Suggested Speakers for the 2005/06 Astbury Seminar series

Host / Speaker / Contact details / Title / Area of Expertise / Status of Arrangements / Seminar Date
David Westhead / Haiyan Liu / University of Science and Technology of China / Computer simulation of transition paths: peptide folding in a continuum solvent and enzyme catalysis modeled by QM/MM / Confirmed / 14/07/05
Peter Henderson / Prof Peter Maloney / John Hopkins / The Biology and Biophysics of OxlT, a Virtual Proton
Pump / Confirmed / 26/07/05
Simon Phillips / Thomas Edwards / Astbury Centre, University of Leeds / Translational Regulation: the Structure of the hunchback Repression Complex / RNA:protein interactions; molecular control of embryogenesis / Confirmed / 11/08/05
Simon Phillips / Dr Arwen Pearson / University of Minnesota / Probing the Biogenesis of Tryptophan Tryptophylquinone, the Novel Protein Derived Cofactor of Methylamine / Confirmed / 18/8/05
Emanuele Paci, Alastair Smith, Sheena Radford / Dr. Robert Best / NIH Bethesda, USA / Assembling composite energy landscapes from multiple experimental structures: the helix/sheet transition of Arc repressor / Confirmed / 29/09/05
Simon Phillips and Tony North / Raghupathy Sarma / Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook / Fiftieth Anniversary of the Collagen Structure Determination: Ramachandran - Crick Controversy Revisited / 50th Anniversary of the Coiled-Coil Triple-Helical Collagen Structure / Confirmed / 7/10/05
Simon Phillips / Gideon Davies / University of York
Dept of Chemistry
University of York
York, YO1 5DD / Structures and mechanisms of glycosyltransferases: what we know, what we dont know and what we think we might know / Crystallography and mechanism of glycosidases / Confirmed / 13/10/05
Steve Homans
(and Bruce Turnbull) / Gerhard Klebe / University of Marburg
/ Insights into Binding Affinity by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry,
>X-ray crystallography and Electrostatic Calculations / Protein crystallography, ligand design, synthesis, molecular interactions / Confirmed / 17/11/05
Neil Thomson / Prof. Tony Maxwell / Head of Dept.
Dept. Biological Chemistry
John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, NorwichNR4 7UH
Tel: 01603 450771

Webpage: / Passing one piece of DNA through another: the structure and mechanism of DNA topoisomerases / Expertise : DNA topoisomerases in bacteria and plants. / Confirmed / 15/12/05
David Westhead / Dr Sarah Perrett / Beijing Institute of Biophysics/University of Cambridge / The Yeast Prion Protein Ure2: Function, Folding and Amyloid Formation / Prion folding, chaperones and NMR / Confirmed / 2/2/06
Adam Nelson / Michael Sundstrom and Stefan Knapp / OxfordCentre for Structural Genomics
/ Sundstrom "Directed Structural Genomics: Focus on Human Protein Families"
Knapp "New Insights for the Development of Specific Kinases Inhibitors by Targeted Structural Genomics" / structural biology of protein kinases / Confirmed / 9/2/06
Richard Jackson / Dr. Jim Warwicker / Macromolecular Modelling and Energetics; Bioinformatics Department of Biomolecular Sciences, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK
Phone 0161 200 4490
Fax 0161 236 0409
Email / Modelling charge interactions and pH-dependence in biology / models to calculate interactions within biological molecules and their complexes, thereby
assessing contributions to structural stability and ligand binding energies. And his recent work on Side-chain conformational entropy at
protein- protein interfaces / Confirmed / 16/3/06
John Trinick / Dr David TF Dryden /
School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh / Restriction and anti-restriction / Dna-protein interactions/structure / Confirmed / 27/4/05
Nick Burgoyne / Jose Pereira-Leal / jleal@
MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology / University of Lisbon / Evolution of functional modules in protein networks / evolution of protein interactions in
networks and complexes / Confirmed / 18/5/06
Mark Harris / Matthias Geyer /
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology, Dortmund / Biochemical analysis of membrane-binding properties in HIV-1 Nef:
Insights to curvature, composition and signal motifs / / Confirmed / 15/6/06
Alison Ashcroft / Dr Perdita E. Barran, / School of Chemistry,
West Mains Road,
Edinburgh, ScotlandEH9 3JJ.
Tel : +44 (0)131 650 7546
Fax : +44 (0)131 650 6453
E: / protein and peptide mass spectrometry, ion mobility spectrometry, non-covalent interactions of proteins with metals and ligands, hydration of peptides, and molecular mechanics / Reinvited as a Chemical Biology speaker
Confirmed / 22/3/06
Peter Stockley / Kenny McDowall / Astbury Centre, University of Leeds / invited / TBC
Peter Stockley / Steve Homans / Astbury Centre, University of Leeds / Entropy and NMR / Invited / TBC
Elwyn Isaac / Dr Vincent Dive / Department d’Etudes et d’Ingéniérie des Protéins, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, CE-Saclay, 91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France.
Correspondence should be addressed.
Phone: 33 1 69083585.
Fax: 33 1 69089071.
E-mail: . / ACE: Structure and Function, insights from selective inhibitors / reinvited
Alison Ashcroft / Prof Albert Heck, / The University of Utrecht,
F.A.F.C. Wentgebouw,
Sorbonnelaan 16,
3584 CA Utrecht,
The Netherlands

