Wednesday, April 5, 2017

3:00 p.m.

Present:Chris Cornell, Ryan Wyckoff,Kathy Leary, Alan Thompson, Paulina Padjen


Academic Affairs:

Approved the Certified Nursing Assistant Refresher Course. Course is required by Illinois Dept. of Public Health. It will be presented as a pass/fail course. Committee stipulated that “Knowing limits of scope of practice” be added to the course outline.

Approved the International Baccalaureate policy.

Course approval granted for WIND 125, Introduction to Drone Technology.

Granted approval for online development of HUMN 103, Fantacy and Mythology

Discussion concerning ICCB approval of new online courses. ICCB did not grant approval for an online class due to concerns of how the credit hours are determined, how attendance will be determined, and how student discussions will be facilitated. Group discussed how to deal with future submissions to the ICCB and how to evaluate current online classes to address concerns.

The team will have a new facilitator for Fall 2017 – Amanda Poffinbarger will be the new Academic Affairs facilitator. Alan Thompson had been the facilitator for 7-8 years.


The team has not met for two months. There might be an ice cream social in May.


The team is scheduled to meet tomorrow.

February was Black History Month. The team held a “Growing up Black in America” panel on February 27. There were 6 participants on the panel. It was estimated that around 200 students, staff, and community members attended the panel discussion.

The Celebrating Black History evening on February 28 featured gospel singers, spoken word artists, motivational speakers, pastors and dance groups. An estimated 140 individuals from mostly the community filled the Bremer Theater.

Career Services Office windows were decorated with “celebrate black history month” and pictures. The Union had a small display table set up with interesting pictures and information. African American’s in the military display set up outside of the Veteran’s office.

We will plan to have a specific (sub)team work on Black History Month events for next year since it can be very time consuming.

For Women’s History Month the current plan is to have a Scavenger Hunt that uses social media #DACCwhm. Scavenger hunt flyers have been printed and laminated. There will be a display in each building related to the careers taught in that building (TC-Celebrating Women in Technology, MMC-Women in Math and Science, etc.); these will be displayed all month long.

Career Services Office windows were decorated with “Celebrating Women in History” and pictures/information.

The team discussed the function, purpose and set-up of the Diversity Team.

Other items discussed included “An American Experience” series and LGBTQ/National Coming out day in October.

Hispanic Recruitment & Retention Team Update - The team has met once this semester and have exchanged multiple emails. We have a list of DACC College and dual credit/college express students that identify as Hispanic. We will be reaching out to them to let them know they have support on campus and to see if they have any needs; possibly even have a focus group or small group meeting. We plan to have a semester newsletter sent to them entitled “el jaguar”; this will include any relevant services, events, potential group meetings.

We have contacted Armando, who has taken over going to DHS Hispanic Leadership club. We will meet with him soon and see how we can help support them and recruit them to DACC.

A lot of conversation regarding the Hispanic Fair and if it is realistic to have this year with immigration issues. Since people around the country are being deported, would we have people attend? If we do something, it should be centered on “Know your rights”.

Employee Development Team:

The team is scheduled to meet later this month and has not met since the last Quality Council meeting.


Working on Bonus classes.

Human, Financial & Physical Resources:

Team has not met.


The team has not met since the last Quality Council meeting.


The IEteam has been looking at, and will be looking at:

(1) tweaking program assessment processes so they better align with HLC expectations, and we can better document program improvements (because all should be improving but we haven't been capturing enough of that information)

(2) documenting courses are at the right credit value, assuming that is the case. (This may be an area that AA needs to be involved; to help determine the credit value of new courses.)

(3) improving our five year program review cycle processes, due to more detailed information being requested from ICCB. (Primarily completed by supervisors, new more detailed reporting expectations may require more input, particularly from faculty.)

(4) developing a way to assess co-curriculars

Student Support & Development:

The team did not meet last week. They are looking for a new facilitator for this team.

The Pack to Place night was a success.

Plan on doing Stress Relief packs on May 10.

Inviting organizations from the community for the Fall Welcome Back.

Did a student participation survey but there were not a lot of ballots collected. Might do a survey monkey.

Technology Resources & Services:

The team needs a Quality Council representative.

There will be a Blackboard Collaborate demo sometime during March.

Self-service for employees and students to retrieve and reset their user information was demonstrated.





NEXT MEETING: Wed., April 26; 3PM; Laura Lee Room

Will be last meeting for semester.