Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI)
Strategic eBill Information Network (SeBIN)

SeBIN eBill Issue Submission Form

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Date Submitted: 12/19/2007
Submitter Name:
Christine Clark
Submitter Contact Information (Phone/Email Address):
Entity/Organization Name:
*Submit if submitter represents an organization or company.
Zero charge bills w/wo attachments and attachments without bills
Description of Issue:
In reviewing today's workflows for paper bills, a question has arisen about bills with zero charges submitted for information purposes only. Can the industry expect to receive these types of bills electronically?
Since there is no payment being requested for these zero charge bills, would a Payer be out of compliance by rejecting the bill back to the provider via the 824 rejection file?
If there is an attachment with the zero charge bill, does that require the Payer to then accept the zero charge bill or can the bill still be rejected and the attachment mailed to Payer?
Also, providers today submit reports without bills via paper. Are the providers going to be expected to submit these reports without bills electronically, or should the providers continue to supply these reports via paper? or will this decision be up to the Payers?
Just looking at our paper workflows and trying to determine how to handle them electronically.
Bill/Administrative Rule (Optional- legislative support for why the proposed change needs to be made):
Business Impact:
Zero charge bills are not processed through the bill review systems today. They are information only and are filed away. Since these bills do not get processed through the bill review systems, an 835 would not be generated. Since the circle is incomplete, it does not appear that the Payers would be required to accept these bills.
Proposed Solution (if any):
Reject any bills with zero charges or attachments without bills w/charges.

WEDI SeBIN website

Work Group Issue Resolution Log:

Assigned Work Group:
( Attachments-Education- Connectivity- Technology/Implementation)
Issue Tracking Number
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Reviewed By: ( Reviewer)
Review Date:
Discussion/History:(may include discussion, minutes, committee comments, etc)
Committee Final Proposed Resolution: (resolution to be presented for voting members and /or publication)