Frequently Asked Questions

What is simplifies the grants management process and creates a centralized, online process to find and apply for over 900 grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. streamlines the process of awarding over $360 billion annually to state and local governments, academia, not-for-profits and other organizations. This program is one of the 24 Federal cross-agency E-Government initiatives focused on improving access to services via the Internet. The vision for is to be a simple, unified source to electronically find, apply and manage grant opportunities.
Why was developed? was developed as part of the President’s Management Agenda and related E-Government Strategy, which charged Federal grant-making agencies with developing a single electronic system to find and apply for Federal grant opportunities.
You can learn more about the various categories of grant programs being offered by the Federal government by reviewing our Grant Categories page. You can also find additional grant related information such as how to write a successful grant proposal by visiting our Related Links page.

To learn more about the 26 Federal grant-making agencies, visit the Agencies that Provide Grants page.

What is a CFDA number?

A CFDA number is a unique number created in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) database. It tracks all domestically-funded Federal programs available to state and local governments (including the District of Columbia); Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; territories (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals.
What is an application package?

An application package is an electronic file that contains all the necessary forms (e.g., SF-424, project narrative, project budget, etc.) that comprise a complete grant application for a specific funding opportunity. The application package also contains critical information about the opportunity including the issuing agency, the opportunity and CFDA numbers, the open/close dates and the agency point of contact. Each funding opportunity will have its own application package. The application package, however, will not contain the application instructions. The instructions will be provided on the same page, but in a separate file as the application package.

What type of documents and files can be uploaded to an application package? does not place any restrictions on the types of file attachments that can be included in an application package. All types of files can be attached to an application package, as long as an attachment form has been included in the package. An agency may place restrictions on the types of files it wishes to accept. Refer to the agency’s instructions in order to find out if there are any restrictions.

If you plan to include more than one attachment in a grant submission, do not use any identical file names for the attachments. It could provide an issue during the submission’s processing. To correct this, you should:

Rename attached files so that no files share the same name.

  • Reattach the files.
  • Resubmit the application package.

Do I have to submit a complete application, or may I send it in parts?

You must submit the COMPLETE application.

I received an email stating that an application package I downloaded has been changed; what does that mean?

An agency may modify a grant opportunity after it is published. An application before the change may not include new required forms. You can catch this by signing up to be informed of modifications to a package. On the package download page there is a field where you can enter your email address to be informed of these possible changes. You can also verify that the forms are included in your package before submitting the application, by downloading the same package again and reviewing the required attachments for changes.

Remember, if a package has been modified and you submit the original application without the changes, your application may be rejected.

What are the Get Started steps?

The Get Started steps are:

Step 1 - Find Grant Opportunity For Which You Would Like to Apply
Step 2 - Download Application Package
Step 3 - Register with Central Contractor Registry
Step 4 - Register with Credential Provider
Step 5 - Register with
Step 6 - Logon to
How do I download the Application Viewer?

To download the Application Viewer:

1.  Click the link on the Download Application Viewer screen

2.  Download PureEdge Viewer

3.  Install PureEdge Viewer

Where can I find grant opportunities?

To locate a grant opportunity, use the search options available on the Find Grant Opportunities screen. Complete your search and click the “Submit” button. The results will display all applicable grants.
Where can I find the Funding Opportunity or CFDA Number for a grant?

To locate a Funding Opportunity or CFDA Number, you will need to perform a search for a grant. Use the search options available on the Find Grant Opportunities screen. Complete your search and click the “Submit” button. The results will display all applicable grants. The Funding Opportunity Number is listed on the “Results” screen and the CFDA Number is listed in the Grant Announcement.
Do I need to complete all of the fields on the Search screen to find a grant?

No, you only need to complete one field to search for a grant, however, we suggest that you complete as many as possible.
What do I need to record from an opportunity search in order to apply for an opportunity?

You will need to record the Funding Opportunity Number and/or CFDA Number of an opportunity for which you want to apply.
How do I register to receive email notifications of new grant postings from

You can sign-up to receive email notifications about new grant opportunity email notifications from by clicking one of the subscription services available on the Find Grant Opportunities page. Once you have selected the option that best meets your search criteria, just complete the necessary fields on the sign-up screen.
How do I apply for a grant?