/ biological mass spec
Ronald Grigg / Prof Salvador Moncada / Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research / Royal Society Croonian Lecture (Adventures in vascular biology)
Steve Homans / Seishi Shimizu / York (structural Biology) / work on solvation
Julian Hiscox / Dr Dean Jackson / University of Manchester
Email: / Cell and molecular biology of the nucleus
Richard Jackson / Dr Paul A. Bates / Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory
Cancer Research UK London Research Institute
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields
LondonWC2A 3PX, England
Telephone: +44- 020-7269-3223
FAX: +44- 020-7269-3258

Adam Nelson / Chris Hayes / University of
Simon Phillips / Helen Saibil / Birkbeck College
(same as Bonnie Wallace contact) / EM of amyloid etc
Simon Phillips / Dr Phil Evans / MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road
/ Crystallography
Simon Phillips / Tony Watts / Biochemistry Department, University of Oxford, South
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QU
Telephone: Direct Line: 01865 275268
Department Switchboard: 01865 275263,
Fax number: 01865 275234 e-mail:
/ Solid-state NMR
Mary Phillips-Jones / David E. Wemmer / Dept of Chemistry, Berkeley, USA / Protein-DNA NMR
Bruce Turnbull / Daan van Aalten / Biochemistry Dundee
/ Chitinase structure and drug design
John Trinick / Mark Szczelkun / Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow at BristolUniversity / DNA helicases as molecular motors
BBS Young Investigator of 2004
Sheena Radford and Alison Ashcroft / Dr Gabriel Waksman / Institute of Structural Molecular Biology, Birkbeck College Malet Street, LondonWC1E 7HX,
/ X-ray crystallography and other structural studies of pilus chaperones
Vas Ponnambalam / Dr David Owen / Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR), Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, CambridgeCB2 2XY, UK
/ Molecular mechanism of vesicle formation
Thomas Edwards / Aneel Aggarwal /

Structural Biology Program
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
One Gustave L. Levy PlaceNew York / Protein-Nucleic acid crystallography
Steve Homans / Modesto Orozco / Molecular Modelling & Bioinformatics Unit
University of Barcelona / Modelling solvation phenomena
Adam Nelson / Jason Chin) / / He has evolved orthogonal ribosomes which can translate orthogonal mRNAs by exploiting an alternative to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence for initiation), and used these to construct "cellular logic gates".