WireLess Technology Based Traffic Signal Control

Today’s world is the world of automation and computerization, where ever we see computer has become a prime necessity, today if we don’t know computers then we are lost in the world, like an uncivilized and illiterate person. If we see the different sector sectors like Banking, Railways, Airways, Municipal corporation , corporate offices ,post office and even Temples are computerized but yet the roadways i.e. signaling are partially computerized , i.e. only signaling is mp controlled but the main question is traffic congestion specially in the Metros like Mumbai etc.

Traffic controlling is the hectic process where a single police man tries to control the whole traffic on one side then there is traffic jam on other and every thing is lost in the traffic including health due to pollution. Many of the times the signaling is down then controlling the traffics is big problem.

Since we are the electronics and telecom students we have tried to move in this direction one step by implementing our idea of traffic management, where no body has thought of it, yet as per our knowledge.

This was the idea given by our guide, to manage traffic time by sensing the load of traffic on the route.

Basically traffic is sensed on the route, if one route is having heavy traffic as compared to other then signal will be on for more time than other route so the waste of time is reduced and traffic management is very proper.

Fig. existing traffic Signal Layout

In the above shown fig. the traffic on North to South route is heavy and East to West route has less traffic, but signal will control both the routes for the same time hence east to west route will be empty for some time and that will be wasted , but when traffic will be restarted for north to south some of the traffic will remain since signal is ON for same time hence on one route time is wasted , this time we are trying to utilize so that traffic and time is managed.


The parallel port of the PC is a powerful platform for implementing projects dealing with the control of real-world peripherals. It can be used to control home and other electronic appliances. The computer program through the interface circuit controls the relays, which, in turn, switch the Signals ‘on or off.

Here we describe how to wirelessly control Traffic signal from a remote place by using the RF module. For this PC-based wireless Signal control system, you need to design and develop the required hardware and software.

The parallel port of the PC is used to control the Signal at the transmitter side. The RF interface is used instead of the IR to overcome all the drawbacks of the IR interface. The PC signals are transmitted from the RF transmitter and received by the RF receiver.

Circuit description

Signals from the PC parallel port are interfaced to interface RF transmitter through the RF encoder. The encoder (MTI2E) continuously reads the status of the optocoupler (MCT2E),’passes the data to the RF transmitter and the transmitter transmits the data. The RE receiver receives this data and gives it to the RF decoder (HT12D). The decoder converts the single-bit data into four-bit data and presents it to the decoder (74LS138) The output of the decoder controls the appliances with the help of flip-flops (CD4013) and transistors. Now, relays perform the corresponding action, the switch the Signal ‘on’ or ‘off.’

For remote control, we have used the Holtek encoder- decoder pair of HT12E and HT12D. Both of these are 18-pin DIP ICs.HT12E and HT12D are CMOS IC with operating voltage range of 2.4V to 12V. Encoder HT has eight addresses and another four address/data lines. The data set on these twelve lines (address and address/ data lines) is serially transmitted when the transmit- enable pin (TE) is taken low, The data output appears serially on DOUT pin.The data is transmitted four times in succession. It consists of differing lengths of positive pulses for ‘1’ and 0,’ the pulse width for ‘0’ being twice the pulse width for ’1.’ The frequency of these pulses may lie between 1.3 and 7 kHz depending on the resistor value between OSC1 and OSC2 pins.

The internal oscillator frequency of decoder HC12D is 50 times the oscillator frequency of encoder HT12E. The values of the timing resistors connected between OSC1 and OSC2 pins of HT12E and Hfl2D, for a given voltage supply, can be found out from the graphs given in the datasheets of the respective chips. Here we have chosen the resistor values for approximately 3kHz frequency of the encoder (HT12E) and 150 kHz of the decoder (HT12D) at of 5V.

The (HT12D) receives data from the HTI2B on its Din pin, serially, If the address part of the received data matches the levels on A0 through A7 pins four times in succession, the valid transmission (VT) pin goes high. The data on pins AD8 through AD11 of the HC12E appears on pins D8 through D11 of the HTI2D. Thus the device acts as a receiver of the 4-bit data (16 possible codes) with 8-bit addressing (256 possible channels).

Once the frequency of the pair is aligned, then on ground of any data pin on the encoder, LED1 on the decoder should light up. You can also check the data transfer on pins AD8 through AD11, which is avail able on pins D8 through D11 of the decoder once TE pin is momentarily taken low by making it ground.


RF Signal Transmitter for Traffic Signal

Receiver for Traffic Signal

Output from the Receiver Section


Data for the traffic signal is generated form the parallel port of the PC. When this data is transmitted from the parallel port it is Transmitted by the Transmitter after converting it into ASK of 434Mhz or 315Mhz.The recevier converts the code transmitted, and signal is operated.

Major Advantage of the project is the signal are connected to central Control room with RF link. There is no Wireless Link between the Signal and Control room. Hence the maintainence is reduced and surrounding is not affected.

The sources and references used for our project.

Microsoft Visual Basic Black Book.

Mastering in Visual Basic.

Digital Principles

Modern Digital Electronics

Visual Basic Journal.

National Semiconductor Manual

VB complete reference

Website –

Website –

Website –
