Unit R/505/0551

Coating and Decorating Cookies and Biscuits


*Please note overall grading for the ABC Entry Level Award in Decorating Cakes and Biscuits (Entry 3) qualification is a Pass. It is only the units that are graded.

You are going to coat and decorate 6 cookies or biscuits.


  1. Prepare designs for your cookies or biscuits taking note of:

·  Size

·  Shape

·  Spacing

·  Colour

·  Proportion

·  Texture of the product being coated

  1. Your designs need to make sure that you can demonstrate your skills at

·  Spreading coverings

·  Simple rope and line work

·  Simple S and C Scrolls

·  Simple texturising and cutting out of sugar paste

  1. Identify the types of coatings you could use.
  1. Identify the common ingredients in the types of coatings you could use

Your designs can be produced as hand drawn designs, stencils or with the aid of ICT.


You are now going to decorate your 6 cookies or biscuits using your designs to a neat finish.

  1. Prepare your chosen coating
  1. Decorate your cookies or biscuits as you designed them, making sure that you demonstrate your skills in:

·  Spreading

·  Simple rope and line work

·  Simple S and C scrolls

·  Simple texturising and cutting out of sugar paste

  1. Store your coatings and finished products correctly
  1. Achieve a neat finish on the cakes
  2. Make sure that you perform all tasks safely and hygienically

To gain a Pass for this unit, you need to complete all the tasks above and have evidence to support your achievement.

Additional grading criteria are provided for Merit and Distinction in a table at the end of the assessment sheet. Again you will need to provide evidence of achievement of any additional criteria.


Unit R/505/0551 Coating and Decorating Cookies and Biscuits

Assessment Tasks Mark Sheet

To be completed by assessor. Tick the boxes to show achievement by learner. Achievement of all assessment points denotes a Pass.

Additional grading criteria are provided for Merit and Distinction in a table at the end of the assessment sheet.

Learner ______Date ______


  1. The learner prepared designs taking note of:

·  Size c

·  Shape c

·  Spacing c

·  Colour c

·  Proportion c

·  Texture of product c

  1. Their designs made sure that they could demonstrate their skills at:

·  Spreading coverings c

·  Simple rope and line work

·  Simple S and C Scrolls c

·  Simple texturising and cutting out of sugar paste c

  1. They identified the types of coating they could use c
  2. They identified the common ingredients in the types of coatings they c

could use


The learner

  1. Prepared their chosen coating c
  1. Decorated their cake as designed, demonstrating skills in:

·  Spreading c

·  Simple rope and line work c

·  Simple S and C scrolls c

  1. Achieved a neat finish on the cakes c
  2. Stored coatings and finished products correctly c
  3. Made sure that they performed all tasks safely and hygienically c

To gain a Pass for this unit, learners need to have successfully completed all the tasks above.

Assessors can award a Merit or Distinction for this unit if learners have evidence that they have achieved additional criteria as laid out in the table on the next page.

Grade Awarded for this unit
(tick one box) / PASS / MERIT / DISTINCTION

Please note overall grading for the ABC Entry Level Award in Decorating Cakes and Biscuits (Entry 3) qualification is a Pass. It is only the units that are graded.

60095118 E3 Award in Decorating Cakes and Biscuits Issue 2

R/505/0551 Coating and Decorating Cookies and Biscuits-Assessment Tasks Sep 17

R/505/0551 Coating and decorating cookies and biscuits
Skills required when decorating their cookies and biscuits
Items in bold are further explained in the glossary of terms.
The learner has met the minimum requirements of the assessment criteria and thus meets the required standard to complete the learning outcomes. They will need to: / The learner has achieved *everything at pass grade and in addition, will need to: / The learner has achieved *everything at pass and merit grade and in addition, will need to:
Apply the following skills to an acceptable (saleable) standard:
·  Spreading: neat finish, lack of air bubbles, unwanted marks, evenly blended ingredients, on a minimum of 6 small cookies as per their designs.
·  Simple rope and linework piping: lack of air bubbles, blemishes, evenly blended ingredients, even sized barrels.
·  Piping simple S and C scrolls: lack of air bubbles, blemishes, even sized scrolls.
·  Simple texturising and cutting out of sugarpaste: evenly blended colouring, even depth, lack of blemishes. / Apply the following skills to an almost perfect finish:
·  Spreading: neat smooth finish, air bubbles and marks are not as noticeable, all ingredients are blended smoothly, on a minimum of 6 small cookies as per their designs.
·  Simple rope and linework piping: air bubbles and marks are not as noticeable, all ingredients are blended smoothly, and barrels are proportional in size.
·  Piping simple S and C scrolls: air bubbles and marks are not as noticeable, and scrolls are proportional in size.
·  Simple texturising and cutting out of sugarpaste: colouring is blended smoothly, depth is proportional in size, and blemishes are not as noticeable. / Apply the following skills to a flawless finish:
·  Spreading: neat unwrinkled finish, air bubbles and marks are barely visible, all ingredients are blended consistently, on a minimum of 6 small cookies as per their designs.
·  Simple rope and linework piping: air bubbles and marks are barely visible, all ingredients are consistently smooth, and barrels are unvaried in size, neat accurate piping.
·  Piping simple S and C scrolls: air bubbles and marks are barely visible, and scrolls are unvaried in size.
·  Simple texturizing and cutting out of sugarpaste: colouring is blended consistently, depth is unvaried in size, and blemishes are barely visible.

*Everything = this includes achieving all of the assessment criteria within the unit and the skills bullet-pointed within the table above.

Glossary of terms

Minimum requirements – This means the learner was able to:

·  produce assessments to an adequate standard with minor flaws (air bubbles, uneven surface, slightly uneven joins etc.) learner now has sufficient knowledge and skill to improve over time

·  demonstrate an acceptable interpretation of the project brief and fulfil the minimum requirements

·  possess sufficient basic technical skill and understanding to achieve a pass

·  work well with support

Acceptable (saleable) standard – this means the learner was able to produce work of a saleable standard suitable for a mass bakery e.g. instore bakeries, high street bakers.

Merit grade – This means the learner was able to:

·  produce assessments to a higher standard with very minor flaws, whilst demonstrating good skills and knowledge

·  demonstrate a good interpretation of the project brief showing creativity, imagination and flair though the finish (although good) could be improved further

·  demonstrate a greater degree of neatly created ornamentation on their decoration

·  work well with minimum support

Almost perfect finish – this means the learner was able to produce work suitable for an independent bakery (artisan/craft bakery/smaller independent outlets).

Distinction grade – This means the learner was able to:

·  produce assessments to an excellent, flawless standard whilst demonstrating excellent skills and knowledge

·  demonstrate an accurate and imaginative, highly focused, interpretation of the project brief

·  demonstrate excellent technical ability with flair and finesse

·  demonstrate a high degree of flair or originality in their work

·  demonstrate excellent technical ability

·  demonstrate professional expertise and produces outstanding work

·  work autonomously with minimum support

Flawless finish – this means the learner was able to produce work suitable for a high end bakery (boutique bakery or exhibition work).

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R/505/0551 Coating and Decorating Cookies and Biscuits-Assessment Tasks Sep 17

Assessor Comment

Signature Date

Internal Quality Assurer Comment

Signature Date

External Quality Assurer Comment

Signature Date

60095118 E3 Award in Decorating Cakes and Biscuits Issue 2

R/505/0551 Coating and Decorating Cookies and Biscuits-Assessment Tasks Sep 17