DelawareState Energy Plan

Environmental Footprint Work Group

Mark Barteau, Chair

Meeting Notes

May 28, 2008

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

DELDOTAdminBuilding, DoverDE

  1. Welcome and Introductions –Mark Barteau, Chair

Mark Barteau opened the meeting with a short welcome and asked participants to introduce themselves.

2. Andrea Kreiner - Workshop Purpose

  1. Governor’s Energy Advisor Council must reassess Delaware’s Energy Future every 5 years.
  2. Big issue last time was Delmarva Power Price caps removed
  3. Big issues now
  4. Price of energy
  5. Cost of Gas
  6. Sprawl
  7. Transmission and Distribution
  8. Climate change and requirements to reduce carbon/GHG emissions
  9. Moving Economy forward through a Green Approach
  10. Timing – Want recommendations ready by next November for the new Governor. New Governormay release this energy plan in March with their agenda.
  1. Mark Barteau – Review of Background Information Slides
  2. Recommendations this time are not as specific as before. More policy based approach
  3. Delaware’s energy impact on the region and nation is in proportion to its population. While small in absolute terms that does not excuse DE from improving.
  4. Committee is to address Industry, Residential, Commercial and Electric Sections. Transportation has its own group
  5. Delaware Energy Footprint slide – relates to people actually living in the state does not account for seasonal influxes of people.
  6. Year 2000 Generation and Emissions slide - shows DE has a high CO2 content per unit of Net Generation
  7. In-State Electricity Generation by Source Type (%) slide (compiled using data from EIA 2007) - shows coal accounting for almost 70% of electricity generation- Committee questioned the validity of the natural gas figures
  8. CO2 Emissions from Electricity Generation in Delaware slide (compiled using data from EIA 2007) – shows coal as predominant source of CO2 emissions from this sector
  9. CO2 Emissions by Sector in Delaware slide – shows utility sector major contributor to CO2 emissions in DE
  1. Phil Cherry - Regional Green House Gas Initiative (RGGI) Review
  2. DE Part of 10 state group
  3. Purpose to lower CO2 from power plants
  4. Starts January 2009 seeks to stabilize CO2 emissions by 2015
  5. Seeks to make 10% reductions by 2019
  6. Goal to show that cap and trade works, is economical, and is the least cost solution for the region
  7. DE Legislation on this topic still needs to pass
  8. Referenced 1146 Multi-Pollutant Regulation as an measure to control Power Plant Emissions in Delaware
  1. WorkshopStrategy Ideas
  2. Evaluate existing facilities and current control measures
  3. Understand the impact of large users
  4. If they left or closed what impact would that have
  5. Would closures skew the current data
  6. Understand Delaware outlook without the large footprints
  7. Is our purpose to ratchet down existing systems
  8. DNREC has taken strong steps to address power plant emission
  9. Understand what more can be done or should be done.
  10. Committee need to know plant plans for compliance
  11. Bring experts from DNREC to explain Pollutant control measures and impact on emissions in next 5-10 years
  12. Adoptefforts to change energy mix percentages
  13. Analyze Hindrances to reducing footprint of energy use
  14. SB 280 Incineration Ban
  15. New Source Review
  16. Other state laws that prevent opportunities
  17. Bring on other committee members
  18. Agricultural Representative
  19. Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA)
  20. Public Health Representative
  21. Evaluate funding support for EE and Renewable measures
  22. Understand how global demand for energy affects DE? (i.e.China)
  23. Appraise the Value of New Transmission Lines
  24. What impact will they have
  25. Does this help DE reach into non coal resources
  26. Could transmission serve DE as a way to export power
  27. Mid Atlantic Power Potential (MAPP) presentation should be reviewed
  28. Utility subgroup needed to address
  29. Energy system stability
  30. What causes instability
  31. What fuels will be our future
  32. What impact will current legislation have on the future cost of energy in Delaware.
  33. Adopt a regional viewpoint
  34. What DE does will affect the region
  35. DE should not ship it problems to other states
  36. Look at what incentives could be offered to consumers to buy clean energy outside of DE. (Scott’s thoughts)
  37. Analysis the effect renewable and efficiency measures currently have on load grow. (Scott’s thoughts)
  38. Review the RPS - is it sufficient to meet the current load growth (Scott’s thoughts)

6. Suggested Action Items

  1. Go over previous energy plan to see where we stand now.
  2. Define better the topic of environmental footprints – what footprints/issues do we want to focus on (need to get clarification from Council members on this)
  3. Bring in Experts form DNREC to discuss power plant emission control measures and how these are expected to affect emissions in future
  4. Review the DPL Integrated Resource Plan submitted to the PSC to get insight on future load projections
  5. Develop energy demand/load growthscenarios for DE
  6. Review DEC and DEMEC Integrated Resource Plans
  7. Review how power plant retirement will impact the environment
  8. Define the relative importance of energy efforts. Adopt measures that are most effective first.
  9. Review the MAPP presentation
  10. SEU presentation
  11. Bring on other committee members
  12. Agricultural Representative
  13. Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA)
  14. Public Health Representative

7.Meeting presentations

Prior to the next meeting, participants are asked to send to Andrea Kreiner () and Scott Lynch () any issue lists, summaries, or other written materials to be discussed during the upcoming meeting so that a more defined agenda can be created. Anyone wishing to make a presentation during a meeting should provide Andrea and Scott a description of the presentation, the intended purpose, and the estimated time needed so that it can be approved and scheduled by the Chair.

8.Next Meetings

June 25, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

University of DelawareParadeeCenter (Next to DELDOT Admin)

Dover, DE

July 30, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

Location: TBD

August 27, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

Location TBD