Minutes of the 119th MEOPHAM Annual Parish Meeting

held on Tuesday 28th May 2013, at 8.00 pm

at the St Johns Centre, Wrotham Road, Meopham.

In the Chair:

Cllr D Powell, Chairman, Meopham Parish Council.

Also Present:

Cllr Derek Sales (Mayor of Gravesham) and Mrs Pam Sales (Mayoress of Gravesham),Borough Cllrs Mrs L Boycott, Mrs J Burgoyne, J Cubitt and D Shelbrooke, County Cllr B Sweetland,Canon G Oliver (St John’s the Baptist Church), Mr A Rowe and Mrs R Dymond (Cobham Parish Council), Mr M Raylor (Chairman, Borough Green Parish Council), Mr K Dare (Footpath Warden), 11 members of Meopham Parish Council, PCSO J Hartley and 51representatives of local organisations, other invited guests, electors and members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Mr A Holloway, MP, Cllr Hugh Marshall (Meopham Parish Council), members of the Harvel Village Hall Management Committee, Mr D Arnold (Meopham Village Hall Management Committee), Mr M Munro (Meopham Secondary School), Mrs A Hamilton (Meopham Welfare Committee), Mr and Mrs Brian Edwards (U3), Mr Bugg (Hasler Bursary), Mr D Freere (former Meopham Parish Council Chairman and Councillor), Mrs R Doughty (Culverstone Primary School) and Mrs M Jones (Luddesdown Parish Council).

2.Chairman’s Welcome to guests, electors, members of the public and the Press

The Chairman welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress of Graveshamalong with other distinguished guests and parishioners of Meopham. The Chairman then invited the Mayor to address the meeting and he spoke with regard to his role as Mayor and his chosen charities for the year.

3. Minutes of the previous (118th) Annual Parish Meeting

The minutes of the 118th Annual Parish Meeting held on 27th March 2012were confirmed.

4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

5.Chairman’s Address and Annual Report

The Chairman gave an address which included the following:

  • The submission of the Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate;
  • Congratulated the Jubilee Committee who organised the very enjoyable Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations;
  • Gave an update on the proposed refurbishment of Judson’s Pavilion;
  • Issues relating to the former Parish Clerk;
  • Expressed the Council’s gratitude to the Acting Clerk for her excellent support to the Council over the past year.

The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude to all the various local organisationswithintheparish for all their work and effort over the past year.

The Chairman concluded his address by presenting a memento from the Parish Council to Colin Durham who after 25 years of keeping the greens clear of litter, removing graffiti, keeping the bus shelters clean and tidy had taken the decision to retire at the end of last year.

7Questions from the Public

The Chairman invited questions from parishioners and asked that they declare their names and which wards they reside in. Hereminded parishioners that they were not permitted to make statements and that some questions may require a written response if the information was not readily available. A resident raised the issue of the amount of reserves held by the Parish Council.

The Chairman thanked the Mayor and Mayoress of Gravesham, distinguished guests and parishioners, for attending the 119th Annual Parish Meeting.

The meeting closed at 07.35 pm.

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