
[1]Hotel Novotel***

11-13, Grande rue

92310 Sèvres

Tel: + 33 1 46 23 20 00

Fax: + 33 1 46 23 02 32

Single or double room: 128 €

Breakfast buffet: 14 €


Please indicate our reference number when booking:

Contract 26783 - SC380708396

Hotel Radisson****

33, avenue Edouard Vaillant

92660 Boulogne–Billancourt Cedex

Tel.: + 33 1 46 08 85 00

Fax: + 33 1 46 08 87 29

Website: www.boulogne.radissonsas.com


Rates vary according to periods of shows and fairs

1Hotel Régina***

Place Marcel Sembat

92, boulevard de la République

92100 Boulogne

Tel: + 33 1 46 08 08 02

Fax:+ 33 1 46 08 27 16


Single room: 112 €

Double room: 119 €

Breakfast buffet: 12 €

1Hotel Select***

66, avenue du Général-Leclerc

92100 Boulogne

Tel: + 33 1 46 04 70 47

Fax: + 33 1 46 04 07 77


Single room: 85 €

Double room: 91 €

Breakfast buffet: 10 €

Further hotels in the neighbourhood

1Hotel Acropolis**

63, rue Thiers

92100 Boulogne

Tel: + 33 1 46 08 16 01

Fax: + 33 1 46 08 26 27

Website: http://www.acropolishotel.fr

Single or double room: 73 €

Breakfast: 5 €

1Hotel Alpha**

26, rue Emile Landrin

92100 Boulogne

Tel: + 33 1 46 05 80 51

Fax: + 33 1 46 05 17 33


Website: http://www.alphahotel92.com

Single room, shower 67 € or bath 85 € (breakfast included)
Double room, shower 85 € or bath 94 €(breakfast included)

1Hotel Balladins Superior**

251 Boulevard Jean Jaurès

92100 Boulogne

Tel: + 33 1 46 21 33 46

Fax: + 33 1 46 21 72 21


Website: http://www.balladins-boulogne.com

Double room, shower 58 € or bath 68 €, breakfast included

Please note that the BIPM is in no case liable for hotel reservation.

In case of “no show” the visitor will be charged for it.


[1] To guarantee that you are granted a discounted rate, you should advise the concerned hotel that you come on behalf of the BIPM