John Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre
RegisteredinEnglandand WalesCompanyNumber: 7465249
Name of Organisation/Hirer : ………………………………………………………… Position in Organisation : ………………………………..
Nature of Organisation : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Application responsible for payment : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
Address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Postcode : …………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone No : ………………………………………………..
Purpose of use : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Day (s) and Date (s) required : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Time (s) required : From : ……………………………………………………………. To : …………………………………………………………………..
Estimated numbers attending : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
List precise facilities required (rooms, pitches, etc.) : ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
* * *
No of chairs : Piano : Stage Lighting : Heating :
  • Tick as appropriate

D Declaration
I confirm that the organisation/hirer has Public Liability Insurance cover with …………………………………………………………
(Name of insurer)
Policy No : …………………………………………………………………………. Expiry Date : ……………………………………………………………….
Limit of Indemnity : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
* I wish the school to arrange Public Liability cover and I will pay the premium of 10% of the hiring fee. (*Delete whichever is not applicable).
I undertake to pay the appropriate hiring charges (including any charges arising from additional use to that specified above), to observe and be bound by the conditions of hiring detailed overleaf, and to indemnify the School against any claims for loss or damage or personal injury or any associated costs arising from this agreement.
Applications signature : ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date : …………………………………...


Throughout this document and solelyinrelation toit theterm’School’ means the John KyrleHigh

Schooland Sixth FormCentre.

All applicationsforthe hire of accommodationmust bemade in writing atleast seven days before the accommodationis required. The person who signs theapplication willbe consideredby the School forall purposes to be the hirer.Where apromoting organisationis named in the application forhirethatorganisation will be similarly considered to be thehirer and willbe jointly and severallyliable hereonwith the person who signs theapplication.

The School reservethe right toimpose furtherconditions to meet the particularrequirements of the hirer and may, at their absolute discretion and without reason beinggiven,refuse to grant any application forthe hire of accommodation andfacilities orcancel without notice any hiringpreviously accepted.

1)The charges forthe hiredaccommodation andany other additionalsums payable by the hirerwillbe as set outinthe School’s scaleof charges or as otherwise determined by or onbehalf of the School.

2)The Schoolmay at their absolute discretion and withoutreasonbeing given requirea deposit fromthe hirerinadditionto the charges foraccommodation. Such a deposit willbereturnableafterthe hiring provided there hasnot been any breach of Conditions.10 and 20.

3)The number of persons attendingthe functionmust be notified tothe School not less than 48hourspriorto thefunction. Numbers notifiedarenot tobe exceeded underanycircumstances except by prioragreement in writing. In no case will persons be admitted to socialfunctions after10:00p.m. and inallcases useof the accommodation must be terminated nolater than 3:00a.m. (Saturdays12 midnight).

4)The hirershallprovideat thehirer’s cost suchnumbers of attendantsand stewards as may, in the opinion of the Schoolortheirauthorisedofficer, be necessary to secure the observanceand performance of the stipulations Containedin these conditionsincluding those relating to the observanceof fireprecautions.Such attendantsand stewards shall be the servants of the hirer, but willcomply withthe reasonablerequirements of the School in the performance of theirduties.

5)If the hirerfails toobserve andperformany one ormore of the stipulations containedherein the Schoolmay:

a)charge to andrecoverfromthe hirerany expenses

incurredby the School in engaging policeofficers orotherpersons to secure suchobservance and performances.

b)cancel any otherengagement for anyroomor rooms in the hired premises that the hirermay havemade without incurring anyliability to

the Schoolwhatsoeverotherthan forthereturn of any fee paid (less a reasonableadministration charge).

c)charge to the hirerthe cost of clearing the premises of litter.

6)Specific written permission fromthe Schoolmust be obtained bythe hirer before intoxicating drinks may be brought ontothe premises. The sale ofintoxicatingliquorat the hired premises may only be undertakenby the current holder(s)of a Justices Licenceandin accordance withtheprovisionsof that Licence. The hirerisresponsiblein allrespects for applyingforand ensuringcompliance with any such Licence.

7)The hirer shall,ifrequired bythe School, supply for approvalacopy ofthe programme of any proposed entertainment notless than 7days beforethe presentation of such entertainment.

8)No copyright,dramatic ormusicalwork shallbe performed orsung withoutlicence of the owner of the copyright and allsuchlicences shallbe produced to the School before the commencement of the hiring.Thehirershall indemnify the Schoolagainst anyinfringement of copyright which may occur duringthe hiring.

