

MINUTES of the fourth meeting of the 2007/2008 academic year held on

Monday, 30thJune, 2008, in the Council Room, Queen Anne Court,

Greenwich Campus, commencing at 5.30 pm.

Present:Mrs A-M Nelson(in the Chair)

Prof P Ainley / Mr P Housden
Mr R Baglin
Baroness Blackstone / Mr S Howlett
Mr J R H Loudon
Mr V Choudhary / Sir Callum McCarthy
Mr S H Davie / Mrs M McKinlay
Mr S Etherington / Dr T Meers
Dr L Garner / Dr A S Pugh
Mr J C Gould / Ms C Rose

In attendance:

Prof T Barnes (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise))

Mrs T A Brighton (Minutes Clerk)

Mrs L Cording (Secretary and Registrar)

Mr R Daly (Director of Finance)

Dr M Noble (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Quality))

Prof D Wills (Deputy Vice-Chancellor)

Apologies for Absence:

Mr J E Brathwaite


The Chair welcomed Peter Housden to his first meeting.


In relation to minute 07/81 on quality and standards in universities, John Gould declared a possible conflict of interest through his association with a number of the professional bodies.


72.1Memorial Service for Lord Holme

The Chair reported that a memorial service for Lord Holme, former Chancellor of the University, was to be held at 12 noon on Wednesday, 15th October 2008 in

St Margaret’s Church, Westminster. The Vice-Chancellor would be representing the University but anyone else wishing to attend would be welcome.


The Court received a presentation from Professor Tom Barnes on the University’s research and enterprise activitiessummarising the reports on research and enterprise which formed part of CRT 07/64 (cf minute 07/78).

The Pro Vice-Chancellor summarised the current organisational arrangements for research and enterprise activities within the Universityand reported on past successes and future challenges. It was explained that both the levels of revenue from and new contracting for externally sponsored research and enterprise activity had fallen over the last couple of years and in order to reverse these trends a culture change within the University needed to be encouraged to emphasise the importance of the research and enterprise agenda.

He further reported on the steps which had already been taken. Five Business Development Managers would be placed in Schools to work in partnership with Directors of Research and Enterprise. Initiatives to help staff understand that the University is an institution where teaching is informed by research had also been implemented. The Court was pleased to note that these measures were beginning to take effect which could be seen from the slight improvement in new business.

Members asked that the current policy and procedures on intellectual property be reviewed. The Pro Vice-Chancellor advised that he was introducing a new process to safeguard the University’s rights.

The Court thanked the Pro Vice-Chancellor for his presentation.


Stuart Etherington left the meeting for this item.

It was noted that the appointment of the current Chair, Anne-Marie Nelson, was due to expire on 31 July 2008. The search for her successor had been carried out in accordance with the Selection Procedures for the Chair of Court. The Court noted the recommendation of the Pro Chancellor’s Advisory Group andresolved:

that Stuart Etherington be appointed as Chair of Court for the period 1August 2008 to 31 July 2011.


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2008 were taken as read and signed as a true record.


76.1Honorary Degrees 2008

The Court noted that Professor Huang DeKuan would be receiving his Honorary Doctor of Education at an awards ceremony to be held on 18 July 2008. A date for conferment of the Honorary Doctor of Education to Dato’ Pahamin Rajeb had yet to be confirmed.

07/77MEMBERSHIP (CRT 07/63)

The Court:

inoted that Ron Spinney had resigned from membership of the Court effective from 30 June 2008

iinoted that, following a postal ballot, Peter Housden had been appointed as a Member of Court under Article 7(2)(a) for the period from 18 June 2008 to 31 August 2009

iiiresolved that, following his election as President of the Students’ Union, Benson Adeeso be appointed to the Court under Article 7(2)(c) for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009

ivresolved, following a ballot of those Members appointed under Article 7(2)(a), that:

  • Steve Davie and Stephen Howlett be transferred to Independent Member status w.e.f. 1 September 2008
  • Jim Brathwaite be re-appointed as a Member under Article 7(2)(a) for the period 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2011
  • Stephen Howlett be re-appointed as a Member under Article 7(2)(a) for the period 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2011

vresolved, following a ballot of all Members of Court present except Co-opted Members,that James Barnes, Nick Eastwelland Marianne Hay be appointed as Members of Court under Article 7(2)(d) and that their terms of appointment be determined by the Secretary and Registrar in order to ensure appropriate succession planning

vinoted that a recommendation for the remaining vacancy effective from 1 September 2008 would be submitted by the Nominations Committee to the next meeting.


