
최영희 / 첫 키스는 엘프와 / 895.73 C496ch 2014 / 18
공지희 / 영모가 사라졌다 / 895.73 K82yo 2003 / 18
최양선 / 몬스터 바이러스 도시 / 895.7 C555mo 2012 / 19
이영서 / 책과 노니는 집 / 895.735 Y596ch 2009 / 20
강응천 / 만주에서 만난 우리 역사 (Korean history) / 951.9 K364ma 2016 / 20
전성희 / 거짓말 학교 / 895.735 C474ko 2009 / 20
문서이 / 지엠오 아이 / 895.735 M867gi 2013 / 20
배유안 / 뺑덕 / 895.7 P349pp 2014 / 20
김려령 / 완득이 / 895.735 K796wa 2014 / 23
배미주 / 싱커 / 895.735 P346si 2010 / 25
유은실 / 변두리 / 895.74 P968py 2014 / 28
구영모 / 위저드 베이커리 / 895.735 K876wi 2009 / 30
최시한 / 모두 아름다운 아이들 / 895.734 C464mo 2008 / 30
김기정 / 해를 삼킨 아이들 (historical novel) / 895.735 K534ha 2013 / 31
김소연 / 굿바이 조선 (historical novel) / 895.74 K88ku 2016 / 33
김선영 / 시간을 파는 상점 / 895.7 K567si 2012 / 35
이경혜 / 어느날 내가 죽었습니다 / 895.735 Y559on 2004 / 35
구병모 / 방주로 오세요 / 895.7 K876pa 2012 / 40
김려령 / 우아한 거짓말 / 895.735 K796ua 2009 / 40
이금이 / 유진과 유진 / 895.735 Y558yk 2004 / 40
오문세 / 싸우는 소년 / 895.74 O686ss 2015 / 41
김중미 / 모두 깜언 / 895.735 K348mo 2015 / 45
최나미 / 진실 게임 / 895.73 C454ch 2012 / 45
박지리 / 맨홀 / 895.73 P337ma 2012 / 45
박은영 / 보리 어린이 식물 도감 (plants) / 580 P675 1999 / 1 per 3 entries
김진경 / 고양이 학교 (1~5권) / 895.835 K562ko 2001 / 13 per volume
최호철 / 을지로 순환선 / 741.5 C464us 2013 / 3 (+2 if you read and write about the intro)
various / 존재의 아우성 / 895.74 C5554 2015 / 4 pts. per story
Rowling, J.K. / 해리 포터와 … / 823.914 R8842hao K6ch / 40 per volume

Note: If there is a book not on these lists that you would like to read, you may lend it to your instructor to assign points. Please allow at least five working days for your instructor to return your book with the assigned points.