Lemur’s Log

Week ending 11/13/15

MATH: WOW, the test on chapter 6’s division showed wonderful understanding by the Lemurs. This upcoming week, the students will begin some work with patterns, numeric and non-numeric, and review multiplication.

LANGUAGE ARTS: The students began a book called Sign of the Beaver about the friendship between a colonial boy and a Native American boy. The book will be completed by this coming Friday, and we will begin the movie on Wed.

There is a spelling test on Unit 36 on Monday, 11/16/15. At some point this week, there will be a pop quiz on Adjectives.

SOCIAL STUDIES: We finished up our study of Explorers. The students’ “Pocketbooks” were amazing. I shared some of them with Dr. Daugherty because I was so impressed with the knowledge, care, and pride shown in them. He delivered them back to the classroom on Friday with high compliments to all.

We have taken the first steps into chapter 5 on the Colonies. That will be our focus until the end of this quarter.

SCIENCE: We are in the midst of Chapter 5 on Forces and Motion. There will be a quiz on Wed., 11/18. We will then begin the accompanying topic of simple machines (Chapter 6). The students will have another quiz on Chapter 6 after Thanksgiving. They should SAVE both quizzes because they will then be combined for a comprehensive test covering both Forces/Motion and Simple Machines. If the test grade is better, it will replace a low quiz grade.

SNACK PARENTS: For Friday, 11/20, snack will be provided by the Hartin family; for 12/4, it will be the Hong family, and for 12/11 it will be the Johar family. For planning purposes, we have 24 students. Your child may select something that they think the class would enjoy. There are 2 students with nut allergies, so if the snack has nuts, please send in 2 alternate items for them. You may send in the snack with your child on the assigned morning, or bring it in at your convenience during the day.

HELPER PARENTS: Upcoming helpers are as follows: For Thursday, 11/19, helper parent will be Mrs. Crawford; for Thurs., 12/3, it will be Mrs. Kirkland, and for 12/11, it will be Mrs. Palakurthy.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Our holiday party is scheduled for Wed., 12/16 from 1:00 – 2:00 P.M. You may receive requests from Ali for your help, but I hope all of you can join us for our festivities, if possible, and in whatever capacity.

THANKSGIVING WISHES: I hope your Thanksgiving is safe, joyful and yummy!