Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Fine Arts

Iryna Popova
fax: / Departments:
Ukrainian Language (e-mail: )
Ukrainian Literature (e-mail: )

Program Coordinator

Deputy Dean for research and international cooperation


List and description of courses

for the master degree program in the Ukrainian Language and Literature

(term of study – 1 year, number of credits – 60, one credit is 36 academic hours)

The master program with a major in Ukrainian Language and Literature is designed for students with a preliminary background in philology. For students’ orientation in the aspects of the philological education at the university they are offered a course “Introduction to Specialty”; for the consolidation of their knowledge of Ukrainian philology – “Modern Literary Ukrainian Language” and “History of Ukrainian Literature”. Professional training includes compulsory subjects in linguistics (“General Linguistics”, “Stylistics”) та literary criticism (“Theory of Literature”, «History of Ukrainian Literature Genres”, “History of Ukrainian Literature Abroad”), which provide the necessary theoretical and historical-literary linguistic knowledge indispensable for understanding the specific nature of modern linguistic and literary processes. Topical issues of modern linguistics and literary criticism are dealt with in specialization courses of Ukrainian linguistics (“Language Identity in Modern Culture”, “Gender Linguistics”, “Main Trends and Methods of Modern Linguistic Research”, “Lexicographic Interpretation of Lexis in Information Systems”, “Historical Lexicology”) and Ukrainian literary criticism (“Peculiarities of Modern Lyrical Genres”, “Psychological Analysis in the Ukrainian Literature of the 20th-21st centuries”, “Poetics of Modern Narration and ”Small Prose”, “Poetics of Modern Novel”, “Baroque Traditions in Modern Ukrainian Literature”). Master program also includes a course aimed at perfecting students’ pedagogical skills and habits (“Modern Techniques in Ukrainian Language and Literature Class”). The final stage of professional training is the approbation of the acquired knowledge and skills of methodological and research work during teaching practice and preparation of a course research paper.

*Note: Training for those major in a language and literature may start from 2014-2015 academic year, academic group may include 15 students.

