Firstname / Lastname / HAS ID ______
Date / O Male O Female / DoB / Age (years) O Not sure
Event / Location / O Athlete O Unified partner / Sport
Delegation / SO Program
Cell phone number / Number is O Athlete’s O Parent’s / Guardian ‘s
Providing a phone number is optional. It may be used to call or send reminders if follow up is recommended after screening


Athletes work on training their minds, as well as their bodies, in order to be calm and focused for competitions. Some athletes create their own Relaxation Routine, which helps them to stay calm and focused for their events. For example, a swimmer, named Jess, has a Relaxation Routine she uses before every race. Her routine includes: listening to music, taking a walk, thinking positive thoughts, and taking 5 deep breaths. Another athlete – a runner, named Sam – has a different routine. He talks to his coach, does some stretching and deep breathing for a few minutes, and thinks about how good it feels to run really fast.

Do you have a Relaxation Routine that you do before an event?

O YesO No

<If so>: Can you tell me about it? What do you do before an event to feel calm and focused?

Are any of these skills part of your routine?

Thinking good thoughts
Listening to music
Looking at pictures/reminders of good stuff
Talking to someone
Breathing deeply
Stretching or tensing and relaxing muscles
Taking a walk
Cheering for others
Using a stress ball

Here at Strong Minds, we’d like to help you to create a Relaxation Routine that you can use before your event and …even in real life. We have 5 stations foryou to try. At the end, you’ll decide which strategies you’d like to put into your Relaxation Routine.

Check-out: Building a Relaxation Routine

What stations did the athlete complete during Strong Minds (use the Strong Mind resources handout)?

Like / Dislike
Stress and you
Strong Messages
Strong Breathing
Strong Stretching
Strong Supporting

Now that you’ve had a chance to try these stations, which strategies would you like to include in your Relaxation Routine? (check all that apply)

Thinking good thoughts
Listening to music
Looking at pictures/reminders of good stuff
Talking to someone
Breathing deeply
Stretching or tensing and relaxing muscles
Taking a walk
Cheering for others
Using a stress ball

Bringing Relaxation Routines to Daily Life

We all have stress in our lives. I’d like to ask you about some specific situations and you tell me how stressful they are for you. Let’s use the Stressometer:

How stressful is it for you to:

Not at all stressful / A little stressful / Very stressful / N/A or Unsure
Get ready to leave the house
(for work or school)
Meet new people
Go to a new place for the first time
Go to the dentist or doctor
Talk on the telephone
Compete in sports
Wait for your turn
Argue with someone
Visit crowded or noisy places

Which of the strategies we talked about today could be helpful in these stressful situations?