/ 2008
Year 11
Research – Processes Task
Hurlstone Agricultural High School


General Instructions

•Working time – 40minutes
•Board-approved calculators may be used
•Notes prepared as part of this research task may be referred to during the task.
•Write using blue or black pen
•Draw diagrams using pencil
•Answer all questions /


Total mark ( ______/ 32)
The mark value for each question is indicated adjacent to the answer space for the question.

TIC: Mr Coombes

All sheets must be handed in at the end of the examination.

Student I.D. ______

Tick Coombes Pitt Robson

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Student I.D.

  1. Place the following into a historical sequence from the most ancient to the most recent:
    Newton, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler

...... 1M

  1. Identify a feature of the solar system models of Ptolemy and Copernicus that is common to both.

...... 1M


  1. Contrast the models of Ptolemy and Copernicus.

...... 1M


  1. Outline one significant difference between the models of the solar system proposed by Copernicus and Kepler.

...... 1M


  1. Explain the significant change in the direction of scientific thinking about the universe resulted from the work of Isaac Newton.

...... 3M







  1. Outline two reasons for collecting information for assignments from more than one source.

...... 2M




  1. Calculate the energy equivalent of a mass of 10 g.2M



  1. Edwin Hubble deduced that the universe was expanding by observing the spectrum of light coming from distant stars. The following is the spectrum of light from a nearby starcalled Pitt, in our own galaxy.

(a)In the space below sketch the spectrum of light from a similar star, Coombes,in a nearby galaxy.1M

(b)In the space below sketch the spectrum of light from a similar star, Robson,in a distant galaxy.1M

(c)Explain the relationship between the spectra from stars in galaxies at different distances to Hubble’s hypothesis about expanding universe.

...... 3M






  1. Compare the behaviour of a beam of alpha particles and a beam of beta particles entering the region between two charged metal plates as shown below. Assume the particles travel at the same speeds.

...... 3M






  1. Study the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram below and then answer the following questions.

(a)Using the diagram only compare the properties of the star Regulus with star Rigel.

...... 2M





(b)Contrast the main energy source of Betelgeuse and Sirius B.

...... 2M





(c)Even though Regulus and the Sun are both main sequence stars, Regulus is much more luminous than the sun. Explain.

...... 3M




  1. 12Interpret the following graph.

...... 3M





  1. Examine the chart below and then answer the question that follows.

A cardboard box containing 200 grams of pure uranium-234 was placed on a laboratory bench. Assess the immediate danger to a person standing near the laboratory bench, unaware of the contents of the box.

...... 3M







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Student I.D.

