On front cover:

Temple Town Team 1950

Row 1: ____ Dunn, Joe Bergeron, Bob Parlin, Dick Blodgett, Bruce Mosher

Row 2: Tamo Sade, Calvin Tyler, Albert Mitchell, Keith Porter

Row 3: John Hodgkins, Arthur Mitchell, Bill Mosher, VilioHellgren



Officials Reports ………………………………..3

Town Roster ……………………………….…….8

Letter from Selectmen ………………………10

Report from the Town Clerk ………………11

Report from the Road Commissioner ….12

Report from the Fire Chief ………………..13

Cemetery Trust Funds ……………………..14

Selectmen’s Report …………………………15

Report from the Treasurer ………………..16

Report from the Tax Collector ………….26

2015 Auditor’s Report ……………………..32

Town Warrant…………………………………40


I certify that I have notified the voters of the Town Meeting by posting an attested copy of the within warrant at the Temple Post Office and at the Temple Town Office, all being conspicuous public places within the Town of Temple on February , 2016, which is at least 7 days prior to the day of said meeting.

Dated at Temple, Maine this day of February 2016.


Sue Cantrell, Resident

Attest: True Copy


Lou Brackett, Town Clerk



To the Selectmen and Residents of the Town of Temple:

Yearly maintenance as usual was cleaning plugged culverts, grading and rock raking all the dirt roads, patching the never ending potholes and cold patch, cutting brush road side, sweeping/cleaning all intersections. Removed trees that had fallen in the roads.

Culverts had to be replaced this year on the Day Mountain Road, Varnum Pond Road, Edes Brook Road Mitchell Brook Road and the Intervale Road.

Repairs were made to the washouts on the Varnum Pond Road, Walker Hill Road, Mitchell Brook Road, Day Mountain Road and Oak Hill Road.

Ditching was needed on the Intervale Road, Mitchell Brook Road and Iisalo Road. Rocks were removed from Day Mountain Road and Oak Hill Road,

Respectfully submitted by

Raymond Nile

Road Commissioner

Town of Temple



Austin Foss, Kevin White, Jean Mitchell


Lou Brackett


Sue Cantrell


Betsey Hyde


Raymond Nile


David Hyde


David True, Chief

George Blodgett, Assistant Chief


Lou Brackett


Lou Brackett


Kevin Brown




Richard Marble


Luke Sheldon, Chairman, Barbara Collins, Janine Winn, John Stewart


Jo Josephson, Belle Foss, Kathy Lynch, Marie Andrews, Kathy Childs, Susan Dennison


Janine Winn, Jo Josephson, David True, Ronald Rackliff, Belle Foss, William Hodgkins, Luke Sheldon


Jo Josephson, Raymond Nile, Ronald Rackliff, William Hodgkins


Clyde Barker

District 3

A reminder to all residents of the Town of Temple, by a bequest of the late Dr. Arthur Mitchell of Temple, all residents of this Town have available to them a room free of charge at Franklin Memorial Hospital. You must, when being admitted to Franklin Memorial Hospital, state that you are a resident of this Town and request the necessary forms. If any resident has any problem in regards to this room or needs assistance or information regarding this generous bequest, please notify the Selectmen.

The complete audit for the Town of Temple for the last Municipal year is on file at the Municipal Office.

Fire Department Report

To the citizens of Temple:

This is my report to you, on behalf of Temple Fire Department, of our activity over the last year.

We were called out to respond to a total of 28 calls this year, broken down as follows:

2 structure fires - one of which was determined to be arson.

1 forest fire - likely caused by careless smoking by a hunter.

2 chimney fires

1 car accident

1 furnace malfunction

1 faulty CO detector

4 tree on lines\in road

11 Mutual Aid to other towns- mostly for Tanker needs

5 Mutual Aid calls canceled while enroute

We were lucky this year to have little brushfire activity despite a long dry season.

On another note, we were able to stay within budget this year and turn some funds over to the equipment reserve fund. This was possible because of lower fuel costs and no major repairs needed.

The high point of our fiscal year was the very generous donation of funds by the Fire DepartmentAuxiliary. They provided the funds tohelp uspurchase new pagers that can record and playback the call so as to eliminate confusion from not hearing the tone the first time. These will replace our current model that is no longer made. Thank you Ladies for your continuing andkindsupport.

On a sad note, we mourn the lossof former firefighter and Tanker driver, Charlie Lilja. He served the Town well in different forms over the years and is still spoken of to this day. He was quick with a laugh,but just as quick to help when needed.

As in all towns, volunteers are needed who are willing to dedicate themselves to helping their friends and neighbors in time of need. Reach out to someone on a board,committee, or organization and ask what you can help with. After all, it is your town too.

Respectfully submitted,

David True - Chief , Temple Volunteer Fire Department


For the following programs the applications must be submitted before April 1st, 2016. Applications are available at the Town Office. For more Information on these programs please contact the Selectmen on Mondays between 6:30 pm and 8pm.

