Perth and Kinross Local Area Commander’s Bulletin

22nd January 2015

This week has been challenging from both weather and a crime perspective for Perth and Kinross.


The weather conditions and challenges described in last week’s bulletin continued, with a particularly challenging day on the A93, where a number of vehicles became stuck trying to access the ski centre in worsening conditions. While the Met Office forecasted significant wind speeds for Glenshee, the reality wasn’t as bad as first predicted, but there was significant drifting across the road.

Many people sometimes forget that the A93 is the highest A class road in the UK, carrying thousands of vehicles when the centre is open. I have to express again my thanks to the P&K Roads Dept staff who worked alongside officers to deal with the road and help get 100’s of cars back to the Spittal. Ironically, as is often the case, the vagaries of the weather meant with the wind being from the North, that the road from the Ski Centre to Braemar was completely clear!

Now that more settled weather has arrived, hopefully drivers and other road users, not to mention police officers, will have an easier time for a few days.


This week has seen a number of break-ins to properties right across Perth and Kinross.

Crieff there was a break-in over the Christmas period in Athol Buildings, Crieff and more recently in Murrayfield Loan.

Comrie has seen another break-in to a unit at Cultybraggan.

Blackford Golf Course clubhouse was broken into.

Stanley and Rattray have seen break-ins to houses, while in Aberfeldy, there was a break-in to a business. In the latter case, a male was identified and detained. While in Kinesswood another commercial premises was broken into.

In Perth there have been a small number of break-ins to sheds, targeting tools and gardening equipment.

All of these break-ins are treated as priority enquiries, overseen by myself, the community investigation unit and the CID. In addition, when we know that there is an active housebreaker living in the area, we ensure all officers are aware of them and target them at every opportunity to disrupt their activities.

My message to you is if you are aware of anyone who may be carrying out such crimes in your area, or you see a person or car in suspicious circumstances, call us either on 101, or anonymously on Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, but dial 999 if it is happening at the time!

On an even more serious note, Muthil saw the first of two horrible crimes, whereby two men forced their way into a flat and robbed the occupants. Such serious crimes are given the highest level of priority by Police Scotland nationally.

Specialist detectives came from Aberdeen to support local detectives and, as of Tuesday, the two men were traced and arrested. Such crimes are extremely rare in Perth and Kinross, but the commitment of Police Scotland is to ensure you will get specialist services regardless of where in Scotland you live; the advantage of a single force.


As is often the case at this time of year, violence levels across Perth and Kinross have dropped to very low levels, although the violence that has occurred, (either domestic or street violence) has been alcohol fuelled. My officers continue to work with pubs and other licensed premises to try to support responsible drinking.


I am in the process of meeting with all Councillors in Perth and Kinross, to keep working towards improving the communication and engagement with communities and the Police. The new model for community policing came into effect on Tuesday and already I can say that we are seeing an increase in the numbers of officers available during the evenings. I intend to use this increased resource to improve community engagement and take on some of the issues communities have raised. My community sergeants and coordinators are presently drafting multi member ward profiles which will include the issues raised in each area along with the names and contact details for officers who will work there.

This is just a start and it will take us a while to get this way of working bedded in, but I anticipate it will make a discernable difference.

Below is a list of your community sergeants and the areas of responsibility they have:

Perth City Centre

Sgt Gillian Farnington

Perth City North

Sgts David Rice and Shona Beattie

Perth City South

Sgt Liz McLellan

Almond and Earn and Carse of Gowrie

Sgt Stuart Watson

Perthshire South and Kinross-shire

Auchterarder - Sgt Scott Ferguson

Crieff - Sgt Willie Ross

Kinross – Sgt Geoffrey Goodison

Perthshire North

Aberfeldy/Dunkled/Pitlochry - Sgt Caroline MacNaughton

Blairgowrie&Glens/Coupar Angus/Aylth - Sgt Andy Ness

Community Co-ordinators:

There are 3 Community Sergeant Co-ordinators now covering the Perth and Kinross Local Policing Area. They are:

Sgt Jon Anton is responsible for co-ordinating community issues in Perth City, Perth North, Perth South, Scone and Carse of Gowrie

He can be contacted via email at:

Sgt Karen Harrison has the responsibility for Highland, Blairgowrie and the Glens, Strathtay and Strathmore, and can be contacted via e mail at:

Sgt Amanda Nicolson will oversee Kinross-shire, Almond and Earn, Strathearn and Strathallan she can be contacted at: