Meeting attended by20 members; attendance record is held on file for record.

Apologies for absence were received from: Ms Carys Williams, Ms Laura Park, R Lawford, A Dean and Ms Gill More

1 Minutes of AGM on 21sthMarch 2016;

1.1The Secretary confirmed that the minutes had been displayed at the allotment, and publically circulated. The minutes were proposed, seconded and adopted as a true record of events by the membership subject to the following items.

2Matters Arising from previous meeting of 21st March 2016;

2.1item 4.2 JW noted that she had suggested a discussion of the advantages/disadvantages of a dog ban rather than proposing a ban.

3Officer Reports;

3.1Chairman’s Report – John Ingham;

“This report concludes my sixth year as Chair and a summary is as follows: -

The Chair confirmed that it gave him great pleasure to confirm that Les Jones had agreed to being made an Honorary Member. He noted that Les had unselfishly supported the Society over his membership period and was a justifiable recipient of the accolade.

The Chair on behalf of the members congratulated John Evans for his achievements at Shrewsbury Flower Show.

The Chair informed the membership that the winner of the Shrewsbury Town of Flowers ‘Allotment Competition’ best ‘Newcomers’ plot was awarded to Diane Davis. Mr Martin Lewis (Plot 3) was highly commended by the judges.

The winners of the SLAS ‘best kept garden’ Competitions was

(i)Best Newcomer Jessica Wake Plot 20B)

(ii)Best kept garden was awarded to Diane Davis (Plot 19B), with Martin Lewis (Plot 3) in second place scoring one point less that Diane Davis.

The Chair reported that once again the Beer, Buns and Barbeque social gathering had been a great success. He thanked Committee members for their participation and members for their attendance.

The chair requested volunteers for the mowing rota, informing all present that training on either of the two on site lawn mowers would be given (as in accordance with SLAS Health & Safety Guidelines).

The Chair thanked the members of the Committee for their support throughout the year.

The Chair reiterated the importance of Site Security to all members.

Thanks also went to:

  • The Treasurer, Terry Edwards and our Secretary, Mr Steve Gillian, for their excellent work throughout their tenure of the posts.
  • To Mrs Jane Hallsworth for her management of the Sutton Lane Allotment Society Web Site.

The Chair concluded that he had enjoyed inaugurating the ‘social membership’ category of membership, closely followed by Liz Lowe.

3.2Treasurer’s Report – Terry Edwards;

3.2.1TE confirmed that the circulated ‘Accounts’, checked by Mr R Lea, were a true record of the SLAS finances. Terry summarised the following key points to note:

  • The figures indicate a balance of £2047.95 compared with £2015.70. for the previous year and a surplus of £550.69 compared with £176.03 p for the previous years. TE noted that the main reasons for the variations were due to improved insurance costs.
  • Expenditure during 2017-18 is likely to be similar to 2016-17although adequate the reserves would be stretched should there be any ad hoc expenditure of an unusual nature, i.e. further wind or malicious damage to buildings etc.

3.2.2No questions were received from the floor regarding the 2016-17 accounts. SG proposed the accounts be accepted as presented (seconded by JI); proposal was unanimously agreed.

3.2.3JE proposed that the subscription rate for 2016-17 should be £10.00/member. The meeting discussed anticipated costs for 2016/17 and the limited scope of reserves and approved the membership fee at £10.00p

3.2.4TE advised that he anticipated STC rents for 2016-17 would be slightly raised to the 2015-16; levels, eg. £43.85 per full plot / £13.20 for a half plot with a concession. Rent requests would be emailed / posted soon during March/April.

3.2.5Terry thanked Rob Lea for authenticating and signing the accounts.

3.3Secretary’s Report – Steve Gillian;

3.3.1SG advised the meeting that the committee had met 6 no. times during the year, had undertaken 2plot inspections and 2 no health and safety inspections.

3.3.2Membership – currently stands at 72 members including Honorary and social members, with a waiting list of 6 people.

3.3.3No motions for consideration by the members at the AGM had been received in advance of the meeting.

3.3.4No questions to the secretary were raised from the floor.

4.Amendments to Constitution/Rules proposed by Committee;

4.1.1Honorary and Social membership –Following the approval in principle to Honorary and Social membership categories clause 6. g of the Constitution and Rules SG drew the meetings attention to the proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules concerning this change, The meeting considered the proposal and concluded that the definitions would be better included as an appendix to the C+R, with the C+R document making simple reference to the categories.The question of joint membership was raised but no conclusions reached as to the benefits or disadvantages of this potential definition or category.