# / Subject / Descriptive notes / Number of credits / Semester
1 / Introduction to Specialty / Structure of philological education. Slavonic philology as a separate branch of philology and Ukrainian philology as a part of Slavonic philology. Synchronistic and diachronic aspects of language and literary study. Understanding the functioning of language, processes and phenomena of literary life, potentials of modern methods of research into language and literature with a view to cope with professional duties. Pedagogical technology of a creative personality formation during the educational process: structure of a creative personality, creative abilities, culture of speaking / 2 / 1
2 / Modern Ukrainian Literary Language / Contemporary national and language issues in Ukraine. A word in the lexico-semantic system of modern Ukrainian literary language. Lexical meaning of a word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms and paronyms. Ukrainian lexis and its etymology. Word stock of modern Ukrainian literary language in terms of its stylistic use. Phraseology, Lexicography. Theoretical problems of phonetics and phonology. Vowels of modern Ukrainian literary language. Consonants. Scientific and linguistic transcription. Word sound form changes in the speech. Vowel gradation in modern Ukrainian. Interchange of consonants in modern Ukrainian. Syllable and stress.
Orthoepy. Script and orthography. Morphemics. Morphems of modern Ukrainian. Woprd formation. Methods of word formation. Formation of nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs. Phrase as a unit of syntax. Sentence as the principal syntactic unit. Simple two-member sentence. Secondary parts of the sentence. One-member sentences. Complete and incomplete sentences. Simple complicated sentence. Parenthetical and imbedded constructions. Addresses. Composite sentence. / 4 / 1
3 / History of Ukrainian Literature / Main trends in the development of national folklore, stylistic peculiarities of ancient Ukrainian written language works. Stages of literary history of the 1st half of the 19th century, preconditions of the new Ukrainian literature formation. Development of the creative methods of classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism and realism in the new Ukrainian literature. T.H. Shevchenko – the founder of the critical realism method. The Ukrainian literature of the 50-60s of the 19th century. Yu. Fedkovych, Marko Vovchok, P. Kulish, S. Rudansky, L. Hlibov, A. Svydnytsky. The Ukrainian literature of the 70-90s of the 19th century. Development of journalism, literary critique and theater. Publication of folklore collections. Translational work of Ukrainian writers. I.S. Nechui-Levytsky, P. Myrny and B. Grinchenko. Creation of first professional actors’ company of M. Kropyvnytsky. The genre of socio-psychological drama and comedy in the works by I. Karpenko-Kary and M Starytsky. Life and creative development of I. Ya. Franko. O. Oles’, Lesia Ukrainka, V. Stefanyk, O. Kobylianska and M. Kotsiubynsky. Modernism in the Ukrainian literature of the early 20th century. “Young Muse” literary society. Works by V Vynnychenko. Peculiarities of the literary process of the 1930s. “Rozstriliane Vidrodzhenia” (“Renaissance Shot”). Socialist realism as unnatural method in literature and arts. Works by M. Rylsky and Yu. Yanovsky. Development of drama in the 20-50s of the 20th century. M. Kulish as the founder of modern Ukrainian theater. M. Bazhan: from futurism, expressionism to socialist realism and subsequent polysemy in the 60-80s works. Literary works of O. Honchar: neoromantic in the constraints of socialist realism. “Shistdesiatnytsvo” (“Dissident movement of the 60s”) phenomenon. Poetry by Lina Kostenko, M. Vinhranovsky. Dissident movement in the literature of the 60-70s. V. Stus. Crisis in the Ukrainian literature of the 80-80s of the 20th century and attempts to overcome it. Literary groupings of the 90s and their aesthetic foundations. “Traditionalists” vs. “modernists” opposition. Development of the feminist critique and literature. O. Zabuzhko and Ye. Kononenko as representatives of the feminine literature. / 4 / 1
4 / General Linguistics / Language as the object and the subject of linguistics. Symbolic nature of language. Language and speech. Language and thought. Language and society. Social types of language. Historical development of language. Internal structure of language. Phonological system of language. Lexical and semantic system of language. Grammatical organization of language. Morphology and word-formation. Syntactic level of language. Text as an object of linguistic analysis. / 3 / 2
5 / Theory of Literature / General laws of structure and development of literature. Patterns of fiction process development and its essential features. Literary methodology, literary schools, artistic and creative activity, its specificity and structure. Fiction text (FT) as a carrier and transmitter of artistic information. Artistic recipient as the destination of artistic information movement. FT perception as the component that connects art and creative work and social being of a literary work. Peculiarities and patterns of fiction perception. Associative nature of literary images. Socio-economic causes and inner patterns of literature development. Mutual artistic influences as internal factors of literature development. Categories of FT micropoetics. Principles of typing and typology in literature. Structure of artistic alienation. Categories of FT macropoetics. Categories of literary style, literary gender and genre. Traditionalization patterns and originality of legendary and mythological and literary types. The notion of traditional structure. Multi-level system of structural and semantic transformation of traditional plots. / 3 / 2
6 / Communicative Linguistics / Communicative linguistics as a science and academic discipline. Nature, components and forms of communication. Discourse as a process and the most general category of language code organization. Components of communication associated with rhetoric of speech and communicative situation. Communicative deviations (failures). Intercultural communication. Language code aspects in intercultural communication. Analysis of communicative situations. Tone as a part of speech communication. Atmosphere of communication. Communicative passport of intercourse participants. / 4 / 1
7 / Ukrainian Language Stylistics / General notions of Ukrainian Language Stylistics. Word usage accuracy as the orthological and stylistic category. The system of functional styles of the Ukrainian literary language. Stylistic properties of phraseology. Stylistic word-formation. Stylistic means of morphology. Stylistic syntax. Stylistic devices. / 5 / 2