VETERAN’S EXEMPTION: If you are a veteran aged 62 or older, or an unremarried spouse of a deceased veteran who would have been 62 by April 1st, 2016 and served during a federally recognized war period: or if you are a veteran who receives federal funds for 90-100% disability.

BLIND EXEMPTION: If you are legally blind as determined by a properly licensed doctor, you are eligible to receive an exemption. A letter from a doctor stating that an individual is blind is all that is needed to apply for this exemption.

HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: If you have been receiving the Homestead Exemption in the past, you do not need to reapply unless your home ownership status has changed.

The exemptions listed above require your primary residence be Temple. If you are a new resident or a current taxpayer that might qualify for one of the exemptions above, your application for the exemption must be submitted to the Assessors by April 1st, 2016. These State programs exempt a fixed amount that is deducted from the taxpayer’s residential assessed value before the tax rate is applied.

As a landowner there are three programs for which you might be eligible – The Maine Tree Growth Tax Law – Farm Classification Law – The Open Space Tax Law. As the laws for these programs are quite extensive, please contact the Assessors for more information.

To avoid errors in tax billing, please notify the Town Office in writing with any address changes.


To the Residents of the Town of Temple:

On Behalf of the Board of Selectmen, we welcome you to the annual Town Report. We are hopeful that the contents of this report will provide you with the information that you need to help us make necessary decisions for the upcoming year.

The Road Committee is continuing its task of choosing which projects to tackle in an attempt to improve our rapidly failing road network. High construction costs and maxed out tax bills create numerous challenges. We have received guidance from the Maine Local Roads Assistance Program to help us prioritize our lengthy list of improvement projects.

The Comprehensive Planning Committee has spent numerous hours gathering information and preparing a survey, which provides everyone with an opportunity to voice their concerns and desires for the future of the Town of Temple. We sincerely thank them for their efforts.

Thanks to the Recreation Committee there is a new swing set now located at the Town Hall. We hope everyone will take advantage of the new play area.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the generous individuals that volunteer their time to help all of the various committees and organizations that help make Temple such a special place to live.

The Town has lost 4 residents this year. We would like to extend our condolences to their families.

Respectfully submitted,

Selectmen, Town of Temple

Austin Foss

Kevin White

Jean Mitchell






Hollis Blaine Mosher January 10, 2015

Leo Ashland Stevens Jr. January 13, 2015

Elizabeth Darlington May 2015

Rita Hausammann Kimber December 10, 2015

2015 Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Licenses

Combination Hunt & Fish – 26 @ $42 = $1092

Hunting Licenses – 11 @ $25 = $275

Fishing Licenses – 12 @$25 = $300

Junior Hunting Licenses – 3 @ $7.00 = $21

Muzzle loading – 4 @ $13 = $52

Migratory Waterfowl - 1 @ $7.25 = $7.25

3 Day Fish -1 @ $23 = $23

7 Day Fish -1 @ $43 = $43

Non-Resident Hunt1 @ $114 = $114

Total Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Sales - $1927.25

Dog Licenses:

Dog licenses expire on December 31st of each year, you have until January 31st to license your dog. Starting February 1st there is a $25.00 LATE FEE charged on top of the license fee.

Town Meeting Warrant

To: Sue Cantrell, a Resident of the Town of Temple, in the County of Franklin.


In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to post this notice in order to notify and warn the voters of the town of Temple, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at Town Building at 258 Temple Road in said Town on Monday, the FOURTEENTH day of March 2016 at 7:00 pm in the EVENING to act upon articles 1 thru 54.

ARTICLE 1: To choose a Moderator at said meeting.

ARTICLE 2: To choose by written ballot, the following Town Officials, Namely; one Selectman, Assessor and Overseer of the Poor for 3 years, School Board Member for 3 years and Road Commissioner for 2 years

ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to hold the Annual Town Meeting on the second Monday of March. (March 13, 2017)

ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to pay the Town salaries from the Town Charges Account.

ARTICLE 5: To see how much the Town will vote to pay the officers for the ensuing 12 month period.

Recommended Town Salaries:

1st Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of Poor $ 3,200.00

2nd Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of Poor 3,200.00

3rd Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of Poor 3,200.00

Treasurer 3,900.00

Tax Collector 3,500.00

Town Clerk 2,400.00

Excise Tax Collector 1,900.00

Register of Voters 1,000.00

EMA Director 300.00

Fire Chief 2,000.00

TOTAL $ 24,600.00

ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $53,000.00 for the Town Charges Account.

Recommended: $53,000.00

ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $25,000.00 to offset a final portion of the shortfall from a previous year.

Recommended by Selectmen.

ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to use Excise Tax

money to reduce taxes.


ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $2681.00 for membership dues and worker’s compensation insurance to the Maine Municipal Association for the ensuing twelve (12) month period.

