Please also refer to the Aurora Hills Women’s 18 Hole Golf Club Bylaws for a full understanding of member and Club responsibilities.

Club Tournaments and GHIN Handicap:

Each year the Club will post to its bulletin board and web-site a list, brief description and the scheduled dates of weekly tournaments including the two-day Club Championship Tournament.

The Club will calculate the individual member or team results unless the members are notified otherwise.

Members are responsible for entering their ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) scores into the GHIN Handicap system after each tournament. The ESC may vary from the actual number of strokes reported on your Tournament scorecard. (See below under “How to Adjust Hole Scores for Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)).

Tournament Scorecards - Signing up for Tournaments – Tee Time Cancellations:

1.  Our Club Tournament Season is April through September.

2.  To compete for tournament prizes, you must hole-out regardless of your handicap. If you decide to “pick-up” rather than complete the hole for any reason, you must note that on your card and disqualify yourself from the tournament.

3.  All scores and putts on the card that you submit must accurately reflect strokes taken, together with all penalty stokes, for each hole. If you are unclear on a rule or remedy, play two balls for that hole from the point in question until the hole-out and get a ruling from the Rules Chairperson, along with the Aurora Hills head or assistant golf professional, to determine the correct reporting of stokes.

4.  A member is responsible for the accurate reporting of her score for tournament and GHIN reporting. If a player turns in a card in which the score for any hole is lower than her actual performance, she is disqualified from the competition. If a player signs a card in which the score for any hole is higher than her actual performance, that higher score becomes her official score for that hole.

5.  Scorecards turned in for Tournament purposes may only have a maximum of two players’ names on each card, one name on the top half of the card and one on the bottom half of the card.

6.  The scorecards must contain the first and last name of the players; the gross scores and or special scores, according to the instructions for the tournament; signatures for the scorer and the attesting member; and the date. Please ensure that cards are legible and can be easily read by the tournament chair. Members should make every effort to add the scores correctly.

7.  Scorecards that are illegible or lack proper signatures will be disqualified from the tournament results and will not be eligible for prizes.

8.  Members keeping their own score on the tournament scorecard shall be automatically disqualified.

9.  Members should sign up for the following week’s tournament by putting her name on the sign-up sheet located in the pro shop. If you are not present in order to sign up for the following weeks tournament, you may call the Aurora Hills pro shop anytime after 9:00 of the sign up date and they can add you to any open tee time slot for the following week.

10.  Tee-time cancellations should be made by contacting the Aurora Hills pro shop as soon as you know you are unable to make your tee time.

Tournament results (other than Club Championship Tournament):

1.  Members must have a GHIN Handicap Index in order to compete for tournament prizes. The USGA will issue a member a GHIN Handicap Index after the member plays and posts at least five (5), 18-hole scores into the GHIN Handicap System.

2.  Tournament, most improved golfer, ringer, and point prizes are paid to members in the form of Aurora Golf pro shop credits.

3.  Members receive points for Attendance (2 points), Birdies (5 points) and Eagles (20 points).

4.  A one-time only 10-point bonus will be added to a member’s cumulative points when she “Breaks the Barrier” and reports this by adding her name and other required information on the “Breaking the Barrier” sheet on the Club bulletin board. A member “Breaks the Barrier” by adding her Course Handicap to 72. If her score is less than this combined number, then she has broken the barrier. (Example: Member’s Course Handicap of 32 added to 72 equals 104. If member shot a 103 or less then she may report this on the Breaking the Barrier report on the bulletin board.)

5.  Players must play to a maximum Course Handicap of 40. Tournament results for a participant who’s Course Handicap exceeds 40, will be calculated as if their course handicap is 40.

6.  A minimum of 8 members must participate and complete their round in a tournament for it to be an official Club Tournament with results and tournament prizes.

7.  Unless otherwise noted in the Club Rules, each tournament will have a total of 2, 3 or 4 flights depending upon the number of tournament participants. The tournament will have 2 flights if there are 8-10members participating, 3 flights if there are 11 through 15 members, and 4 flights if there are more than 16 members participating.

8.  The Tournament Chairperson will determine how many members are in each flight with the goal of having as close to similar numbers of participants in each flight, without putting members with the same GHIN Handicap Index in different flights.

9.  The Board of Directors will approve any flight exceptions (i.e. team event flights) that warrant a different configuration than the 2 – 4 flight configuration described in Paragraphs 7 and 8, above.

10.  Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place and 1st place for Low Putts in each flight. Ties will be divided as follows:

a.  If two or more members tie for 1st place in a flight, then the prize for 1st and 2nd place will be divided equally between the tying members.

b.  If two or more members tie for 2nd place, then the prize for 2nd place will be divided equally between the tying members.

c.  If there is a tie for Low Putts, each winner will receive a prize of 50 cents.

Club Championship Tournament:

1.  Any member wishing to compete in the Club Championship Tournament must first participate in at least five (5) play-dates with the Club during that membership year.

2.  Members will be asked to sign up for the Club Championship Tournament ahead of time. This is a two-day tournament, played over a two consecutive Wednesday period. In order to compete a member must play in both days of the tournament.

3.  A member that does not wish to compete, or can only play in one of the two days of the competition may still play but will not be considered a participant in the Tournament.

