Art, Architecture and Design Short Courses


Contact details

Family Name / Title / Date of Birth
First Name
Mailing Address
Telephone / ( ) / Mobile
Fax / ( )
Course / Duration / Date / Time / Venue / Price / **ü
Introduction to Illustration – Character Development / 6 x 2.5hr weekly sessions / 29th Apr 2014 to 3rd June 2014 / Tues 4pm – 6.30pm / School of Art, Architecture and Design.
Dorrit Black Building
City West Campus
Campus Map
School of Art, Architecture and Design.
Dorrit Black Building
City West Campus
Campus Map
School of Art, Architecture and Design.
Dorrit Black Building
City West Campus
Campus Map / $400*
Introduction to Illustration - Creative thinking through Drawing / 3 x 4hr weekly sessions / 8th Jul to 22nd Jul 2014 / Tues 4pm – 8pm / $350*
Introduction to Illustration - Drawing for Animation. / 4 x 3hr sessions
Over 2 weeks / 23rd Sept
25th Sept
30th Sept
2nd Oct 2014 / Tues 4pm – 8pm
Thurs 4pm – 8pm / $350*
Introduction to Drawing for Illustration. / 6 x 3hr weekly sessions / 29th Apr 2014 to 3rd June 2014 / Thur 4pm – 7pm / $450*
Introduction to Illustration- Storyboarding for Graphic Novels and Comics / 4 x 3hr weekly sessions / 8th Jul to 22nd Jul 2014 / Tues 4pm – 8pm / $350*
Introduction to Portrait Drawing / 4 x 3hr sessions
Over 2 weeks / 15th Jul
17th Jul
22nd Jul
24th Jul 2014 / Tues 6pm – 9pm
Thurs 6pm – 9pm / $400
Sandblasting onto Glass: Image and Pattern Making / 1 x Half day workshop / 19th July 2014
18th Oct 2014 / Sat 10am to 3pm / $200 /
Ceramic Wheel Throwing Workshop / 6 x 3hr weekly sessions / 29th Apr to 3rd June 2014
3rd Sept to 8th Oct 2014 / Tues 6pm to 9pm / $400 /
“The Cup” Ceramic Workshop / 1 x Half day workshop / 19th July 2014
11th Oct 2014 / Sat 10am to 3pm / $200 /
Glass Casting Workshop / 1 x Half day workshop / 12th July 2014
11th Oct 2014 / Sat 10am to 3pm / $200 /
Ceramic Hand building Workshop / 1 x Half day workshop / 12th July 2014
18th Oct 2014 / Sat 10am to 3pm / $200 /

*Student discounts offered on these courses. Please contact for further information.

**please tick the appropriate box to highlight your course preference.

What best describes you? (Please tick)

□ Current high school teacher

□ Current UniSA staff member

□ Current High School student

□ Current UniSA student

□ Current University student

□ International Student

□ Other (please specify) ______

Refund Policy

No refunds can be given unless written notice is received 7 days prior to the course. An administration fee of $20 will be charged on all refunds.

Payment options

Please tick your payment option:

Credit card [ ] Cheque [ ]

Credit card

Please debit [ ]Visa [ ]Mastercard
Amount / Staff Price: AUD $
Card No. / ______| ______| ______| ______
Expiry date / ______/ ______
Cardholder name
Cardholder signature / Today’s date ___ / ___ / ___


Please make your cheque’s payable to University of South Australia and attach it to the registration form/s.

Special needs

Do you have any special needs – e.g. wheelchair access, allergies or illnesses? If so, please state here:

Return this form

The completed form can be sent via mail or email

AAD Short Courses

C/O of the School of Art Architecture and Design

University of South Australia

GPO Box 247, Adelaide, South Australia 5001

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this document will become a tax invoice for gst purposes when you make payment. please make a copy of this form and return it with your payment.