Zonta Club of Cumberland County

President’s Report


P.O. Box 2254

Vineland, New Jersey 08362

September’s meeting was held at Larry’s II Restaurant in Vineland. President, Carol Iaconelli reported that she attended a District III meeting and Picnic at Irma Dillon’s home in Baltimore in August and was pleased to receive a commendation because our club was the most active club in the district with regard to our activities and fundraisers. Donna Vertolli was appointed chairperson for International Affairs; Rosalie forcinito, Vice-Pres. is our Hospitality Chairperson. Grace Loyle, although no longer a member has graciously consented to our having our Christmas Party/Auction at Loyle Lanes again in December. Our Silpada Jewelry fundraising sale is scheduled for our November meeting. We confirmed our meeting schedule and speakers for the rest of the year, including our annual Easter Candy sale; Easter Basket meeting at the Shirley Eves Development Center on March 1st, where we prepare approximately 150 Easter Baskets for the children being treated at that facility; Dotty Marketto, the founder of OMIE’s Home for Orphans in India will speak at our May meeting in compliance with our responsibility concerning International Aide; Plans were begun for our fundraising trip to Lancaster, Pa.; Discussion was commenced regarding our annual yard sale in June. President Iaconelli reported that one of the students at Cumberland County College, a young woman who came out of the workforce and is living in a shelter, is in dire need of funds for text books. Upon motion duly made and seconded, we took $100.00 from our treasury to purchase books for her. All members were encouraged to seek recruits.

October’s meeting was held at Cosmopolitan Restaurant in Vineland. Maryann Gibbons, a board certified Physician’s Assistant, who has worked in various fields of women’s health, including rheumatology and family practice, was our guest speaker. She was a former member of Zonta. She has worked at the Coast Guard base and with Atlantic Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and also Unicity Corp. She spoke to us about general issues concerning women’s health and the importance of utilizing natural health products and completing annual check-ups, especially pap tests and mammograms. Carol read a thank-you note from the young woman who was the recipient of the books we paid for at Cumberland County College. Barbara Sheftall read a lovely card from Elvera Babenko, to whom we awarded a scholarship. Fran Andolaro distributed the “Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends” coupons which cost $5.00 each, with all proceeds benefiting our club. Carol read Jill Lombardo’s request from Holly City Family Center for slightly used or new coats, which are to be brought to our next meeting. Margaret Ricci, our senior member and accomplished artist reminded everyone that there is an open house at her studio and several other art studios in Millville and Vineland on October 10th.

November’s meeting was our annual Silpada Jewelry demonstration and sale held at Fazzolari’s restaurant in Buena, N.J. Debbie Carter, the dealer, did a fine job and we had several guests who made purchases, all of which benefited our scholarship fund.

December’s meeting was our annual Holiday Party/Auction, which was held at Loyle Lanes. The room was beautifully decorated and everyone brought a covered dish or beverages. A letter was read from Debbie Carter of Silpada which indicated that our club earned $843.00 profit from sales. Plans were made for our January meeting which features Janice Blackburn, a pilot with Spirit Airlines, in addition to Paul Navone, a local philanthropist, who recently donated one million dollars to Cumberland County College. He will speak to us about Amelia Earhart. Several guests were introduced and made welcome with the hope that they will join our club. Our wonderful Emilie Davis donated $500.00 for one of Margaret Ricci’s original paintings and an ornament. We appear to have made close to $1,000.00 from the auction. Funds will go to our scholarship funds, Shirley Eves Development Center, Omie’s Home for Children, etc.

January’s meeting was held at the Millville Army Airport Museum in memory of Amelia Earhart. Treasurer, Dorothy Zila, confirmed that we made $843.00 from Silpada Jewelry Sales and $1,014.00 from our Christmas Auction fundraisers. Emilie Davis reiterated that we are able to keep 25% of any money we make from the Easter Candy sales and we decided to do it again. Our member, Donna Vertolli, who is a board member of the Millville Army Airport Museum then introduced her husband, Jim who is also a board member. Together they have been very instrumental in the Museum’s growth and prosperity. Member, Fran Lawrence’s husband Dave, who was an engineer at the FAA Tech Center was also in attendance because of his interest in the Museum, aeronautics and our guest speakers, Janice Blackburn and Paul Navone. Janice is an airline pilot for Spirit Airlines and flies out of Atlantic City Airport. She has flown as a pilot for commercial, passenger and cargo aircraft, having first flown in a plane at the age of 14. Her first flying lesson occurred when she was 18 years of age, at which time she became a member of the Burlington Aero Club. She is a member of the Garden State 99’s, which originated with 20 women who participated in an air race from Oakland, California to Cleveland, Ohio in 1929 and became known as the “Powder Puff Derby”. Following that, Amelia Earhart and another 116 women pilots started a group of women pilots whose love of flying became legendary. Ms. Blackburn flew in her first “Powder-Puff Derby in 1976. Following her talk Paul Navone, a local philanthropist, was introduced. He brought with him a rare limited first edition of Amelia Earhart’s book, “20 HOURS, 40 MINUTES – OUR FLIGHT IN THE FRIENDSHIP – THE TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT FROM BOSTON TO WALES”, which was printed in 1928. The book was passed around among our members for examination.