8 / History of Ukrainian Literature Abroad / The role of creative work of greatest writers of the Diaspora in the development of Ukrainian literature, their preservation of the classical traditions and modernization of their work in the context of world culture. Social and cultural factors of Ukrainian literature emergence and development, aesthetic principles of schools and groups which united Ukrainian writers outside the homeland. Literary associations. "The Prague School": aesthetic principles. Poets of "The Prague School". Yuri Daragan, Ye. Malaniuk, Oleg Olzhych. Olena Teliha. Yuri Klen’s poetry: neoclassical tendencies, neorealism features. The Ukrainian literature development of the 30-50s in the 20th century. Prose of Ulas Samchuk. Poetry and prose of T. Osmachka. I. Bahriany’s novels. Modernist and postmodernist trends in the literature of the 60 -70s of the 20th century. Creative work of poets of the New York Group, aesthetic principles. Poetry of Yuri Tarnavsky: existentialism of content and surrealism of form. Poetry and prose of E. Andiyevska and creative type identity. Ukrainian diaspora literature at the turn of the centuries from the point of view of the emigrant literary critics. / 5 / 1
9 / History of Ukrainian Literature Genres / The genre nature of a literary work: theoretical discourse. Folk-and-poetic genres in the Ukrainian literature (a song, a ballad, a legend) and canonical genres in the Ukrainian poetry, their development. Literary fairy-tale. Elegy as the oldest genre, the change of its structure; sonnet: its origin, the role of І. Franco in the modernization of the subject matter and the range of problems raised in the sonnet; the revival of the canonical form of the sonnet in the works of neoclassicism representatives; ode in the works of the Ukrainian poets of the 18th – 19th centuries. Dramatic poem. (Lesia Ukrainka, O. Oles`, I. Kocherha, I. Drach).
Epic genres in Ukrainian literature. Sources and ways of story and narrative development, their golden age in the 18th – 19th centuries (H. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, M. Vovchok). From V. Stephanyk’s expressionistic short story and M. Kotsiubynsky`s impressionistic one to the short stories of the 20s of the 20th century (G. Kosynka, A. Holovko, Yu. Yanovsky, M. Khvylovy, V. Pidmohylny). Short story genre in the works of Yu. Yanovsky and O. Honchar and “the writers of the sixties” (Y. Hutsalo, Gr. Tiutiunnyk). The polyphonism of contemporary short stories (V. Danylenko, M. Matios, L. Tarnashynska). Novel in Ukrainian literature, its varieties. "Black Rada" by P. Kulish as a type of Walter Scott-like novel. Historical novel, its development (M. Starytsky, I. Nechuy-Levitsky, D. Mishchenko, P. Zagrebelny, P. Ivanychuk). Other types of novels (adventure, mythological, chronicle, hagiographical, biographical ones). Versed novel (I. Kotliarevsky, V. Polishchuk, L. Pervomaisky, T. Masenko, Lina Kostenko)
Drama genres development. The origin of dramatic genres in Ukrainian literature, their golden age in the works of І. Kotliarevsky. The golden age of drama and theatre of leading figures (I. Tobilevytch, M. Kropyvnytsky). The political blockade of drama development in the soviet period. V. Vynnychenko`s drama and the opening of modern theatre in Ukraine. Great variety of drama genres in the 20s of the 20th century (M. Kulish, I. Kocherha, I. Dniprovsky, Ya. Mamontov). The development of drama in 30-80s of 20th century: ups and downs. Development of tragedy in Ukrainian literature. Comedy in Ukrainian literature. / 3
10 / Modern Techniques in Ukrainian Language and Literature Class / Modern technique as a component part of general pedagogical technology. The techniques of the class as a system approach to the educational process: setting aims, constructing educational process, checking its efficiency. The basic components of the class are the teacher, the student, the purpose of studying, the structure and content of studies, the optimal organization of the class, the methods, the procedures, the techniques and the assessment of the class. Passive, active and interactive studying. Lesson techniques as interactive models of studying. An effective form of the technological approach to the class of the Ukrainian language and literature is a modeling of the educational process. The peculiarities of the lesson: modernity, optimality, integrity, scientific nature, optimality, the creation of the educational process and its results, the programming of the teacher and students activity, the usage of various methods of studying, the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the lesson. / 4 / 1
11 / Course research paper / The contents of a course paper consist in a detailed examining of the problem which should be elucidated on the basis of scientific scrutinizing historical-and-literary/linguistic collection of facts and theoretical generalization with the reflection of the student’s own point of view concerning the stated tasks. To complete a course paper successfully means to handle the collection of facts freely, use the theoretical models of text investigation, to be able to analyze literary works, the conceptuality of the paper, the scientific novelty of the paper as well as to draw independent conclusions, to be deeply aware of the set tasks, to organize the paper properly and to meet all the standards. / 6 / 1, 2
12 / Practice: the fundamentals of pedagogical excellence / The aim of the practice is the verification of the students` knowledge of and skills in the teaching methods. Teaching practice makes the basis of practical skills of future teachers of foreign languages. Visiting classes by the lecturers of Ukrainian philology department. Acquaintance with academic groups where the trainee is going to teach. The research of the syllabus/ curriculum and the textbooks. Analyzing teaching aids and methodical literature. Modeling the classes in Ukrainian language: the development of the synopsis of practical classes, the formation of their scientific-and methodical grounds. Conducting classes in Ukrainian language and visiting students` classes. Conducting demonstration lessons. Holding educational events. Making a report according to all aspects of pedagogical practice. The defense of pedagogical practice. / 1,5 / 2
Option 1. Ukrainian Linguistics
13 / Language Identity in Contemporary Culture / Language identity as a complex linguistic category. Language identity and its signs. Language identity as national and socio-cultural phenomenon. Language identity and linguistic consciousness. Language identity and its development. Language identity in communication. Components of a communicative act connected with participants of communication. Language identity as the interpreter of the text. / 4 / 1
14 / Gender Linguistics / The history of development of gender studies. Language of men and women as an object of sociolinguistic research. Gender stereotypes in language. Sexism in language and its manifestations. Ways of overcoming sexism in language. Gender signs in Ukrainian fiction. The role of the media and advertising in shaping gender-informed worldview. Gender linguistics in political and Internet discourse. / 3 / 2