It was agreed by a majority of 16 to 2 with 2 abstentions that the management committee adjust the C+R document with a suitably reworded clause 6 g and bring to the attention of the membership at the 2018 AGM.

4.1.2Bonfires clause 12.para 13 The MC had considered the relaxation of the restriction on the Society arising from the Sutton Lane housing development that bonfires should be prohibited. The MC concluded that within certain guidelines the Society could permit the setting of bonfires for the disposal of suitable waste that was otherwise non compostable. As a result a draft of the proposed amendment to the C+R had been posted, appendix C.

The meeting reviewed the proposals and concluded that the rule text should be simplified to a simple statement of approval and incorporate a separate guidance document outside of the C+R document. This guidance would be managed by the MC as part of their general management of Society matters.

It was agreed that the clause be suitably adjusted for presentation at the 2018 AGM for information along with any supporting ‘bonfire policy’ documentation.

Motions from the Floor

4.2.1Joint tenancy – John Ingham noted that this proposal had been withdrawn by its proposers prior to the meeting.

4.2.2Food Hub Support – Nicola Craddock introduced the potential for the Society to support a local initiative to channel excess production of vegetables to the needy via collection system located on the Society site. NC explained that the proposal would invite members to deposit any excess production into a collection box for onward transmission to the Food Hub.

It was noted that the donations would be voluntary, discussions concerning ‘volunteer’ collectors of produce from individuals plots was deemed to be problematic with opportunities for unsolicited collection or confusion.

Members raised the question of food standards hygiene and were assured that the Society would not be held responsible for any food quality issues as these were underwritten by the Food Hub.

The membership approved the proposal in principle and agreed that NC and SG liaise to refine the details of collection, communication etc. with the membership.

5.Election of Officers and Committee

5.1.1SG noted that nominations for Chair, Hon Treasurer and Hon Sec. had been received as follows:

  • John Ingham had been nominated for chairman by Steve Gillian and seconded by John Evans
  • Terry Edwards had been nominated for treasurer by Liz Lowe and seconded by John Ingham.
  • Steve Gillian had been nominated for secretary by John Ingham and seconded Ron Milner

The above noted nominations were put to the vote and unanimously approved.

5.1.2SG advised that the current committee members had expressed their willingness to remain on the management committee.The membership present confirmed that their membership of the committee for 2017-18 would be; Mark Pugh, Liz Lowe, Ron Milner, Steve Bowen, Di Davis, John Evans.

5.1.3John Ingham raised the question of management committee size noting that it would be beneficial for the good governance of the Society if the committee was not limited to the current 3+5 membership rule, clause 3.a. He noted that whilst the committee had the powers to co-opt it would helpful to have a larger committee to enlarge its range of views on any given topic. The membership considered that the management committee review the proposal in more detail and take it to the 2018 AGM for consideration and or approval.

6.Any other business relevant to an AGM

6.1Rule 12 para 16 – John Ingham reflected on the on-going debate of members concerning the frequency and extent of animal faeces found on the site during the preceding year which had culminated in much discussion by the MC and the imposition of a temporary ban on bringing dogs to site. It was noted that research concluded throughout the year had indicated that the problem was not necessarily a canine problem as feline faeces had been identified.

After a broad discussion John Ingham proposed, seconded by Di Davis, a total ban on members bringing dogs to site. The vote taken was 7/13 against the proposal and the motion failed. This resulted in the current restriction on members remaining unaltered. No alternative proposals were raised.

6.2John Evans advised the membership that all the digital padlocks had been serviced for the forthcoming year. He requested that ,members do not use oil to ease any locks that may appear to be sticking as this risks the agglomeration of debris on the tumblers resulting in poor performance and the possible invalidation of the warranty that comes with the locks. Should a lock prove to be problematic then members should advise him to enable remedial action to be taken.

7. John Ingham closed the meeting; with his thanks to participating members.

The date for the AGM in 2018 to be agreed and advised to members early in January 2018.

Endorsed; ……………………………………………. at the AGM on16.03.2018

Chairman John Ingham

Minutes of SLAS AGM 16th March 2017Page 1 of 3