SNM: Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council

SNM Mid-Winter Meeting

January 2011

Activities and Accomplishments

  1. Michael J. Welch Award-2009: A newaward established in 2009, named after Dr. Michael J. Welch, Professor of Radiology at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. The recipient of this prestigious award this year was Dr. Mark Goodman, Professor of Radiology, and Director of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences at Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
  2. 2010 Mid-winter Meeting, Albuquerque, NMJanuary 27-February 2, 2010:The RPSC leadership and members organized and presented the following educational seminars at the 2010 Mid-winter Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • The Development of a Radiopharmaceutical for Molecular Imaging – From “Bench to Bedside” – Part I & II
  1. 2010 SNM annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah June 5-9, 2010: At the 2009 SNM annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, RPSC offered the following Categorical Seminar and Continuing Medical Educations sessions as part of their educational activities.


  • “Earning the Gold Medal for Compliance: How Can Your Facility Achieve Best Practice Standards for Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Compounding? - Part I and II”.

Continuing Medical Education sessions:

  • “Small Animal Imaging”
  • “The Development of a Radiopharmaceutical for Molecular Imaging” (co-sponsored by NCI)
  • “Apoptosis”
  1. 2010 Berson-Yalow Award: The award was presented byPradeep K. Garg and Peter Herscovitch to Shawn Hiller from Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals and John Hopkins Medical Institutefor his presentation titled “99mTc-MIP-1340, a small molecule inhibitor of PSMA for molecular imaging of prostate cancer”. This award is presented for the most original scientific contribution that impacts basic or clinical radioassay.
  2. Sixth Annual Radiopharmaceutical Track Basic Science Summary Session:This year the basic science summary session was hosted by 3 presenters: Joanna T. Fowler covered neurology, and Robert H. Mach and Pradeep K. Garg covered other areas pertaining to radiochemistry and dosimetry. The session was well attended as usual!
  3. Young Investigator Award:For the ninth consecutive year the RPSC presented Young Investigator Awards to three promising young scientists, in a continuing effort to encourage participation in the Annual Meeting by talented trainees and new investigators. RPSC would like to congratulate Drs. Garcia, Zheng and Cai for their outstanding presentations at the Young Investigators awards symposium and winning the RPSC young investigator awards. These awards were given at the annual business meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine in Salt Lake City (June 2010) and include a certificate and an honorarium. The other presenters in this symposium were M.J. Schipper, P.K. Figueroa, N. Song, and L. Cheng.
  4. Again, this year, the RPSC co-sponsored a Poster Session Mixer at the SNM annual meeting.This poster mixer encouraged poster attendance and stimulation of RPSC membership. The mixer was quite successful! The council would like to thank our generous sponsors: MDS Nordion, Bayer Schering Pharma, Eckert & Ziegler Eurotope, Bioscan Inc., Petnet Solutions, Rotem, and SNM Molecular Imaging Center. This year we featured a job posting board along with a friendly environment to meet potential applicants and employers. We continue to encourage members to post their open job opportunities or job-wanted advertisements.

Looking Forward

  1. Hold regular RPSC BOD business meetings
  2. Organize Interim Board Meeting
  3. Quarterly meetings of the RPSC BOD by teleconference
  4. Open Business meeting of the RPSC held at 2011 Annual Meeting
  5. Hold RPSC/MICoE Poster Mixer Session at 2011 Annual Meeting
  6. Develop Scientific Program for 2011 Annual Meeting.
  7. CE session at the Mid-Winter Meeting 2011 in Palm Springs, CA. A very timely CE session on chapter 823 pertinent to FDA cGMP related regulations.
  8. A categorical session at the 2011 SNM annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.
  9. Three Continuing medical education sessions at 2011 annual meeting of the SNM.
  10. Nomination solicitation for the ‘Welch’ award.Nomination for the Abersold Award- already circulated.

Officers of the council

President:Pradeep K. Garg, PhD

Vice President: Sally Schwarz, PharmD

Secretary:G. Len. Watkins, PhD

Treasurer: Marc Berridge, PhD

Immediate Past President:Mike Adam, PhD


Mission has not changed

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