CSE 432 Low Level DesignII

Grading and Feedback Form

Part I: Grading

1. Project Information and Score

Current Development Stage:Low Level Design II

Assignment Value:8% of course grade

Team Number:

Team Members:


Score:/ 100

2. Comments and Observations

[Accolades, questions, and concerns regarding the submitted document and their implications for the project. Explanation of deductions made in grading the document, for example listing low level design detailsand considerations that appear to have been missed.]

3. Suggestions and Feedback

[Thoughts from the professor and TAs that may help in subsequent stages of the project. For example, issuesand suggestions that may be worth considering for the implementationand evaluation stages, based on the requirements,high level design, and low level design documents.]

Part II: Grading Rubric

1. Low Level Design Overview (35 points)

[Is the thought process behind the low level design decisions made since the high level design stage clearly and thoroughly communicated? Did the documentgive sufficient detail to allowthe readerto understand both the current state of the design at a very concrete level of detail, and what will beimplemented in the next stage? Is the evaluation and testing software also adequately described in sufficient detail?]

2. Project Code File Outline (25 points)

[Do all the functions, classes, class methods, etc. described in the low level design overview appear in this list, and is it clear from this list how they fit together? Is the organization of declarations and definitions in the respective files appropriate? Is it clear in this section which classes play which roles in the design patterns chosen in the high level and/or low level design stages? ]

3. Project Declaration Code File Listing (40 points)

[Is the structure of the classes and their associations appropriately captured in the functions, class methods, member variables,etc. given in these listings? Are the function/method signatures appropriate to the class interactions in the design? Are the types of the pointers/references/variables used to express the associations between classes appropriate to the class associations in the design? Are the comments adequate to express the design associations and interactions, so they provide enough information to judge the suitability of the class, function, and class method declarations? In addition to the designed software itself, is the evaluation software adequately represented and commented in these listings?]