TNS Poll: Still no breakthrough for referendum campaigns

London – 13th April2016 –The latest voting intention research undertaken by TNS shows no change to previous polls, with both campaigns holding steady at 35% apiece and failing to win over undecided voters, who also remain steady at 30%.

Remain 35% [NC], Leave 35% [NC], Undecided 30% [NC]

However, when undecided voters are asked which way they are leaning currently, we have seen an increase in support for Remain compared to our previous poll.

Undecided leaning:

Remain 27% [+10], Leave 15% [-2], Don’t Know 57% [-9]

When it comes to the questions David Cameron faced about his tax arrangements over the last week, our latest poll shows that this has so far had no impact on who people think would make the best leader for the country. Cameron is currently 12% ahead of Jeremy Corbyn – 31% think he would make the best leader compared to 19%for Corbyn- the situation was much the same two weeks ago with Cameron on 28% and Corbyn on 19%.

Luke Taylor, Head of Social and Political Attitudes at TNS UK said:“As with our previous poll, we are yet to see much in the way of significant change in people’s views on the referendum. Neither camp has managed to find a breakthrough yet and it seems unlikely that public opinion will change substantially until the elections in May have passed and the two sides start to campaign in earnest.”

Notes to editors
The full survey data and further details on the methodological approach can be foundhere.
TNS Omnibus interviewed a representative sample of 1,198 adults in Great Britain between the 7th April and 11thApril 2016. All interviews were conducted as online self-completion.
The TNS Omnibus uses the Lightspeed GMI access panel as its sample.
The data was weighted to match population totals for age, sex, working status, 2015 General Election voting patterns, education, region and likelihood to vote in the next General Election. No adjustment has been made to the results to account for differential turnout in the referendum. We intend to publish a turnout-adjusted estimate for polls carried out in the last month before the referendum.
For further information, please contactRhys Goode, TNS Global Communications Manager (Public Affairs) via email or on 0044 203 130 7413.
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