Unit Title: / Design User Interfaces for Interactive Media Products
Unit Level: / Four
Unit Credit Value: / 9
GLH: / 45
AIM Awards Unit Code: / KA2/4/EA/010
Unique Reference Number: / L/504/5963

This unit has 5 learning outcomes

The learner will: / The learner can:
  1. Understand key information relating to designing user interfaces for interactive media products
/ 1.1.Describe key principles of interactive design
1.2.Summarise key principles of design in relation to:
(a)Overall interactive products
(b)Component disciplines and interaction design
1.3.Explain how sound, animation and other devices can be used to give users feedback on their interactions
  1. Understand standards, legislation and guidelines relating to designing user interfaces for interactive media products
/ 2.1.Summarise key aspects of standards and conventions relating to user-interface design
2.2.Evaluate usability and accessibility issues relating to graphical and audio interface components
2.3.Apply accessibility guidelines to comply with legislation when designing user interfaces for interactive media products
  1. Be able to create designs for user interfaces for interactive media products
/ 3.1.Define the specification of interactive media products
3.2.Define the expectations and requirements of target users of interactive media products
3.3.Analyse the impact of technical parameters on own work
3.4.Summarise the technical processes that will be used to realise own designs
3.5.Use the results of user testing and other data analysis to inform the interactive design decisions
3.6.Work within specified guidelines, parameters and constraints relation to the target platform and media for products
3.7.Devise end user features to facilitate the use of products
3.8.Agree the visual style and interactive character of products
3.9.Devise prototype interfaces and environments that are easy to use and fit for purpose
  1. Be able to agree designs for user interfaces for interactive media products
/ 4.1.Liaise with colleagues to confirm that own prototype designs can be implemented within available resources and project parameters
4.2.Liaise with colleagues to obtain approval for own designs
  1. Be able to deliver designs for user interfaces for interactive media products ready for implementation by others
/ 5.1.Provide own prototype designs in formats that can be easily implemented
5.2.Create suitable colour palettes for graphical interface assets
5.3.Specify where and when additional assets should be incorporated into the interface
5.4.Select additional assets as appropriate for own prototype designs
5.5.Provide information to enable others to implement own prototype designs

Assessment information

Specific Requirements for Assessment and delivery of this unit.

Assessment AND DELIVERY information

Centre devised assessment tasks should be approved by the internal verifier for the course before delivery takes place in order to ensure the assessment is fit for purpose and meets the standards required.

Unit Summary

In this unit, learners will create, agree and deliver designs for user interfaces for interactive media products. They will also gain an understanding of the standards, legislation and guidelines relating to designing user interfaces for interactive media products.

Delivery Requirements/Recommendations

Assessment tasks will be devised to meet the needs of the learning group and to cover all the criteria.

Owner: / Pearson
Unit Grading Structure / PASS
SectorSubject Areas (SSA) / 9.3 Media and Communication
Unit Review Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / 31/07/2019
Availability for Use / Shared
Restricted organisations / N/A
Assessment Guidance / N/A
Equivalences / N/A


Version 1 – July 2013

AIM Awards