Marking Criteria

Q1Criteria / Marks
Scientists placed in correct order / 1
Q2Criteria / Marks
One significant similarity identified. Eg Both models had planets orbiting a central body in circles / 1
Q3Criteria / Marks
Ptolemy – Earth centred model
Copernicus – Sun centred model / 1
Q4Criteria / Marks
Kepler had the planets orbiting in an elliptical path whereas Copernicus had the planets orbiting in a circular path. / 1
Q5Criteria / Marks
Outlines Newton’s theory of universal gravitation
AND applies this to the motion of planets
AND makes a significant statement about how his theory changed the nature of scientific thinking. / 3
Outlines Newton’s theory of universal gravitation
AND applies this to the motion of planets
OR makes a significant statement about how his theory changed the nature of scientific thinking. / 2
Outlines Newton’s theory of universal gravitation. / 1
Q6Criteria / Marks
Two significant reasons outlined / 2
One significant reason outlined or two significant reasons identified. / 1
Q7Criteria / Marks
Correct answer (9x1014 J) / 2
Identification of correct formula and substitution into the formula with one error. / 1
Q8aCriteria / Marks
The same spectra slightly red-shifted ( to the right) / 1
Q8bCriteria / Marks
The same spectra largely red-shifted ( to the right) / 1
Q8cCriteria / Marks
Outlines that the spectra is red-shifted
AND that the further the galaxy from the Earth the greater the shift
AND concluded that galaxies further from the Earth must be receding with a greater velocity. / 3
Outlines that the spectra is red-shifted
AND that the further the galaxy from the Earth the greater the shift
OR concluded that galaxies further from the Earth must be receding with a greater velocity. / 2
Outlines that the spectra is red-shifted / 1
Q9Criteria / Marks
Answer states that the beta particle moves towards the positive plate and the alpha particle towards the negative plate
AND states that the beta particle will experience and greater deflection
AND states that both will follow a parabolic path or curve / 3
Answer states that the beta particle moves towards the positive plate and the alpha particle towards the negative plate
AND states that the beta particle will experience a greater deflection
OR states that both will follow a parabolic path or curve / 2
Answer states that the beta particle moves towards the positive plate and the alpha particle towards the negative plate. / 1
Q10aCriteria / Marks
States that both stars have a similar surface temperature (12000 K) but Rigel is more than one thousand times more luminous than Regulus. Answer must have at least one quantitative comparison and outline one relevant similarity and difference that can be read directly from the diagram. / 2
Comparison is qualitative only from the diagram / 1
Q10bCriteria / Marks
Outlines that the energy source of Betelgeuse is nuclear fusion of He to C (elements up to iron are formed) whereas there is no fusion occurring in Sirius B – energy source is conversion of gravitational potential energy as star collapses OR star has no source of energy. Answer must include at least one specific energy source. / 2
Outlines that energy source is nuclear fusion as opposed to no energy source. / 1
Q10cCriteria / Marks
States that Regulus is more massive than the sun and therefore
It must fuse its hydrogen more rapidly to support its weight and therefore it produces more energy per second and is more luminous. / 3
Identifies that Regulus is more massive than the sun but does not clearly establish a link between this and the difference in luminosity OR
States that Regulus has a higher surface temperature and greater surface area and clearly links these two properties to luminosity. / 2
Identifies that Regulus is more massive than the sun OR
States that Regulus has a higher surface temperature and greater surface area but does not clearly link these two properties to luminosity. / 1
Q11Criteria / Marks
Answer outlines 3 relevant features which could include
-each hot object radiates more energy at one characteristic wavelength (peak wavelength)
-the hotter the object, the shorter the wavelength of the peak.
-the hotter the object, the greater the total energy it radiates / 3
Answer outlines 2 relevant features / 2
Answer outlines 1 relevant feature / 1
Q12Criteria / Marks
Answer states that there is little/no danger because
The decay of U-234 produces alpha particles which
will not penetrate the cardboard of the box / 3
Answer correctly outlines the reason for there being little danger but does not include the “assess” statement. / 2
Identifies that the decay of U-234 produces alpha particles / 1

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Student I.D.


Outcomes Assessed

P1, P2, P10, P12, P14 In preparing for this task, students should be familiar with the outcomes in table 7.1

and the outcomes and skills in table 8.1 of the BOS Physics syllabus. The assessment task will require you

to demonstrate competency in outcomes and skills in these tables in the context of the content areas of the

syllabus outlined below.

Areas of Work

Sections from 8.5 The Cosmic Engine

Areas to be assessed


_ outline the historical development of models of the Universe from the time of Aristotle to the time of Newton


_ identify that Einstein described the equivalence of energy and mass

_ outline the discovery of the expansion of the Universe by Hubble, following its earlier prediction by Friedmann


_ define the relationship between the temperature of a body and the dominant wavelength of the radiation emitted from

that body

_ identify that the surface temperature of a star is related to its colour

_ describe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as the graph of a star’s luminosity against its colour or surface temperature

_ identify energy sources characteristic of each star group, including Main Sequence, red giants, and white dwarfs


_ identify that energy may be released from the nuclei of atoms

_ describe the nature of emissions from the nuclei of atoms as radiation of alpha and beta particles and gamma rays in

terms of: – ionising power – penetrating power –effect of magnetic field – effect of electric field

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Student I.D.


P1.outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in physics
P2.applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first-hand investigations in physics / 12(a)____/1
16(a)____/3 / ____/4
P6. describes the forces acting on an object which causes changes in its motion / 2____/1
15(d)____/4 / ____/12
P7.describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations / 10____/1
14____/7 / ____/8
P12.discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources
2a)using appropriate data collection techniques, employing appropriate technologies, including data loggers and sensors
4b)apply mathematical formulae and concepts / 5____/1
16(a)____/2 / ____/18
P13.identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in physics
d)using symbols and formulae to express relationships and using appropriate units for physical quantities
f)selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to convey information and relationships clearly and accurately / 1____/1
16(b)____/2 / ____/16
P14.draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information
1b)justify inferences and conclusions
1g)use cause and effect relationships to explain phenomena
3b)propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and logical progression and include correct use of scientific principles and ideas
3c)apply critical thinking in the consideration of predictions, hypotheses and the results of investigations / 12(a)____/1
16(b)____/2 / ____/13

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