September 20, 2012

3:30 PM-5:30 PM

CCC Confer

Members Present: Kale Braden, Donovan Hamsher (ASCCC Liaison), Kim Harrell, Carolyn Holcroft, David Morse (chair), Cynthia Reiss, Johnnie Terry.


  1. Approval of August Minutes

The minutes from the August meeting were approved without changes.

  1. Chair Updates
  1. Committee charge

The charge developed by the committee at the last meeting was approved by the ASCCC Executive Committee. The only change was the addition of the words “to the Executive Committee” in the first bullet.

  1. New assignment: passive awarding of degrees

The committee has been asked to look at the passive awarding of degrees and will consider a resolution on this topic later in the meeting.

  1. Funding for attending plenary

David explained the guidelines and possibilities for funding committee members’ travel to the Fall Plenary Session.

  1. Planning of Breakouts for Fall Plenary
  1. Metrics to Measure Success (TH 1:45-3:00 PM)

Carolyn agreed to be the point person on this breakout. Kim and David will also participate.

  1. Attracting Good Candidates for Academic Administrative Positions (F 8:30 -9:45 AM)

Kaleagreed to be the point person on this breakout. David and Sherri will also participate.

  1. Faculty Evaluation Processes and Best Practices (F 2:30-3:45 PM)

Cynthia agreed to be the point person on this breakout. Kale, Carolyn, and David will also participate.

  1. Additional Breakout: CCC Mission (TH 3:15-4:30 PM)

While this breakout was not officially assigned to the GIP Committee, the committee members agreed that they would like to be involved in it. Kim will work with Stephanie Dumont, the official lead on the breakout, to organize it. Cynthia, Kale, and David will also participate.

  1. Resolutions for Fall Plenary Session

The committee drafted resolutions on initiating discussion of the California Master Plan for Higher Education and the CCC Mission and on the passive awarding of degrees.

  1. Surveys

The committee finished first drafts of the following surveys, all of which will be forwarded to the ASCCC Executive Committee for comments:

  1. Faculty Evaluations
  2. Hiring of Academic Administrators
  3. Enrollment ProcessesRegarding Out of State Students
  1. Update of 1999 Paper Academic Freedom, Privacy, Copyright and Fair Use in a Technological World

The committee agreed that David would send out the paper to all committee members, who will review it and look for sections that need to be updated. The committee will then consider how to proceed further at its next meeting

  1. Other

No other issues were raised

  1. Meeting was adjourned at 5:15.