9)The hiring doesnot entitle the hirerto use orenter thepremises at any time otherthan the specifichoursforwhichthe accommodationishired unlessprior arrangements have been madewiththe Schoolwhich willgrant reasonableaccess beforeand afterthe hiringperiodin accordance withtheavailability of the use of the accommodation.

10)The hirershalltake good careof and shallnotcause any damage orpermit orsufferany damage to be done tothe hired premises orto any part orparts thereof orto any fittings, equipment or otherproperty thereinand shallmake good andpay forthedamage thereto (including accidentaldamage)caused by anyact of neglect of the hirer, the hirer’s servants, agents or any personresorting to the hired premises by reason of the hired premises by the hirer.

11)The Schoolwillnotacceptresponsibility orliabilityinrespectof any damage ortheft orloss of any property, goods, articlesorthings whatsoeverplaced, deposited, broughtintoorleft upon the hiredpremises either by the hirerforthe hirer’s use or purpose or by any other person,orleftor deposited withany officer orservant ofthe School and the hirermust indemnify and hold the Schooland their servants and officers harmless inrespectthereof. It is theresponsibility of the hirerto provide cloakroomattendants, andSchoolemployees are not permitted to assistin the cloakrooms.

12)The Schoolshall not beliable for anyloss dueto any breakdown of machinery,failureof supplyof electricity,leakage of water, fire, Governments restriction, strike , Act of God, or any unforeseen circumstances which may cause the premises to be temporalityclosed or the hiringto beinterruptedorcancelled.

13)The hirershallbeliable for andshall indemnify the School in respect of anyloss,damage or injury which may be incurredby orbe done orhappen to thehireror anypersonin the hirer’s employ or any ofthe hirer’s sub-contractorsorby ortoany other person or persons resorting tothe hired premises by reason of the use of the hiredpremises by the hirer.

14)The Schoolmay require any hirerto disclose to themthe arrangements (includingany Insurancesin relationto anyliability)made oreffected bythe hirerfor damage accepted by the hirer, orin relation to any indemnity hereby given.

15)The hirershallnot himself let, hire orlicence to any other person tolet thehired premises or any partthereof. Shouldthe hirerfailto comply with this conditionthe hiring willstand cancelledand charges paidforfeited andthe hirerand sub-hirerexcluded fromthe accommodation.

16)The right of entry tothe hired premises isreserved at any time duringthe hiringto any member of the School, any officerof theSchool on duty,any policeofficeron dutyany other person(whether employed by the Schoolornot)lawfully undertaking duties connected with the safety orsecurity of the accommodation, orwiththe health, safety or welfareof persons therein.

17)The hirer, the hirer’s servants, agents andcontractors shallduring thehiring during such othertimes as they orany of themshall bein the hiredpremises forthe purposeof hiring comply with allreasonable requirements of the School ortheir authorisedofficer.

18)The hirershallduringthe hiring beresponsible for:

a)the efficient supervisionof the hiredpremisesincluding theeffective controlof children, the orderly and safeadmissionanddeparture ofpersons to and fromthe hired premises and theorderly and safeclearance of the hiredpremisesin caseof emergency.

b)the safety of the hired premises and the preservation ofgood order anddecency therein.

c)ensuring all doorsgiving egress fromthe hired premises shallbe kept unfastened and unobstructed andimmediately available for exit during the whole time the hired premises arein use andno obstructionshallbe placedorallowed to

remain inany corridor giving accesstothe hired premises.

19)Exceptwiththe consentin writing of the Schoolthe hirershallnot causeorsuffer anyanimal

in the hirers charge orin the possessionof any personresorting tothe hired premises during the hiringenterorremain in the hired premises.

20)The hirershallat the expirationof theperiod of the hiringleave the premises in aclean orderly state.

Hirer’s arereminded thatin accordance withtheir dutiesunderthe EnvironmentalProtection Act 1990, theGovernors orthe schoolrequirethe premises tobeleft free oflitter.Failure to clearthepremises oflitter after use may result inthe Governors charging tothe hirerthe cost tothemofclearing,and repeating failureto remove litterafteruse may resultin the cancellation without notice, of any hiringin accordance with condition1 hereof.

21)No inflammable materials shallbe allowed within sixfeet ofanylightsinthe building.