Recommended: $2681.00

ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 for the maintenance of Town-owned buildings and agree that all unexpended funds shall be carried over to the following year.

Recommended: $5,000.00

ARTICLE 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $25,000.00 for waste collection.

Recommended: $25,000.00

ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $14,000.00 for waste disposal.

Recommended: $14,000.00

ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $85,000 for the Town Roads and Bridges Account.

Recommended: $85,000.00

(Note: $40,000.00 to be raised by taxation and $25,000.00 to be transferred from Excise Tax Money and $20,000.00 from Road Block Grant.)

ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $35,000.00 for the paving account. Recommended $35,000.00

ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $108,000.00 for the Snow Plowing contract.

Recommended: $108,000.00

(Note $78,000.00 to be raised by taxation and $30,000.00 to be transferred from Excise Tax Money.)

ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $30,000.00 for winter sand and salt.

Recommended: $30,000.00

ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $40,000.00 for the Road Construction Reserve Account.

Recommended: $40,000.00

ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $20,000.00 for the Temple Fire Department Account, and agree that all unexpended funds shall be transferred to the Equipment Reserve Account.

Recommended: $20,000.00

ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 for the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account.

Recommended: $5,000.00

ARTICLE 20: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1600.00 necessary to cover the Street Lighting Service furnished to the Town.

Recommended: $1600.00

ARTICLE 21: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $9,050.00 for Risk Management Insurance for the ensuing year.

Recommended: $9,050.00

ARTICLE 22: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 for Hydrant Rental.

Recommended: $5,000.00

ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $500.00 for the care of the Village Cemetery.

Recommended: $500.00

ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,056.00 for the Animal Shelter Contract.

Recommended $1,056.00

ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,500.00 for the Animal Control Account.

Recommended $1,500.00

ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $6,000.00 for the Ambulance Service Account.

Recommended $6,000.00

ARTICLE 27: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $3,500.00 for the Sand-Salt Shed Reserve Account.

Recommended $3,500.00

ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,300.00 for the cost of the newsletter.

Recommended: $1,300.00

ARTICLE 29: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,000.00 for the Temple Recreation Department and agree that all unexpended funds shall be carried over to the following year.

Recommended $1,000.00

ARTICLE 30: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,000.00 for the Planning Board and agree that all unexpended funds shall be carried over to the following year.

Recommended $1,000.00

ARTICLE 31: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $9,200.00 for tax assessing and support by John O’Donnell &Associates.

Recommended $9,200.00

ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $12,847.38 as debt service for the Bridge Construction Loan.

Recommended $12,847.38

(Note: Loan will be paid July 2016.)

ARTICLE 33: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,078.00 for the Androscoggin Valley Council of Government yearly dues.

ARTICLE 34: To see if the Town will vote that real estate taxes are due and payable by November 30, 2016.


ARTICLE 35: To see if the Town will vote to use the Tax Lien method to secure all Real Estate Taxes not paid in the given eight month period.


ARTICLE 36: To see what sum the Town will set for the interest on taxes still due after December 1, 2016.

Recommend 7%

ARTICLE 37: To see what sum the Town wishes to charge interest on Tax Liens from the date of lien until paid.

Recommend 7%

ARTICLE 38: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to hire money in anticipation of taxes and to pay interest on same from Town Charges Account.


ARTICLE 39: To see if the Town will vote to set an interest rate to be paid by the Town on abated taxes at seven (7%) for the fiscal year.


ARTICLE 40: To see if the Town will vote to pay the abated taxes and the appropriate interest from the Town Overlay Account.


ARTICLE 41: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Tax Collector/Treasurer to accept prepayments of taxes not yet committed pursuant to 36 MRSA, Section 506.


ARTICLE 42: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell any Real Estate which has been acquired by mature tax liens on such terms as they deem advisable and to issue quit claim deeds to purchasers thereof.


ARTICLE 43: To see if the Town will vote to give a discount on real estate taxes paid within thirty (30) days of the tax billing date, and taxes must be paid in full to receive said discount; total discount to be given on the last payment before the thirtieth (30th) day after tax billing date. Said discount to be 3%.

Not Recommended.

ARTICLE 44: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers to spend amounts for payment of bills for the Town, not to exceed 1/3 of the 2016 annual budget during

the period from January 1, 2017 to the 2017 Town Meeting.


ARTICLE 45: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers to make

determinations regarding the use of surplus funds as they deem advisable to meet unauthorized expenses and emergencies that occur during the fiscal year 2016.


ARTICLE 46: To see if the Town will vote to accept all State funds due the Town and to authorize the Selectmen to expend State reimbursement funds as they deem necessary.


ARTICLE 47: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate 100% of the refund of the snowmobile

registrations received annually from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and

wildlife for the Shiretown Riders Snowmobile Club to be used to help defer the cost of