The Court receivedthe following:

i2007-08 Progress Report on implementation of the Corporate Plan

ii2007-08 Operating Plan


ivOperating Plan Monitoring Table 2006-2011

vResearch & Enterprise: Report 2006-07

viResearch & Enterprise: Strategy for increasing contracting

viiStrategy Committee minutes : meeting held on 10 June 2008

The Chairman of the Strategy Committee reported that the documentation would enable the Court to monitor the performance of the University. The report contained the University’s key targets, strategic objectives and future plans and would help the Court to engage with those targets which had not been met and to support University Officers to attain these targets. He further reported that discussion at the recent Strategy Committee meeting had identified specific challenges facing the University and the minutes recorded the ways in which the University hoped to meet these.

The Court noted a general improvement in the University’s performance but registered concern that student non-completion rates had deteriorated. It was recognised that the non-completion rates would always be higher in institutions that shared the University’s widening participation agenda but any decrease was worrying. The Vice-Chancellor reported that the drop in retention during the past year was disappointing butreassured Members that the long term trend over the past five years indicated a gradual improvement. Measures were in place to identify students who were experiencing difficulties.

The Chair stated that annual monitoring of the University’s performance should continue to be undertaken by Court at its June meeting. It was agreed that similar documentation should be produced for next year’s review.


Introducing the proposed European Strategy, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Quality) reported that it linked closely to the Internationalisation Strategy approved by Court in March 2008.

She reported that the development of the Strategy was consistent with the stated objectives within the Corporate Plan, namelyto consider European opportunities and develop partnerships with overseas universities. At present only Greece and Cyprus were actively targeted by the University for European recruitment. The strategy proposed that the University should initially also target Turkey, the Czech Republic, Polandand the Balkan States. It was planned that European student numbers would grow to 1500 students by 2012/13.

It was noted that there had been widespread agreement amongst the staff consulted about the advantages of greater involvement with Europe. The University planned to focus on four key areas; recruitment, staff and student participation in exchange programmes, collaborative partnerships and curriculum development, and research and enterprise activities. The Court believed that the University was well placed to take advantage of the European markets and thereforeendorsed the Strategy for implementation. It was noted that implementation would be monitored by a working group over the next two years and the Court looked forward to receiving an update at the end of that time.


The Vice-Chancellor reported verbally on the following recent developments:

80.1Quality and Standards in Universities – During a recent debate on the Today Programme the Vice-Chancellor had refuted allegations about the diminution of the quality of degrees and claims that the system of classifications was no longer fit for purpose. She reassured the Court that the University had an effective quality assurance framework in place; external examiners were an important means of quality control and the University’sdegree programmes were validated by some 30 or moreprofessional and regulatory bodies.

80.2NAO Report – Widening Participation in Higher Education– the University had been one of seven institutions selected for an evaluative case visit on widening participation by the National Audit Office. The NAO had concluded that attainment at secondary schools was the principal reason for differentials in participation rates. The University would continue its work to encourage young people from all walks of life to enter into higher education.

80.3HEFCE Bid : Employer and Learning Partnerships – Consistent with the Corporate Plan, the University intended to bid for HEFCE funding to develop CPD and work based training for employers. HEFCE was keen to encourage universities to be more employer focussed and this initiative would help the Universityfoster closer working links with local employers.

80.4Bologna-Magna Charter – On behalf of the University, the Vice-Chancellor had been invited to sign the Bologna-Magna Charter to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Bologna, and to celebrate the freedom of academic endeavour within Europe. 500 universities across Europe had already agreed to be signatories but participation in the agreement required Court approval. Court Members endorsed University involvement.

80.5National Teaching Fellowship – the Court congratulated Tony Mann, Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences within the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, on his recent nomination as a National Teaching Fellow.

80.6Retirement of Chair of Court – On behalf of the Executive, the Vice-Chancellor thanked Anne-Marie Nelson for her contribution to the work of the University during the past eleven years. The Court would be holding a farewell dinner on 24 July 2008. The Executive looked forward to working with her successor, Stuart Etherington.


The Chairman of the Staffing Committee introduced the report to Court outlining items of significance arising from the meeting held on 21 April 2008:

81.1Framework Agreement for the Modernisation of Pay Structures

It was reported that all support staff had now been informed of their new grade and pay position under the framework agreement and that the agreement had been implemented on 1 May 2008. An appeals process was now under way and it was hoped that all appeals would be resolved quickly. Officers agreed to confirm the number of academic staff appeals to Dr Les Garner.

81.2Committee Terms of Refer fence

The Court approved amended Terms of Reference for immediate implementation (copy attached at appendix 1).

81.3Staff Disciplinary Procedure

The Court approved therevised Staff Disciplinary Procedure for immediate adoption.

81.4Staff Grievance Procedure

The Court approved the revised Staff Grievance Procedure for adoption with immediate effect.

81.5Leading Health and Safety at Work

The Committee had satisfied itself that the Court was able to demonstrate its commitment to health and safety in a number of ways through the regular reporting procedures. It was noted that the Secretary and Registrar would be looking into the availability of benchmarking information for health and safety activity within the sector.

81.6Progress Report on Equalities Work

It was noted that the Committee was continuing its work to ensure that the University was meeting its legislative requirements in diversity matters. A new diversity policy was being formulated and would be considered at a future meeting.


