Direct Certification Access & Download Instructions for RCCI/Private School sponsors

This Oregon Department of Education web site was created to give NSLP sponsors the ability to directly certify free students by matching the students against households currently receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits(formerly Food Stamps). This web site was revised by funding provided by a USDA Technology Grant.

The electronic file of matched students is located on the ODE district secure website:

RCCIs with day students and Private School Sponsors must contact Jennifer Parenteau (503) 947-5890

to obtain the “RCCI/Private School User Security Authorization Form.”

Complete the form and fax back to Jennifer @ (503) 378-5156. She will issue your user name and encrypted password will be emailed to you.

Once you have been granted permission to the district secure website, NSLP administrators and/or eligibility officials may download files by:

  1. Log into (note the ‘s’ = secure)
  2. Enter your User Name and Password to log in.

  1. On the following screen click on Consolidated Collections:

  1. The following page appears:

  1. On the horizontal menu bar under the ODE logo, click Student Collections

  1. A drop down list box will appear. Move your cursor over “Child Nutrition Direct Certification Match (NSLP)”. Keep moving your cursor to the right over “Record Maintenance”, then further right over “Direct Certification”.
  2. Click on Direct Certification

  1. Important note: If the dropdown menus are grayed out and you use Internet Explorer 8, then you need to use the Compatibility View setting on Internet Explorer 8. You can turn this feature on by clicking on the top of the web page next to the refresh and stop buttons.

  1. You have three options to access the data:
  1. View Matches – Do not use this option.
  2. Download Matches – Do not use this option.
  3. Download Non-Matches – Use this option,it will create a CSV data batch file (application data in spreadsheet format). When the file is available, you will receive email notification from ODE helpdesk with subject line “File Transfer”. Go to #13 for more instructions.
  1. When you chose theDownload Non-Matches, the following page will be displayed. Note that your email address is displayed in the message. You will need this email address to retrieve the file.
  1. Go to your email IN box and open the email from the ODE helpdesk email labeled “File Transfer”.
  1. Click on the lower blue underlined web address:
  2. At the next screen, enter your email address in the box and click on the Submit Email Address Button
  1. On the next screen, use the download icon in the lower left screen to download the file
  1. Click on the download icon.
  2. A dialog box will be displayed with option to Open or Save the file

If you select Open, the file will open as a CSV file (spreadsheet format).

  1. Make sure to save an original copy of the file in a secure location with date ( i.e., DC 82008) on your computer and/or print out a copy of the spreadsheet and retain for 3 years plus the current year.

For Non Match Students (this list covers the entire state)

  1. Open the file
  2. Select the column heading you want to sort by like “ZipCode” or “LName” (students’ last name)
  3. Highlight the “ZipCode” cell only…..not the entire column
  4. In the Sort by finding the ‘A to Z’ sort button on your upper task bar and click sort
  5. Find your school’s zip code
  6. Copy & paste into anew Excel spreadsheet the Non Match students that match your school’s zip codes.
  7. Select the spreadsheet rows that match your district and right click on the selected rows. A menu will be displayed allowing you to copy the data by selecting copy.
  1. Create a new spreadsheet by opening the File menu and selecting New.
  1. Paste the selected rows in the new spreadsheet
  1. Save the new spreadsheet in a secure location

If you have problems locating the secure website call the ODE Helpdesk @ (503) 947-5715

If you have problems when you are in the secure site call Jennifer Parenteau @ (503) 947-5890

K:\~Grants\Verification and Certification 2006\RCCI-Private\DCdownloadinstructions_for_RCCIs-_revised_11-2009.doc