Nombre: ______


A. Agreement

1. gender: masculine (m) or feminine (f)

2. number: singular (s) or plural (p)

B. definite articles: “the”

1. el = masculine, singular

2. los = masculine, plural

3. la = feminine, singular

4. las = feminine, plural

C. indefinite articles: “a/an/one” and “some”

1. un = masculine, singularmeans “a/an/one”

2. unos = masculine, pluralmeans “some”

3. una = feminine, singularmeans “a/an/one”

4. unas = feminine, pluralmeans “some”

D. making nouns plural

1. nouns that end in a vowel: add –s

a. examples:the pen =

the pens =

2. nouns that end in a consonant: add –es

b. examples:an eraser =

some erasers =

3. nouns that end in –z: change –z to –c and add –es

a. examples:a light =

some lights =

4. nouns that end in –as, -es, -is, -os: do not change; only the article is made plural

a. examples:on Monday =

on Mondays =

Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#1Nombre: ______

Fill in the blanks using definite articles (el, la, los, las) and the word.

1. the shoe the shoes

2. the blouse the blouses

3. the dress the dresses

4. the sock the socks

5. the sweater the sweaters

6. the skirt the skirts

7. the T-shirt the T-shirts

8. the shirt the shirts

9. the hat the hats

10. the jacket the jackets

11. the community the communities

Fill in the blanks using indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas) and the word.

1. a bag some bags

2. a cat some cats

3. a dog some dogs

4. a place some places

5. a country some countries

6. a house some houses

7. a family some families

8. a man some men

9. a woman some women

10. a teacher some teachers

11. a student some students

Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#2Nombre: ______


Adjectives describe nouns. In Spanish, adjectives must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun.

singular / masculine,
plural / feminine,
singular / feminine,
adjectives ending in –o / serio / serios / seria / serias
adjectives ending in –e / interesante / interesantes / interesante / interesantes
adjectives ending in consonant / azul / azules / azul / azules
adjectives ending in –ador, nationality / trabajador / trabajadores / trabajadora / trabajadoras

Write a sentence telling the color of each clothing item. EX: Los calcetines son azules.

1. (green) ______

2. (white) ______

3. (black) ______

4. (blue) ______

5. (red) ______

6. (pink) ______

7. (orange) ______

8. (brown) ______

9. (yellow) ______

10. (purple)______
Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#3Nombre: ______

Write a complete sentence using the following words. Change the verbs and adjectives as needed.

1. Yo (f)/ser/delgado.


2. Tú (m)/ser/guapo.


3. María/ser/rubio y bonito.


4. Nicolás y Emilio/ser/alto y moreno.


5. Felipe y yo/ser/amigos/bueno.


6. Patricia/ser/paciente y serio.


7. Ustedes/ser/trabajador.


8. Nosotras/ser/rubio y bajo.


9. Lola y Leticia/ser/inteligente y divertido.


Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#4Nombre: ______


A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the adjective in Spanish.

1. Mi maestro es ______. (tall)

2. Susana es ______. (lazy)

3. Diego y Jaime son ______. (nice)

4. La doctora es ______. (hard-working)

5. El chico tiene los ojos ______. (blue)

6. Carmen tiene el pelo ______. (long)

7. El señor Ruiz es ______. (thin)

8. La policía es ______. (red-haired)

9. Las chicas son ______. (serious)

10. El gato es ______. (small)

11. Los perros son ______. (big)

12. Los maestros son ______. (boring)

13. La señora Rodríguez es ______. (smart)

14. Nosotros somos ______. (strong)
15. Jaime es ______. (funny, comical)

B. Give the opposite of the underlined word.

1. Mi pelo es largo, pero tu pelo es ______.

2. Juan es alto, pero yo soy ______.

3. María es bonita, pero tú eres ______.

4. Ramón es cómico, pero Emilio es ______.

5. Julia es morena, pero Diana es ______.

6. Tú eres aburrido, pero yo soy ______.

Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#5Nombre: ______

Tell what is person is like, has (hair/eyes), and is wearing.

EX: La chica es bonita y simpática.

La chica tiene pelo largo y moreno.

La chica lleva una camisa.

1. Margarita es ______.

Margarita tiene ______.

Margarita lleva ______


2. Luis es ______.

Luis tiene ______.

Luis lleva ______


3. Pilar es ______.

Pilar tiene ______.

Pilar lleva ______


4.La mujer es ______.

La mujer tiene ______.

La mujer lleva ______.

Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#6Nombre: ______


A. Fill in the blank with the correct word for “the.”

1. _____ bolsa7. _____ calcetines

2. _____ pantalones8. _____ zapato

3. _____ camisetas9. _____ falda

4. _____ gatos10. _____ perro

5. _____ familia11. _____ estudiantes

6. _____ mundo12. _____ lugares

B. Fill in the blank with the correct word for “a/an” or “some.”

1. _____ chaqueta7. _____ jeans

2. _____ vestido8. _____ suéteres

3. _____ ropa9. _____ sombrero

4. _____ casas10. _____ apartamento

5. _____ comunidades11. _____ país

6. _____ chico12. _____ mujeres

C. Translate the phrases to Spanish.

  1. the clothing ______
  2. some shirts ______
  3. a sock ______
  4. the skirts ______
  5. the doctors ______
  6. a bag ______
  7. some cats ______
  8. a hat ______

Unidad 1 Etapa 2—WS#7Nombre: ______


1. Descriptive adjectives are generally placed after the noun.

EX: the yellow blouse = la blusa amarilla

2. The adjectives bueno and malo may be placed before or after the noun. However, if

they are placed before a singular, masculine noun, they must drop the -o.

EX: a good friend = un buen amigo, un amigo bueno

3. The word grande means “big, large” after the noun. It means “great” before the

noun and changes to “gran” before a singular noun (masculine and feminine).

EX: a great teacher = una gran maestraa large dog = un perro grande

4. Limiting adjectives like mucho, otro, and numbers are placed before the noun.

Definite (lo, la, los, las) and indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas) are also placed

before the noun.

Translate the phrases to Spanish.

1. a blue shirt ______

2. some green sweaters ______

3. the new clothing ______

4. a brown bag ______

5. the gray T-shirt ______

6. some purple dresses ______

7. a nice man ______

8. an interesting teacher ______

9. the patient doctor ______

10. the serious girl ______

11. blue eyes ______

12. blond hair ______