General Conditions:

The organizers shall provide the name of an event coordinator who shall be responsible for all on-site activities, and who shall have authority over all personnel involved with the event. This individual shall coordinate event activities with the Superintendent and/or his designated representative.

The Permittee hereby agrees to save and hold harmless the United States of America, its agents and employees from any and all claims, damages, suits at law or equity of whatever kind of nature for damages to or loss of property or injury or death to persons resulting directly or indirectly from or attributable to the Permittee or their employees in connection with the activities authorized by this permit.

Permittee will reimburse the National Park Service for any exceptional costs associated

with supervision of the permit. Reimbursement costs are $50.00 per man/hour. A one

hour minimum charge will be assessed for any exceptional costs.

Specific Conditions:

1.  Gate tokens will be provided to the Permittee to access the Tour Road and battlefield property.

2.  The Visitor Center may not be used as a clothes changing area.

3.  There are no public rest rooms facilities other than the Visitor Center. The Permittee is responsible for the rental of a portable toilet if needed.

4.  All set up and disassembly requirements will be the responsibility of the Permittee.

5.  The Permittee will restore any facilities to their conditions prior to the event.

6.  Permittee will not mark, deface, cut vegetation or otherwise alter the conditions of

any park facilities or resources without the approval of park officials.

7.  Permittee will remove all trash and litter associated with the event and place it in the containers provided.

8.  Parking is restricted to those areas designated by park officials.

9.  Photography will not include images associated with the National Park Service and/or Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. Examples include images of the National Park Service’s emblem (“arrowhead”), park signs, park facilities or full images of the Ray House.

Other Specific Conditions not listed above:
