Department for Transport Cycle Safety Programme

For e-mail submission

Department for Transport Cycle Safety Fund

Application Form


This form should becompleted and sent electronicallywith any supporting documentation to

Please post supporting documents (if they are not available electronically) to the address at the end of this form

Memorandum of Understanding
If agreed, the information you provide will form the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding,signed jointly with Sustrans, which will govern the delivery of the Cycle Safetyscheme. This will include agreeing to the gateway management of key stages of planning, detailed design, and construction. The MoU will also specify any conditions for the release of the grant.

1. Delivery PartnerDetails:

Name: / Jonathan Higgins
Organisation: / Newcastle City Council
Jobtitle: / Senior Specialist Transport Planner
Email: / Jonatho
Tel: / 0191 2116012
Address: / Housing Planning and Transportation
Newcastle City Council
Civic Centre
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE99 2BN

2. Name and Location of Scheme:

Please note that information supplied here will be made public via the DfT website.
Town/City: / Newcastle upon Tyne
Area of Town/City: / Gosforth
Name of Route/Scheme: / Gosforth Great North Road and High Street Cycle Safety Bid
Description of Road Safety issues to be addressed (perceived or actual) / There are a number of issues that restrict the levels of cycling around Gosforth and in particular the corridor from Broadway roundabout to the south of the High Street. In no particular order they are:
  1. High levels of traffic.
  2. Road design and geometry.
  3. The corridors accident record.
  4. Poor perception with residents and parents leading to poor take up with younger cyclists and an increase in traffic.
There are high levels of traffic using the corridor, typically levels are up to 2900 PCU’s southbound and northbound in the AM and PM peaks respectively.
This corridor currently carries a weekday average of 212 commuting cyclists and 132 younger cyclists trying to access schools and facilities along the corridor or to use it to travel into the city core.
There have been 52 recorded injuries to cyclists since 2004 in the following locations: Broadway roundabout, between Broadway and Hollywood Avenue, Hollywood Avenue roundabout, Regent Centre junctions, Church Road and Salters Road junction and Gosforth High Street (B1318).
There have been 518 casualties across all modes in that period. This means that despite being less than 1% of all traffic, cyclists suffer 10% of all injuries. This means that cyclists are at significantly greater risk using this corridor than any other user group.
From consultation with the public we have identified that residents of Gosforth have a poor perception of cycle safety along this corridor. In our most recent research 67% of residents of Gosforth felt it is important to provide routes for less experienced cyclists and nearly half (47%) prefer the option of separate cycle routes.
Further to this in a hands up surveys in schools (2012) we found that:
  1. In First and Primary Schools up to 14.7% travelled by bicycle.
  2. In Middle and High Schools only up to 6% travelled by bicycle.
The schools tell us that this is due to younger children being accompanied whilst cycling whereas older children are simply not allowed to cycle unaccompanied.
We believe the accident savings of this scheme will be in excess of £1M annually.
Process through which these issues have been identified / There is a significant evidence base to support improvements along this corridor and provide justification for the complementary cycling elements being bid for.
The evidence base is:
  1. The Gosforth Transport Study(2007). This study was used to inform transport policy at the time and encompassed accident statistic and attitudinal surveys with residents.
  2. The Local Transport Plan 3 and subsequent Congestion Reduction Plan 2007 and 2008 update. This work focused on the technical operation of the transport infrastructure. Whilst it was consulted on widely it covers generic issues across the city with focus on strategic corridors and sets out our ambitions to tackle strategic issues.
  3. Evidence gathered for the 2009 Major Scheme Business Case. The 2009 MSBC allowed us to review the data gathered in Gosforth and combine it with our strategic intent to formulate a set of options for tackling issues along this corridor. As part of this process we consulted with all households in the wards that the corridor passes through. This totalled some 40,000 households. This evidence was used to finalise the options that were taken forward in the MSBC. A number of the junction improvements derived through this process form part of the corridor now being bid for.
  4. Stats 19 and local transport database. We have reviewed the accident and flow data available at all stages since 2006 in order to ensure that data used are current or correct.
  5. Times survey. See appendices.
  6. Consultation and liason with Sustrans, CTC and Newcastle Cycling Forum. See section on local consultation.
  7. Local issues. We have a schedule of meetings with local councillors, schools, businesses and developers as part of our normal business routine.
  8. There are also local campaign groups using social media to orchestrate pressure on the council to improve various aspects of life in Gosforth. Currently there is one group campaigning for improvements to stop red light running through junctions on the High Street.

3. Costs and Funding Sought:

Please note that grants awarded are generally proportional to scheme costs.
The grant and estimate of costs (once agreed) will be made public via the DfT website.
  • Please ensure that the estimated scheme costs are for relevant works (for example design and delivery of cycling/walking related works included in this bid).
  • Please acknowledge in this application any works included in the costs below that might not happen during the programme timescale, e.g. that are still subject to planning consents, public consultation, external audits etc.

Estimate of cost of scheme:
/ £2,615,300
Funds already allocated from:
[1] / NewcastleCity Council Section 106 fund / £1,256,000
[2] / NewcastleCity Council Local Transport Plan 3 / £120,000
[3] / £
[4] / £
Total of Matching Funds: / £1,376,000
Department for Transport Cycle Safety Contribution sought: / £1,239,300

4. Timescale / gateway management phases:

4.1 Planning consents to be in place and public consultation to be complete:
Estimated start date: / 07/01/2013 / Estimated completion date: / 24/06/2013
4.2 Detailed designs:
Estimated start date: / 29/03/2013 / Estimated completion date: / 21/06/2013
Comments: Work on 3 major junctions will start in January. We expect to submit a planning application in February for one junction to be determined by June.
4.3 Construction:
Estimated start date: / 22/07/2013 / Estimated completion date: / 15/03/2014
Comments:Major civils work will be phased with school holidays to minimise disruption on the network.

If a management programme is available, please supply this in addition to the above information.

If the scheme is made up of different sections please specify theoverall earliest start date and latest finish date that applies.
5. Description of Works

Please provide more detail about each element of the proposed work. If the scheme is divided into distinct construction phases or sections (e.g. traffic free route, key links on highway, key crossings), please provide information about each using the tables below, one for each element. If this scheme has more than 3 elements, please copy further tables as required, or consider an alternative format to present this information.

Explanation of how the scheme will reduce the risk of injury for cyclists (perceived or actual) / There are a number of issues that restrict the levels of cycling around Gosforth and in particular the corridor from Broadway roundabout to the south of the High Street. In no particular order they are:
  • High levels of traffic.
  • Road design and geometry.
  • The corridor’s accident record.
  • Poor perception with residents and parents leading to poor take up with younger cyclists and an increase in traffic.
The scheme will address the following issues:
  1. Junction Safety. This is achieved by the introduction of toucan crossings on major junctions, the provision of advanced stop lines and left turn bypasses at signals for cyclists. There are 5 junctions along the corridor that will be signalised at Broadway, Hollywood Avenue, Regents Centre, Salters Road and Church Road.
  2. The provision of roadspace for cyclists along the corridor using a mixture of hybrid cycle lanes and wide bus and cycle lanes.
  3. Using either Red Route principles or the provision of mandatory lanes through the High Street we will remove the number of vehicles stopping in the carriageway. Our preferred option is a Red Route.
  4. Improve the perception of cycle safety. This will be achieved by linking these works to schools to promote and improve the take up of cycling in older children by providing actual improvements to road safety and by improving parental perceptions of safety. In addition we have a program of cycling education to back up these measures.
  5. We will provide an alternative route for less confident cyclists. This will feature toucan crossings and dedicated cycle lanes on residential streets. This will be supported by a DIY Streets scheme along Moor Road which also responds to the concerns of residents about traffic and parking.
  6. To increase permeability and reduce the need to travel along more heavily used roads the two routes will be linked approximately every 250 metres. These cross links will be either off road or on very lightly trafficked routes.
  7. Remove potential conflicts by altering a junction priority along the alternative route to give the cycle route an unbroken line from north to south along Moor Road.

Element 1

Location: / Broadway East / West / Great North Road Proposed Signalised Junction
Estimated cost of this element: / £342,500
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / We intend to signalisethis junction to give cyclists safer passage in all directions. In addition we will provide a shared surface between crossings to allow a left turn bypass through the junction for cyclists. The junction will tie into Element2 and the proposed hybrid cycle lanes.
The issue this section is intended to address: / This is intended to give cyclists advance stop lines at junction and safe crossings of the carriageway. This is to eliminate collisions with vehicles not giving way to cyclists. Additional benefits will include increased perceptions of cycle safety.
On carriageway distance m: / Ties in with existing and proposed lanes.
Off carriageway distance m: / Approximately 60m
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / As above
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map) / All crossings to be be Toucan type.
4 off in total
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / See attached AM and PM flow diagrams.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 2

Location: / Great North Road (Broadway East / West to Knightsbridge) Proposed (Hybrid) Cycle Lanes
Estimated cost of this element: / £156,300
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / Re-allocation of carriageway with hybrid cycle lanes giving protected space
The issue this section is intended to address: / High levels of traffic particularly in peak hours leave cyclists with little or no road space. There have been a number of complaints and some collisions.
This element would provide additional mode separated space for cyclists and improve perceptions of safety.
On carriageway distance m: / 20m ASL
Off carriageway distance m: / 470m
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / The Hybrid will reduce in height to provide lateral movement and the ability to rejoin the hybrid if required.
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map) / All crossings to be be Toucan type.
1 off in total
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / See attached AM and PM flow diagrams.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 3

Location: / Great North Road to Church Road (Christon Road and Alwinton Road) Proposed Cycle Lanes
Estimated cost of this element: / £13,700
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / Re-allocation of carriageway with cycle lanes giving protected space. We will be creating an island crossing and providing ASL at the junction of Great North Road and Christon Road. A cycle gate will be created at the junction of Christon and Alwinton.
The issue this section is intended to address: / School traffic leaves cyclists with little or no road space. There have been a number of complaints.
This element would provide additional mode separated space for cyclists and improve perceptions of safety. This will form the first section of the alternative route for less experienced cyclists.
On carriageway distance m: / 460m
Off carriageway distance m:
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / A cycle gate will be created at the junction of Christon and Alwinton.
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map)
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / Speeds low at all times, some congestion at school hours on Christon.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 4

Location: / Alwinton Road / Church Road / Moor Road North Proposed Signalised Junction
Estimated cost of this element: / £172500
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / We intend to signalisethis junction to give cyclists safer passage in all directions. In addition we will provide a shared surface between crossings to allow a left turn bypass through the junction for cyclists. The junction will tie into Element 5 and the proposed cycle lanes.
The issue this section is intended to address: / This is intended to give cyclists advance stop lines at junction and safe crossings of the carriageway. This is to eliminate collisions with vehicles not giving way to cyclists. Additional benefits will include increased perceptions of cycle safety and enhanced pedestrian safety.
On carriageway distance m: / 40m
Off carriageway distance m:
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / N/A
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map) / This is a junction which will have 4 toucan crossings
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / See attached AM and PM flow diagrams.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 5

Location: / Church Road to Moorfield (Moor Road North and South) Proposed Cycle Lanes
Estimated cost of this element: / £16,600.00
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / Re-allocation of carriageway with cycle lanes giving protected space. The specific design will be determined by residents in a DIY Streets .Scheme. from past request from residents this may include RPZ and directional prohibition. This will require a contra-flow cycle lane. The RPZ would be delivered through Element 8
The issue this section is intended to address: / There are high levels of parking along Moor Road during daytime this tends to be commuters and shoppers and not residentsThis element would provide additional mode separated space for cyclists and improve perceptions of safety. This will form the longest section of the alternative route for less experienced cyclists.
On carriageway distance m: / 500m
Off carriageway distance m:
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / ASL where appropriate.
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map)
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / Speeds low at all times.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 6

Location: / Moor Road North / South / The Grove Proposed Raised Table
Estimated cost of this element: / £48,200
Estimated construction start date: / 22/07/2013
Estimated construction finish date: / 13/12/2013
Description of Works: / It is proposed to change priority of the Grove and Moor Road junction. This is to give priority to the cycle route and reduce crossing speeds. This will be achieved by the provision of a full junction raised table. The Moor Road alignment will get very gentle rises to facilitate hand signals whilst cycling.
This will tie into cycle lanes proposed in element 5.
The issue this section is intended to address: / Currently there are issues with parking at school pick up and drop off around this junction leading to poor sight lines because of parked cars. In addition there are issues of speed as the Grove is unbroken with little traffic management. It is intended that this breaks up the Grove and reduces traffic speeds when crossing the cycle route.
On carriageway distance m: / Junction only
Off carriageway distance m: / Junction only
Proposals at junctions and side roads: / Junction only
Proposals at crossings:
  • Type (e.g. zebra, toucan,raised table, bridge, other)
  • Number and Locations
(please mark type and location on accompanying map) / Junction only
Traffic flows (speeds and volumes) at key locations:
(Please provide details of any options appraisals carried out at specific locations, and the rationale for the resulting choices) / See attached AM and PM flow diagrams.
Location of any features which may not comply with minimum technical standards, and justification for this: / None expected.
Record of relevant Sustrans site visit:

Element 7