January 3, 2017

Present: Stephen Bemiss, Chairman, William Matlock, Rebecca Collison, Thomas Welgoss, Roland "Skip" Taylor, Edward Beach and Emily Beach. Absent: Angela Smith

A motion was made to accept the December 6, 2016 minutes as written. Motion Carries.

SELECTMEN: Ned Beach was present to discuss his petition request. Bill mentioned he spoke with MMA at length regarding the proposed petitions. Bill proposed that the Board take no action on the current petition and stated that for multiple reasons like having the wording " to see what sum", the libraries are apt to not even get the amount they've requested or the amount could go much higher than requested causing a budgeting nightmare to the Board and also, having the amounts listed in the warrant, residents will know what the max amount of the warrant articles will be. A motion was made to take no action on the current petition. Motion Carries. Ned would basically like the legislative body to decide what dollar amounts are paid to each library. After lengthy discussion regarding the petition, the pros and cons, it was decided that Ned would submit a new petition. He is prepared for the libraries not getting what they ask for but strongly feels discussion should be done at town meeting regarding the matter.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Bill mentioned he needed to call Richard to discuss a few things with him.

TREASURER: Tom told the Board the audit has been completed, however, there is no management report because they didn't have any recommendations. They will be here on January 10 to go over the audit with the Board and Finance Committee. Tom mentioned the repairs have been done from the water damage. He is waiting on quotes for carpeting and painting the walls. He should have those in the next couple weeks. Tom will put together the budget schedule and prepare the account spreadsheet by next week. Bill explained to Rebecca that he meets with department heads to go over their budgets with them.

ASSESSING: It was mentioned that RJD would be here to begin their quarter review process. They will be assessing North Bend Rd and Rte 172.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Bill mentioned there are large potholes down at the beach parking on Newbury Neck. They will wait until Spring and have Stanley fill them.

TRANSFER STATION: Bill mentioned the Committee would be selecting a new Chairman at the next meeting on January 24, 2017.

CLERK: Angela requested the Board set the dates for annual town meeting and election. A motion was made to set town election on April 21, 2017 with polls being open from 8 AM-8PM and town meeting set for April 24, 2017 at 7PM. Motion Carries.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Tom mentioned fish & wildlife still looking into the project on Jellison Ridge Rd. The previous estimate that came in was too high. He said fish & wildlife and the engineers are meeting to try and come to an agreement on the cost of the project.

SCHOOL COMMITTEE: It was mentioned that there will likely be another increase in the school budget this year. They have no surplus.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Committee will start meeting and begin the budget process. There were questions whether or not Dale Sprinkle still wants to be on the Committee and participate remotely. Bill will find out.

WARRANT: A motion was made to accept the following warrants: Warrant #25 Payroll $4,820.30 , Warrant #26 Payroll $1,679.34 and Warrant #27 Accounts Payable $132,178.07 (includes school warrant #12 in the amount of $122,028.22) , Warrant #28 Payroll $4,859.31 and Warrant #29 Accounts Payable $107,776.87 (includes school warrant #13 in the amount of $81,257.69) Motion Carries.

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:49 PM. Motion Carries


Stephen D. Bemiss William I. Matlock Rebecca K. Collison