Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition: Instructor Resource

Chapter 16 – Culture and Leadership

Questions for Study

1. Explain the focus of culture and leadership.

It is on the collection of related ideas rather than on a single unified theory.

2. Explain the history of globalization and what challenges and needs have been created.

It has increased interdependence between nations. People are becoming more interconnected. There is more international trade, cultural exchange, and use of worldwide telecommunication systems.

3. Explain the five cross-cultural competencies for leaders.

1. First leaders need to understand business, political, and cultural environments worldwide. 2. They need to learn the perspective, tastes, trends, and technologies of many other cultures. 3. They need to be able to work simultaneously with people from many cultures. 4. Leaders must be able to adapt to living and communicating in other cultures. 5. They need to learn to relate to people from other cultures from a position of equality rather than cultural superiority.

4. Define culture and explain the terms related to culture.

Culture- is defined as the learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions that are common to a group of people. It is having shared qualities of a group that make them unique. It is dynamic and transmitted to others.

5. Describe House’s research on the relationship between culture and leadership.

It was the GLOBE.

6. What is enthnocentrism?

Evualtion of other culture according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture.

7. What is prejudice?

The pre connotation that people get when they look at someone and automatically think that something about them. Weather its good thing or bad thing they think.

8. What is GLOBE and what are its nine cultural dimensions?

It identified nine cultural dimensions: uncertainty avoidance, power distance, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation,

9. Review the clusters of world cultures using GLOBE research on cultural dimensions.

They would focus on a certain group of individuals or on the group. They surveyed more than 15,000 people in 47 different countries and determined that organizational cultures could be classified effectively into two dimensions: egalitarian versus hierarchical, person versus task orientation.

10. How did researchers test the validity of the culture clusters they developed?

Researches did a statistical analysis of questionnaire data collected from individuals in each of the clusters. Their results indicated that the scores of respondents within a cluster correlated with one another but were unrelated to the scores of respondents.

11. What is implicit leadership theory? What contribution does it make to the study of leadership?

Individuals have implicit beliefs and convictions about the attributes and beliefs that distinguish leaders from nonreaders and effective leaders from ineffective leaders.

12. Review how leadership behavior varies within the different culture clusters.

Eastern Europe- highest: Autonomous Leader lowest: Participative ,Latin America highest: Charismatic/value-based leadership lowest: Autonomous, Latin Europe: highest: Charismatic/value-based leadership lowest: Autonomous leader , Confucian Asia: highest: Self-protective lowest: Participative Leadership. Nordic Europe: highest: Charismatic/value-based lowest: Self-protective

13. What are the strengths of this approach to culture?

1. The scope of the study because of the GLOBE project and the findings from that. 2. GLOBE studies provide classifcations of cultural dimensions that is more expansive. 3. GLOBE studies provide useful information about what is universally accepted as good and bad leadership. 4. The study of culture and leadership underscores the complexity of the leadership process and how it is influence by culture.

14. What are the criticisms of this approach to culture?

1. GLOBE research has resulted in a multitude of findings about perceptions of leadership 2. Concerns the way researches have labled and defined certain cultural dimensions and leadership behaviors. 3. The way in which leadership was conceptualized in the GLOBE studies. 4. The way in which researches in the GLOBE studies measured leadership. GLOBE studies provide a provocative list of universally endorsed desirable and undesirable leadership attributes.