4.  The Tournament will have four (4) flights, regardless of number of participants.

5.  Members will be assigned tee times by flights and go out by flights A-B-C-D on day one and D-C-B-A on day two. Non-competing members will be assigned tee times at one end or the other of the tee times and will go out together regardless of their handicaps.

6.  Each flight will have a Gross and a Net two-day winner. One player may not be both the Gross and the Net winner for their flight.

7.  The member with the best overall two-day Gross score will be the Club Champion, regardless of which flight she is assigned. Ties for best overall 36-hole, two-day score will result in a sudden death playoff for the title of Club Champion.

8.  In the event of a tie for any prize, other than Club Champion, unless otherwise communicated, the Club will use the USGA recommended “Matching Score Card Method” of settling a tie (section 9 of the USGA Handicap System Manual).

9.  The Club Champion will be both the Gross winner of her flight and our Club Champion. Her prize award will be that of the Club Champion, not the combination of Gross flight winner and Club Champion.

Hole-in-One Pool and Prize Money

1.  Each year a member may contribute $1 and participate in the pot for a hole-in-one prize.

2.  A member who has paid her dues in full and who has also contributed $1 for the current Club Tournament Season is eligible to win the pot.

3.  A contribute to the hole-in-one pot prior to the beginning of a tournament where she scores a hole-in-one in order to be eligible to win the pot.

4.  Any member who is eligible to win and who scores a hole-in-one while participating in a regularly scheduled Club tournament is entitled to a share of the hole-in-one pot. She must report the hole-in-one to the Tournament Chairperson at the end of the event and it must have been witnessed by at least one other member. The pot is split equally between all members who are entitled to a share of the pot during the current Club Tournament Season.

5.  If at the end of the Club Tournament Season there were no Hole-in-One payouts, then the balance of the pot is rolled over to the next year.

Most Improved Golfer

1.  Most Improved Golfer scores will be taken from all member scores posted to the GHIN system during the Club’s season.

2.  To qualify to participate, a member must have completed and posted scores from a minimum of 10, 18-hole Club play dates, or at least 40% of Club regular play dates, which ever is less.

Use of Dues: Membership dues shall be used to pay CWGA membership fees, reasonable administration costs, tournament monies and other prizes. As a general rule, unless there are extraordinary circumstances approved by the Board of Directors, the amount to be carried over to the following year in the Club bank account for operating expenses should be not less than $125 and not more than $200, over and above the “hole-in-one” carry over amount or any other current or contingent liability amount.

Duties of Officers: The elected officers shall perform the duties provided in the position job descriptions (maintained by the Club Secretary), along with such other duties as are prescribed for the office in the Bylaws, by the Board of Directors, by the President, or the Club Rules.

Duties of Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall:

·  Have general supervision of the affairs of the Club between meetings;

·  Adopt Club Rules as needed to carry on the business of the Board, provided such rules are not in conflict with the USGA Rules of Golf, the Rules of Amateur Status, the Club Bylaws, any special rules of order or standing rules adopted by the Club;

·  Review and adopt the report of the Audit Committee;

·  Review proposals and work with the Tournament Chairperson until there is an approved weekly tournament schedule for the year;

·  Appoint special committees as deemed necessary;

·  Authorize disbursements;

·  Set the time and place for Club membership meetings.

·  Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least 4 times a year, or at the call of the President or any three (3) Board members with at least five (5) days notice to all members of the time, place, and date.

·  The President or any three (3) members of the Board of Directors with at least five (5) days notice may call special meetings.

·  Quorum. The quorum of the Board of Directors shall be number four (4) members

Committees: The standing committees of the Club shall be: Hospitality, Nominating and Audit.

The President shall appoint the Chairpersons of all committees. Each Committee Chairperson shall appoint her own committee members and report the same to the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall:

·  Consist of three (3) members. The President and the Treasurer may not be members of the Audit Committee. At least one (1) member of the Audit Committee must be a non-Board member.

·  Audit the Treasurer’s year-end financial records by January 31 of each year;

·  Submit an approved audit to the Board of Directors of the Club and to the Manager of Golf for the City of Aurora;

·  If an approval cannot be granted, then the committee must report the reasons to the President and the Board of Directors of the Club as soon as possible.

Hospitality Committee. The Hospitality Committee shall:

·  Assure new members are welcomed and receive Club orientation;

·  Provide for someone to send cards/flowers to members as appropriate;

·  Work with the Vice President to determine dates, select locations, decorate and make overall arrangements for all membership meetings or events.

Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall:

A. Be comprised of 1-3 members;

B. Determine the optimal number candidates needed for the next year’s Board of Directors.

C. Actively seek out potential new officers from the Club membership. Submit a list of nominees to the Secretary at least 10 days prior to the fall business meeting.

How to Adjust Hole Scores for Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) ™.
Q.What is the current method for adjusting my hole scores under Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)?
A.ESC is an adjustment of individual hole scores (for handicap purposes) in order to make handicaps
more representative of a player's potential ability. ESC is applied after the round and is only used
when the actual score or the most likely score exceeds a player’s maximum number. ESC sets a limit
to the number of strokes a player can take on a hole depending on Course Handicap™.
Apply ESC to all scores, including tournament scores. Below is the maximum number a player can
post for handicap purposes:
Course Handicap / Maximum Number
9 or less / Double Bogey
10-19 / 7
20-29 / 8
30-39 / 9
40 and above / 10