22)No bolts, nails, tacks, screws, bits, pins or otherlike objects shallbe drivenintoany part of the hired premises norshallany placardsorotherarticles be fixed thereto.

23)The Schoolor any personso authorisedby the School can stopany entertainment or meeting not properly conducted.

24)No publicity oradvertisingmaterial, flags,notices, emblems or other decorations shallbe displayed within the grounds and premises of the hiredpremises oron thegates, walls, fences andhedgeforming theboundary ofthepremises without the previous consentin writing of the School.

25)Any lightingand audio/visualequipment suppliedby the Schoolshallat alltimes be operated by personsemployed by the Schoolforthat purpose and nootherperson whatsoevershall operateor attempt to operateofinterfere withthe lighting or audio/visualequipmentwithout express prior permission.

26)No additional lightsor extensions fromthe existing electriclights fittings nor audio/visual equipment provided by the hirer orhis agentsshallbe used without previous written consent of the Schooland anysuchlights,extensionsor equipment shallbe disconnectedor switched offif any authorised officer ofthe School so requires.

27)No personsotherthanpersons directly concerned withthepresentationof any function shall be permitted on the stage (ifany)orin the ancillaryadjoining the stage (If any).

28)Exceptwiththe previous consentin writing ofthe School, nopartof thehired premises shall be used bythe hirerforthe sale of anything whetherby auctionor otherwise except when the hired premises are specificallyhired forthepurposeof holding such a sale.

29)The property of the hirer and the hirer’s agentsmust be removed before 12 noonon the date next following the period of hiring or additional fees will be charged for each orpart day until the same is removed.The School accept no responsibility forany propertyleft onthe prem- ises afterthe hiring.

30)Smoking, and the use of electronic cigarettes, isprohibited bythe School.

31)All sceneryand costumes used for performances and thelike must be fire proof.

32)The express written permission ofthe School must be obtainedforthe useof streamers, balloons orconfetti.

33)No exit may be blocked, chairs or obstructionsplacedin corridors orinternal doorways , or fire appliances tampered with orremoved. Please referto Condition 18.

34)Any specialstagingor equipment required orprovided bythe hirershall be amatter of negotiationbetween the hirerand the School or other authorisedofficer.

35)If the hirerwishes to cancelasingle bookingat least 3 clear days written notice shallbe givenorforcancellation ofan arrangement to hire premises regularly,1month’s written noticeis requiredotherwisethe Schoolshallbe entitled to retain the fees paid. If, asa result of such cancellation, the School incursalossin excess of the feespaid by the hirer, the hirer shallpay to the Schoolasliquidated damages the amount of suchloss.

36)Any complaint arising outof the hiring must be made in writing tothe School.

37)Any notice, demand or request by the School to or upon the hirermay be sent by ordinary pre-paid post addressed to the hirer at the hirer’s address giveninthe hirer’s application and shallbe deemed to be made orserved at the timewhen thelettercontaining the samewould be deliveredin theordinary course ofpost.

38)The hireris requested to contact the Schoolto obtain details of the prevailing fire precautionsand security arrangements.

39)The hireris tobe responsible forthe conductof hisown employees, agentsand contractors including allhealth, safetyand welfare matters. The hirermustmake his arrangements in such away as to ensure at alltimes:-

(i)compliance by himof his responsibility underHealthand SafetyatWork

Act and,

(ii)compliance and co-operation byhimself andhis employees,agentsand contractors with anyarrangementsmade by the Schoolforthe security of the hired premises or any part thereof orto secure compliance with any duty or requirement inrelation to health and safetyat work.

40)The hirershallbe responsible for(and shall indemnify the Schoolagainst anybreach) compliance withany statutory provisionsrelating to thepreparation, display and sale offood for human consumption, orto the sale of goods orservices.

41)The hire of accommodation does notinclude the right to carparkingaccommodation, except that vehicle bringingpassengers, exhibits, fittings etc. may stand in such part ofthe car parking area surrounding the premises as theSchoolmay determine forsuch time as necessary at theirown risk.

Ledbury Road Ross-on-Wye Hereford



1)Where applicationforalettingisforan unspecifiedperiod,users shouldrenew their application as necessary for each school year(i.ecommencing September). Such renewed application should be made not laterthan endof thepreceding May.

2)Applicantsare asked tonotify theSchoolImmediatelyin theeventof there being a changeinthe name and address ofthe person withwhomthe Schoolshould communicate regardingtheletting arrangement .