SNMMI-TS National Council of Representatives
Mid-Winter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
January 20, 2017
*Three nominees for the new Speaker-elect of the National Council of Representatives were introduced. Each presented a one-minute statement of her qualifications for the post. Cybil Nielson, Delegate-at-Large, was elected by majority vote.
*Graduates of the 2017 SNMMITS Leadership Academy were each congratulated and presented with plaques. Positive feedback was given by graduates on the merits of attending the program.
*Liaison Reports followed. ARRT announced that revisions have been made to the Board exam, mostly involving new imaging and therapeutic agents, such as Xofigo. NMTCB reported an 83% pass rate for last year. They are now accepting only graduates of accredited programs, as of January 2017. The new Radiation Safety credential is expected to be posted by year end. Further information may be obtained at . NMTCB advises that if you currently have credentials, it is important to maintain them. Once you give them up, requirements may make it very difficult to get them back.
*Applications of five candidates for fellowships were reviewed and approved. All applications for emeritus status were approved as well.
*The Program Committee took a straw vote on prospective sites for the 2024 SNMMI Annual Meeting. The following cities were discussed for consideration: Miami, Orlando, Toronto and Washington, D.C. Majority vote went to Orlando and Toronto.
*Uptake Newsletter will no longer be available in hard copy. It is now being sent electronically but only 2.6% of recipients are opening it. Suggestions were to go back to paper at a total cost of about $3,500 per issue; link to Facebook and Instagram; or send hard copies to institutions instead of individuals. A task force will be formed to address the issue.
*SNMMI President, Dr. Sally Schwartz, reported the following: The Canadian reactor is down but can be reactivated in case of extreme need. Reactors in Belgium, Australia, South Africa and Poland are up and part of a global network. Recommendations to resolve compounding issues are posted on the SNMMI website. Currently, regulators have different compounding rules. SNMMI proposes that a separate chapter for radiopharmaceuticals be formed with one set of rules. Recommend submitting letters to USP. New agents are presenting on the market such as Gallium-68 Dotatate and Lutetium therapy. The Chinese SNM is present at Mid-Winter meeting and has presented 10 abstracts.
*HPRA has a new Director, Wayne Powell.
*The afternoon session was largely dedicated to employing a method for addressing a number of “Mega Issues”, such as increased membership and advocacy. The discussion leader, Shawn Dunning, of Adventure Associates, introduced a unique approach to problem-solving among groups. Mr. Dunning has led the SNMMI Leadership Academy for a number of years and specializes in Conflict Resolution.
Jackie Allen, CNMT, NCOR
Pacific Southwest Technologist Chapter, Inc.