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Internet Resources

Block, Thorsten. (2000). Econ 43 – Comparative International Economic Analysis (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Gabriel, Satya. (2003). Economics 321 – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Hancock, Paul. (2002). Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: 2002]

Hopkins, Barbara. (2003). Comparative Non-Western Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Kennett, David. (2003). Economics 367b – Comparative Economics (Syllabus) . Available: 2002]

Larkin, Andrew. (2001). Economics 360b – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Parker, Elliot. (2003). EC 301 – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Smrha, Judith A. (2002). EC348 – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Trumbull, William N. (2003). Economics 454 – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]

Willumsen, Maria. (2002). 3003.02 – Comparative Economic Systems (Syllabus) . Available: [May 2002]