Minutes of meeting held on 3 November 2014




Paul Bradshaw [Chairman], Sarah Thomas [Captain], Christine Hughes [Membership Secretary], Maurice Blount [Joint Treasurer], Holly Powell [Joint Treasurer], Simon Spiller [Elected Committee member], Martin Lunn [Elected Committee member], Craig Willetts [Junior Representative], Jon Hine [VP], Laura Starrs [Elected Committee member &Safety Adviser], Carl Morgan [VP] Mary Yee [Communications Officer], Roy Nicolls [VP & Trustee], Dawn Brace [Secretary],


Gary Brace [President], Susan Street [VP], Andy Janssens [VP]

1.  Minutes of last meeting (14 October 2014)

·  Proposed JH/seconded LS

2. Actions from previous Committee meetings

Action / Last Update /
Landing stage - A report would be made available for the August meeting. The GMC agreed quotes should be sought. / Roy to chase Russell for insulation quotes
Jon Hine to get ball park costs for gabions
Management of land upstream of the club on the club side- President and Captain to report back following discussion with CCC / Letter received from Cardiff County Council.CCC to draw up agreement for LRC review. Letter awaited.
Bay Racking / The Chairman sent a letter to Welsh Rowing on the future of Channel View. No response received.
President to write to Geoff Lewis family formally apologising for the catering issue / Completed.
Letter to go to the Lewis family re proposed award – Action: Hon Sec

3. House Committee

·  SSp explained that the new bar manager Jim Meah had been appointed and introduced him to the GMC. CH would be his line manager and any issues directed by SSp through the House Ctee. His focus would initially be on the cellar, kitchen, bar and tills.

Action: CH to liaise with GB re license

·  Timers on lights had been adjusted, stairs painted

·  Disabled action plan required. Captain seeking advice from WR.

Action: Captain to keep GMC informed regarding progress on disability issues

·  Comms note required to explain to members the club is under new management, changes are likely to be made, feel free to share your ideas with the new manager but queries should be directed to the House Ctee.

Action: Chair to draft for Mary to put out [done]

Action: signage to be addressed (House Ctee)

4. Fundraising Committee

·  The Duck race raised £483

·  P&C was smaller this year but had still made £4,600

·  Oktoberfest raised £100 with only half of the expected attendees. Lessons on timing would be learned for future events.

Action: Captain to invite Fundraising Chair/Sec to attend or send a summary note to future GMCs.

5. Chair’s Report

The chair started a debate on how the club could get more people to volunteer given the huge amount of work that need doing. Jobs days, volunteer of the year award, being thanked, and empowerment were all discussed.

·  Action: CH to compile a list of ‘talents’ from membership forms

·  Action: ‘jobs days’ to be planned in the better weather with eg BBQ for those who contribute their time. A coordinator would need to be found however.

·  Action captain and SSp to ensure Rowing and House Ctees come up with 3 or 4 jobs each that need doing. These would be5taken to the comms evening.

·  Actions: swap position of noticeboards to make them more noticeable - House Ctee


Action: Secretary to ensure the governance/committee structure (currently in practice) is passed to the Constitution group and published on the members section of the website.

Action: ALL sub-Committees to put their minutes on the website (and these to be circulated to GMC to note).

6. Captains report/Rowing Committee

·  Two ladies crew wins at Gloucester (IM2 1x, IM34+)

·  Fours head results were IM1 4x 29/29, J 4x 22/41, WJ 4x 15/28, IM1 4+ 15/17.

·  4 juniors had been to WR erg trials and would be in the spring J16 rowing assessments

·  Losing both Dan and Sam before Christmas – GMC approved an advert to replace 25 coaching hours

·  Rowing committee planning action to deal with an issue discussed at October GMC on damaged equipment and poor handling.

·  Blake and Mike from Cardiff Met supporting sessions in strength and conditioning at no cost. Both CRB checked

·  WR website had gone live and Captain wanted LRC to have substantial presence on it.

·  WR AGM had not been quorate and captain encouraged members to attend

Action: Captain to check insurance re Blake/Mike

Action: President to respond to masters meeting

7. Treasurer’s Report (summary)

·  Maurice convened a finance committee 23/10/14, and circulated its minutes

Action: Mary to put minutes on the web

·  Asset review. GMC approved up to £200 for a professional valuation of the fleet. There was a lack of clarity on the sale value, refurb/resale value, replacement value, insurance value of the fleet and this needed sorting before decisions on what to do with the fleet could be taken.

Action: Treasurers to action valuation and Rowing ctee to respond to asset review of the fleet

·  Reserves. GMC approved the recommended reserves policy of 2 month turnover leaving us c£40k.

Action: Club manager targets to be clarified - increase takings by £13k but cut costs by 5% - house ctee to explore.

·  Stocktake 2/11, again in one month and a further 3 months. This would provide a baseline of information for the club and protection for Jim Meah. The club would be given advice on stock rotation, profit margins. GMC agreed to quarterly stock takes at least during Jim’s first year.

·  VAT – there are inconsistencies in our administration and GMC agreed a professional view should be taken

Action: Treasurers to action on VAT advice

·  Utility bills had gone down

Action: Chair to update MB on the settlement re our electricity bill

8. Communications Report

·  Aiming to promote LRC via WR newsletter and WR Events Cttee

·  Fox Petersen had been awarded sponsorship by Elite Fitness which would mean publicity on Wales Online

·  A postgrad journalist had been in contact keen to promote and write about LRC (and other in Cardiff) events and achievements

·  There were continuing discussions re the domain name.

Action: Chair to meet with Mary and Hywel to bring this to a conclusion on a) domain name and b) editing website

Action: Chair to plan a comms evening for end Nov including explanations from sub-ctees on what they do and how people could help

9. Safety report

·  To do list being drawn up

·  First aiders to be increased

·  Equipment including launches to be examined

Action: LS to clarify m’ship of Bay Users group with LC during handover

Action: Rowing Ctee to respond to findings of safety review of equipment

Action: One trip hazard had been identified in the gym (carpet) would be dealt with by House Ctee.

10. Membership report

·  One request for refund due to extenuating circumstances was unanimously refused

·  The GMC approve honoraria for both joint treasurers due to the size of the job

·  Members would need photo ID now we had a new bar manager (for members prices at the bar)

Action: CH to investigate suitable card/pass. Members would collect from the club not incur postage.

·  5 new membership applications were approved:

David Mathias Full

Biju Mohammed Full

Edward Hart Junior

Carolyn Hart Parent/social

Siwan McAdams Family

Gwilym McAdams Family

John McAdams Parent/social

11. AOB

Due to a mistake on the captain’s Board, dates for tenure of previous captains should be checked

Action: DB to contact SSt

[correct dates since provided to Chair/President]

President had circulated a draft remit for the constitution group

Actions: comments to be sent directly to GB to enable a revised ToR to be developed.

[nothing received by end November]

Although the lost sculling shed key had been found, a combination lock would be fitted by House Ctee and the combination to that lock issue to members with boats in the private shed upon payment of racking fees.

Action: Craig Willetts

Mrs Lever has passed ownership of Jeff Lever’s 1x to the club

Action: Chair to formally write and thank her

ML raised an issue about life membership. GMC agreed there had been a misunderstanding.

Action: DB to contact SSt re August minutes to clarify

[confirmed misunderstanding of minutes – the club had no intention of banning life membership]

12. Next meeting Monday 8 December, 7:30pm [moved from 1 December]

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