February’s meeting was held at Larry’s II Restaurant. Plans were continued for our bus trip and dinner theater fundraiser in April. Emilie Davis confirmed that Al’s Candy will again give us 25% of the amount realized for the candy sale. We have decided to award one scholarship to a Vineland High Student and 2 scholarships to Cumberland County College women. Members were reminded that the March 1st meeting will be at the Shirley Eves Development Center, continuing our tradition of making Easter baskets for the children. Member, Nikki Gazzara’s, family will prepare and deliver our dinner for us. President, Carol Iaconnelli, introduced our guest speaker, Megan Hart St. Dennis, Adjunct Faculty Coordinator at Cumberland County College, who spoke to us on the topic of “Violence Against Women”. She drew on her personal experience as well as an organization in which she is involved, i.e., DASH, which is an acronym for Domestic Abuse Stops Here. She chairs a conference annually at Cumberland County College to familiarize young women with the resources available to them in order to deal with abusive relationships. We received brochures containing facts on Domestic, dating and sexual violence, including resources and agencies that are available to aide victims.

March’s meeting was held at Shirley Eves Development Center in Millville, New Jersey, where we produced 130 Easter baskets for the children who are treated at that facility. Treasurer reported that we had $2,559.64 in our treasury and that she had made out checks to Amelia Earhart Fund and Omie’s Home for Children. Member, Dorothy Radig, suggested that we make a scholarship available this year to a student seeking to enroll in the Criminal Justice Program at Cumberland County College. The Lancaster trip and dinner theater was finalized. Member, Pat LeBonne agreed to obtain a guest speaker on Gardening for our April 5th meeting. Dolly Marciano’s sister, Josie Neill, expressed a desire to become a member of our club. Our yard sale cannot be held at Loyle Lanes this year because of a devastating fire that leveled the bowling alley. Other sites are being investigated by Carol Iaconelli and Donna Vertolli. All Easter Candy orders were given to Emilie Davis for transport to Al’s Candy.

April’s meeting was held at Big Apple Restaurant on Harding Highway, Buena, N.J. Discussions continued regarding our yard sale which is scheduled on June 5th at Donna Vertolli’s husband’s business on Burns Avenue, behind the Cumberland County Mall, which is a great location. Maryanne Tamagni and Rosalie Forcinito will present the scholarships this year. Two of the scholarships are going to the Criminal Justice program to two returning women students. Emilie stated that she is going to give another scholarship in memory of her daughter, Nancy. It will be presented to a Vineland High School graduate. Guest speaker was Nancy Walsh, who has a degree in Ornamental Horticulture and is President of Countryside Garden Club. She stressed the benefits of using all natural composts from using skins and peels and left-over vegetables from our own kitchens. She gave us many tips and useful information concerning watering, fertilizing and buying plants that will grow and thrive in Zone 6, which is where we live. She distributed a brochure which contained ideas for creating lower maintenance gardens, which plants are annuals or perennials and plants that spread rapidly.

May’s meeting was held at Larry’s II Restaurant in Vineland. Secretary, Sandi Ferrara is in California. Minutes will be provided by Rosalie Forcinito. The trip to Lancaster, Pa., unfortunately did not prove fruitful as all seats were not sold.

June’s meeting, which was to have been a barbecue at Carol Iaconelli’s home, was cancelled as a result of many members being unavailable and also because of inclement weather.

No meetings of Zonta Club of Cumberland County are held in July and August.

Submitted by,

Carol Iaconelli

President, Zonta Club of Cumberland County

District 3 Fall Conference

October 1-3, 2010, Atlantic City, New Jersey