Malcolm’s Academic Calendar

Unit 3-Week 3 October 9th-October13th

Week of October 9, 2017

Monday, 10-9 / Tuesday, 10-10 / Wednesday, 10-11 / Thursday, 10-12 / Friday, 10-13
Bell work: Day 1 / Bell work: Day 2 / Bell work: Day 3 / Bell work: Day 4 / Bell work: Day 5
PE-8:15-9:00 / Performing Arts-8:15-9:00
SNACK-9:00-9:30 / SNACK-9:00-9:30 / SNACK-10:00-10:30 / SNACK-9:00-9:30 / SNACK-10:00-10:30
Language Arts-9:30-10:10 / Language Arts -8:15-9:00 / Language Arts-9:00-10:00 / Language Arts 8:15-9:00 / Language Arts 8:15-8:50
In Class: Daily Spelling & Word Work-Pre-Test;
Definitions #1-5; Spelling Activities
Daily Grammar- Collective Nouns
Writing-Daily Writing Skills- Write about Main Ideas and Details
Reading-Read Aloud: Report / In Class: Daily Spelling & Word Work; Definitions #6-10; Spelling Activities
Daily Grammar- Collective Nouns
Writing-Daily Writing Skills- Write about Visualizing
Reading-Read a Personal Narrative / In Class: Daily Spelling & Word Work-
Definitions #11-15; Spelling Activities
Daily Grammar-Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing- Write about Graphs and Diagrams
Reading-Read a Social Studies Article / In Class:Daily Spelling and Word Work; Definitions #16-20; Spelling Activities; Definitions due: 50 points
Daily Grammar-Grammar and Writing
Writing- Write a Description
Reading- Read a Social Studies Article / In Class:
Spelling Test
Reading- Test
Spelling Activities due
Continue working on Test or work from the morning
Math 10:15-11:15 / Math 10:15-11:15 / Math 10:30-11:15 / Math 10:00-11:15 / Math 10:30-11:15
In-Class-4.6 Investigate*Division and the Distributive Property
Homework: P7980 / In Class-Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
Homework: None / In Class –4.7 Investigate*Divide Using Repeated Subtraction
Homework: P 81 & 82 / In Class-4.8 Divide Using Partial Quotients
HW: P 83-84 / In Class- 4.9 Investigate*Model Division with Regrouping;; 85-86
HW: None
Computers-10:15-11:00 / Library-10:45-11:15
Band-12:15-1:15 / Band-12:15-1:15
Math-11:45-12:30 / Math-11:45-12:30 / Math-11:45-12:30 / Math-11:45-12:30 / Math-11:45-12:30
Continue working on Math; OYO / Continue working on Math; OYO / Continue working on Math; OYO / Continue working on Math; OYO / Continue working on Math; OYO
SS- 12:30-1:15 / Science 12:30-1:10 / SS- 12:30-1:15 / Science 12:30-1:15 / SS- 12:30-1:15
In-Class-Weeks 3&4-Key words; Animals of Denali
HW: None / In Class-Chapter 3-Introduce the Circuit project; Keywords 99-100; How do electric charges flow in a circuit? P 86-88
HW: complete work from class / In Class-Weeks 3&4-Key words; Animals of Denali
HW: None / In Class-Chapter 3-Keywords 99-100; How do electric charges flow in a circuit? P 89-91
HW: Lesson 1 check / In Class-Weeks 3&4-Key words; Animals of Denali due
HW: None
Study Skills-1:30-2:00 / Music-1:15-2:00 / Study Skills-1:30-2:00 / Study Skills-1:30-2:00 / Study Skills-1:30-2:00
Complete work from the morning or get 1 on 1 help / Complete work from the morning or get 1 on 1 help / Complete work from the morning or get 1 on 1 help / Complete work from the morning or get 1 on 1 help
Reading 2:00-2:15 / Reading 2:00-2:15 / Reading 2:00-2:15 / Reading 2:00-2:15 / Reading 2:00-2:15
In-class-Black Stallion-Read Chapter 1 / In class-Black Stallion-Read Chapter 2 / In class-Black Stallion-
Read Chapter 3 / In class-Black Stallion-
Read Chapter 4 / In class-Black Stallion-
Read Chapter 5

Calendar is Subject to Change!!!!

Words with VCe Pattern:
  1. zone
  2. compose
  3. valentine
  4. confuse
  5. earthquake
  6. trace
  7. excuse
  8. suppose
  9. homeland
  10. invite
  11. remote
  12. longitude
  13. misbehave
  14. polite
  15. classmate
Watch-out Words:
  1. brake
  2. break
  3. hear
  4. here
  5. ear
/ Choose the activities that you would like to do. You must have a total of ___50__points every Friday. Check off the activities below that you complete.Use notebook paper to complete your work and staple to this sheet.
These activities are worth
25 points / Cereal Box Advertisement
Use as many of your spelling words to create an advertisement with your cereal box. / Diorama
Use at least 10 words to write a story and create a diorama / Consonant & Vowel Search
Write the spelling words. Circle all of the consonants in one color and all the vowels in a different color.
These activities are worth
15 points / Greetings
Create a greeting card using at least 10 of your spelling words. Use lots of colors and do your best work. / Hidden Word
Draw a colorful picture. “Hide” your spelling words in the picture & underline the words / Word search
Create a word search using all of your spelling words.
These activities are worth 10 points / Practice Test
Take a practice test at home, have a parent grade it, sign it and return it to me. / Sentences
Write a complete sentence for each of your spelling words. Underline each word. / Story
Write asilly story (be very creative) using all of your spelling words. Underline each word.
_____ Total Points Completed