Before applying for a grant, you must complete the five Get Started steps, locate a grant opportunity for which you want to apply and record the opportunity’s Funding Opportunity Number and/or CFDA Number.
When you are ready to apply, complete the following steps:
Step 1 – Download the Application Package
Step 2 – Complete the Application Package
Step 3 – Submit the Application Package

Why must I download the application package?

Downloading the application package provides you the ability to complete the forms at your leisure and to distribute it around your organization to others who may assist you in preparing the application. Further, it prevents the need for a persistent Internet connection.
Can I decide where I want to save the application package on my computer?

Yes, during the download process you will be prompted to select where you want the application forms to be saved on your computer.
Why did I receive an error message when I entered something into a field on an application form?

You will receive an error message if you enter invalid or incomplete information in a field on an application form.
What type of documents and files can be uploaded to an application package? does not place any restrictions on the types of file attachments that can be included in an application package. All types of files can be attached to an application package, as long as an attachment form has been included in the Grant application package. Occasionally, an agency will place restrictions on the types of files it wishes to accept, but those restrictions will be made clear in the application instructions.

Note: Although does not restrict types of file attachments, if more than one attachment is included in a grant submission and two or more files have the same name, the grant application cannot be processed without manual intervention. To correct this, you should:

  • Rename attached files with the same name so that no files share the same name.
  • Reattach the files.
  • Resubmit the application package.

How do I attach documents to my application?

When you want to attach a document to your application:
1) Click the name of the required document and then click the Open Form button on the cover page of the application.
2) Click the Add button.
3) Click the Attach button.
4) Browse to the file that you want to attach on your computer.
5) Click the Attach button.
I’ve completed a form, but don’t see a Save button at the top of the screen. Will I lose all of the information I entered when I exit the form?

An application package is similar to a single file, made up of the cover page and (possibly) many forms. Data at the form level will be retained when you close a form. Although your data at the form level will be saved, your application package file WILL NOT be saved unless you actually save the file before closing it down.
Do I have to submit a complete application, or may I send it in parts?

You must submit the complete application as you did during your original application process.

What does the Check for Errors button do on the application?

A Check for Errors button is available for use on the application. Click this button to be directed to where an error is located in the current application.

Some common errors are listed below.

  • All mandatory fields (yellow fields or fields with a asterisk next to them) have not been completed.
  • Email field(s) are not formatted properly, (ex. thing), or the date fields have not been completed in their specific format (ex. mm/dd/yyyy).
  • The congressional districts field on the SF424 is not listed in numerical format.
  • All forms that have data in them, (even optional forms) have not been moved over to the right.
  • Save button was not clicked one last time, allowing the Submit button to become active.

Does support Non-Windows users?

Non-Windows users can use just like other users. Two options are available for Non-Windows users:

  • If you do not have a Windows operating system, you will need to use a Windows Emulation program. Please review the PureEdge Support for Non-Windows Users page for additional information:

Non-Windows Support for PureEdge has been working with Pure Edge to offer a viewer that is compatible with as many operating systems as possible. Once a Non-Windows compatible viewer has been developed information will be posted on our website. Our goal is to ensure the widest possible acceptance of and not exclude anyone from the electronic grants submission process.

  • and NIH partnered to provide free access to Citrix servers for Non-Windows users (e.g. Macintosh users) who are looking for an alternative to using PC emulation software with the PureEdge forms. This service was made available on December 20, 2005.

A Citrix server connection allows Non-Windows users to remotely launch a Windows session on their own machines by using the free Citrix client application. While connected to the server, Non-Windows users can develop their grant application using PureEdge forms. Applicants will need to download and install the free Citrix client application in order to work on the SF424 (R&R) application package with the specific grant for which they are applying.

While connected to the Citrix server, the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)/Signing Official (SO) can submit the application via

How can my organization submit electronic grant application packages electronically on

To submit electronic grant applications, you must be fully authorized by your organization, i.e., been given status as an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). You can easily check your status by logging into by accessing the Applicant section of the site. If you have registered your user name and password with, you will be able to log in. After logging in, access the Manage Profile link. Your status, located below your title, will state: “AOR - request sent” or “AOR – approved.” If your status is 'AOR - request sent', you cannot yet submit grant applications. You may correct this by contacting your E-Business Point of Contact (POC). He or she will need to login by accessing the E-Biz POC page under Get Registered. They will need your organization's DUNs number and MPIN, to approve you as an AOR.