The Chairman of the Finance Committee introduced the report to Court detailing principal items of significance arising from the meetings of the Committee held on 28 April 2008 and 16 June 2008. The following items were highlighted:

82.128 April 2008 meeting

82.1.1Estate Strategy 2006-2016

It was noted that negotiationswere continuing with the London Borough of Greenwich about the acquisition of the car park site at Park Row for the new School of Architecture and Construction building. It was now anticipated that the building would be completed by March 2012.

82.1.2Post Implementation Review of the MedwaySchool of Pharmacy

The Committee had been pleased to note the success of the Medway School of Pharmacy. The School’s first MPharm students would be graduating in the summer of 2008 and the School had recently received full Royal Pharmaceutical Society accreditation. The initial business plan had been revised in order to increase student numbers and consequently the timescale for achieving a surplus had extended to 2010-2011. On current performance it was anticipated that the School would achieve the surplus by the due date.

82.1.3University Estate Issues Hall Sports Ground

The Committee had considered a proposal to amend the 25 year lease of the Well Hall Sports Ground to the Blackheath Rugby Club. As conditions of the lease had required the Club to construct an all-weather sports pitch by 2015 and the Committee was advised that funding for the project was now available. However, in order to comply with the funding requirement of the RFU, the University would need to waive its rights to break the lease in the period to 2017. On the basis that there was limited financial liability if the break clause was delayed to 2022 and noting that the University would be entitled to use the pitch, the Committee had been satisfied to recommend to Court that the lease be amended by Deed of Variation. The Court noted that, subsequent to the Committee’s meeting, and following the request of the Blackheath Rugby Club that construction start immediately, the Chairman of the Committee had approved the Deed of Variation by Chairman’s action. Accommodation in the MewsBuilding, GreenwichCampus

The Court resolved that:

ithe Head of Estates be authorised to continue lease negotiations for an additional office in the Mews Building, Old Royal Naval College, based on the terms and conditions of the current lease from the Greenwich Foundation

iidelegated authority be granted to the Chair of Court/Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Vice-Chancellor/Secretary and Registrar to sign the new lease.

82.216 June 2008 Meeting

82.2.1Students’ Union Finances

The Committee had been pleased to note that the Students’ Union was predicting that its 2007-2008 year-end outturn would break even. However, the Committee had not felt able to approve the budgetary proposals for 2008-09 on the basis of the suggested level of subvention. The Committee would review the budgetary proposals and agree a subvention for the year at its next meeting when the results of a review of the services and performance of the Students’ Unionwere known.

82.2.2Committee Terms of Reference

It was noted that the Committee had been satisfied that its Terms of Reference remained appropriate.

82.2.3Provisional Budget and 5 Year Financial Forecasts

The Committee had considered in detail the provisional budget for 2008-09. A report on risks, reserves and liquidity together with draft five-year financial forecasts had been provided as contextual background. The Court noted that the Finance Committee would be considering final versions of the five year financial forecasts for submission to HEFCE by December at its next meeting.

The Chairman reported that, as in the previous two years, the budget forecast a surplus of £500K although further savings or additional income still needed to be identified to achieve this. The budget had been formulated against the background of increasing competition for students, a higher salary bill and escalating costs in general. Officers and the Committee alike recognised that the University had a financially tough year ahead of it. The Chairman further reported that, although the Committee believed that the targeted surplus was achievable, it had anticipated that contingency plans would be needed and Officers had been asked to give further thought to more extensive contingency planning in the coming months.

It was also reported that, in recommending the 2008-09 budget proposals to Court, the Committee had been aware that the institutional objective of achieving average annual surpluses of 1% of turnover would not be met. Recognising the financial constraints under which the University would be working during the next twelve months, the Committee had accepted that this particular target was unlikely to be attainable.

The Courtresolved to approvethe 2008-09 revenue and capital budgets.

82.2.4London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA)

The Committee had received the LPFA Annual Investment Report for 2006-07. The Committee had been pleased to note that LPFA’s overall performance had improved slightly since it had changed its investment strategy but had asked Officers to obtain more up-to-date information for review at the next meeting.


The Chairman introduced the report to Court outlining principal items of significance arising from the meeting held on 19 May 2008. The following issues were noted:

83.1Terms of Reference

The Committee had reviewed its Terms of Reference and concluded that they remained appropriate and that no changes were necessary.

83.2Effectiveness Review of the Audit Committee

The Chairman reported that the Committee had examined its effectiveness by completing a self-assessment questionnaire from the Committee of University Chairmen. Those issues on which there seemed to be uncertainty or a difference of opinion amongst Committee Members had been discussed in detail. Overall the Committee had been satisfied that it was effective in meeting its Terms of Reference and that its work on governance, risk management and internal control was effective also. Members had agreed that the exercise had been useful.