1.Read the following text using a dictionary if necessary.

The Civil War in the USA (1861- 1865)

Tension between anti-slavery and pro-slavery, North and South, party lines grew and threatened the Union.

The Republican Party in 1860 was a northern rather than a mere antislavery party. Abraham Lincoln was nominated as the only candidate. In December, 1860, as Lincoln's election was certain, South Carolina formally seceded from the Union and declared herself am independent nation. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, andTexas followed her lead in January, 1861. On February 8, congress of their delegates formed the Confederate States of America, with a constitution differing from that of the United States in stressing states' rights and making slavery the corner-stone. The next day Jefferson Davis was chosen president of the Confederacy. On March 4, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated president of the United States.

Few would face the facts and admit that Union could only be restored by force. For the Confederates would have no more union with the North at any price.

In early April, 1861, the Civil War began. There were two necessary roads to victory: constricting the South by blockade, and defeating the Southern armies. Until the end of 1862, Lincoln shared the belief of his people that the capture of Richmond, the Confederate capital, would end the war.

In April, 1862, the Northern army began to move on Richmond by the YorktownPeninsula. Napoleon III was urging the British cabinet to join intervention. Euro-' pean liberals and the British working men stood stoutly for the abolition of slavery.

(Morison Samuel Eliot. An Hour of American History)

2. Find sentences with the following words and phrases and translate them into Russian:

tension, anti-slavery, pro-slavery, to be nominated, to secede, to make slavery corner-stone, to be chosen presi dent, to face the facts, to be restored by force, at any price, to share the belief of, to urge, to join interven-tion, to stand stoutly, abolition of slavery.

3. Match the words of similar meaning:

to secede to appoint

to inaugurate to separate itself from

the corner-stone to press

to constrict the foundation

to urge liquidation

abolition to insist

4. Find answers to the following questions in the text:

1) Who was nominated as the only candidate of the Republican Party in 1860?

2) What state seceded from the Union as Lincoln's election was certain?

3) What other states followed South Carolina's lead?

4) When did it happen?

5) What was formed on February 8,1861?

6) Who was chosen president of the Confederacy?

7) When was A. Lincoln inaugurated president of the USA?

8) When did the Civil War in the USA begin?

9) Who urged the British cabinet to join intervention?

10) Who stood stoutly for the abolition of slavery?

Grammatical test.

  1. Use article "to" where necessary to complete the sentences.

1. Our teacher wants us ___speak English fluently.

2. They let us____use dictionaries during the exam.

3. Her parents wouldn't allow her____miss her classes.

4. The teacher asked Kate read the text once more with the right intonation.

5. He was not allowed____drive a car.

6. Did you hear Lena____speak English with Americans?

7. Will you let me____go to the cinema?

8. I'd like you____be more serious and attentive.

9. We didn't expect him___ make off with the money.

10. We would like them_____make up for their bad behaviour.

  1. Open the brackets in if/when clauses.

1. I can tell Jim about it if I (to see) him.

2. If I (to get) any news, I (to find) you.

3. Hurry up! If you (not to catch) a taxi, you (not to meet) them at the station.

4. Call for an ambulance, if you (not to feel) better.

5. Your parents (to worry), if you (not to phone) them.

  1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in

the same line.

1. This site uses a______way DIFFER

of searching the Internet.

2. We need a new department of______GOVERN

to direct our work.

3. He always sounds more______CONFIDENCE

than he feels.

4. You can't be a teacher - you are very______PATIENCE (neg.)

  1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1. We will know their______next week. DECIDE

2. His life is very______at times. STRESS

3. Clothes can tell the world about our______. PERSON

4. Some people______in the supernatural. BELIEVE

5. Cars cause a lot of______. POLLUTE