Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering / 05.08.2014


Title: IEC 61850 Edition 2 – A Standard for Power System Automation and Energy Management

Presenter: Dr. Alexander Apostolov

Organised by the Centre for Substation Automation and Energy Management Systems

Submitted for ECSA Accreditation

Dates: Wednesday 17th till Friday 19th September 2014 – days can be individually registered for

Venue: Auditorium,

Cape Peninsula University of Technology (Bellville Campus)

Symphony Way, Bellville, Cape Town


The International standard for substation automation systems IEC61850 defines the communication between devices in the substations and determines the related systems requirements. It supports both substation automation functions and their engineering. The technical approach applied to development of IEC61850 makes it flexible and future proof.

There are many substation automation protocols worldwide but IEC61850 is the only one that supports systems based on multi-vendor Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) networked together to provide protection, monitoring, automation, metering, and control functions. The interoperability of equipment and systems is ensured by providing compatibility between interfaces, protocols and data models. Capability to share data and control commands between multiple IEDs results in new distribution protection, control, and automation functions.

The IEC 61850 standard has substantially been developed for use within substations, but is now being seen as a key standard for use out of, and between substations, and also for use in other domains. The use of IEC 61850 for wide-area communication, monitoring and control is discussed in Edition 2 in the context of communication between substations.

Very important application of the IEC61850 standard is for implementing Smart Grid norms through substation automation. In seeking to achieve Smart Grid deployment, seamless data communication and information exchange is a must. Such a challenging task is most likely only possible through industry-wide standardization. As outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (USA) Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability standards, one of the key standards for Smart Grid deployment is the IEC-61850.

The Seminar “IEC 61850 Edition 2 – A Standard for Power System Automation and Energy Management” extends the knowledge-base acquired during the 2009 seminar “IEC 61850 Fundamentals, Applications and Benefits”, the 2010 seminar “IEC61850 Developments and Applications”, the 2011 seminar “IEC 61850-Edition 2 and its Impact”, and the 2012 seminar “IEC 61850 and its Role in a Smart Grid” by emphasising the role of IEC61850 in automation and management of power systems discussing the business case for using IEC 61850 Edition 2, describing the current status of different parts of the standard and its ongoing developments and related reports, giving answer to the question how to integrate the Distributed Energy Resources in power system automation, distribution and transmission management systems, considering the impact of IEC 61850 Edition 2 on substation-to-substation communications, on substation-to-control centre communications, on Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC), and on the engineering of electric power systems and their components. Requirements for asset management of electric power systems and for the organizational and other changes related to the penetration of IEC 61850 are discussed.

The third day of the seminar is dedicated to practical demonstrations presented by some specialists in the field of Substation Automation and Energy Management Systems.


3 CPD points will be awarded


Day One: Wednesday 17 September 2014, 08:30 - 16:50

08:00-08:30 Registration

08:30-09:50 Lecture 1: The business case for using IEC 61850

09:50-11:10 Lecture 2: IEC 61850 Edition 2 – Current status of different parts of the

standard and ongoing developments

11:10-11:35 Tea – Auditorium

11:35-12:50 Lecture 3: IEC 61850 Edition 2 related reports

12:50-13:00 Group Picture – Venue: Front of the Admin building

13:00-13:40 Lunch - Auditorium

13:40-15:00 Lecture 4: Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in power system

automation, distribution and transmission management systems

15:00-15:25 Tea - Auditorium

15:25-16:45 Lecture 5:Impact of IEC 61850 Edition 2 on substation-to-substation

communications and related applications

16:45-17:00 Discussion

Day two: Thursday 18 September 2012 08:30 – 16:45

08:30-09:50 Lecture 6: Impact of IEC 61850 Edition 2 on substation-to-control centre

communications and related applications

09:50-11:10 Lecture 7: Impact of IEC 61850 Edition 2 on Wide Area Monitoring,

Protection and Control (WAMPAC)

11:10-11:35 Tea - Auditorium

11:35-12:55 Lecture 8: IEC 61850 Edition 2 based asset management of electric power systems

12:55-13:40 Lunch - Auditorium

13:40-15:00 Lecture 9: Impact of IEC 61850 Edition 2 on the engineering of electric power systems

and their components

15:00-15:25 Tea - Auditorium

15:25-16:45 Lecture 10: Requirements for organizational and other changes related to

the penetration of IEC 61850

16:45-17:00 Discussion

Day Three: Friday 19 September 2012, 09:00-15:45, Electrical Engineering, Goldfield building

09:00-09:45 Demonstrations in parallel

09:45-10:30 Demonstrations in parallel

10:30-11:15 Demonstrations in parallel

11:15-11:40 Tea: Conference room Department of Electrical Engineering, Goldfields building

11:40-12:25 Demonstrations in parallel

11:25-13:10 Demonstrations in parallel

13:10-13:40 Lunch: Conference room Department of Electrical Engineering, Goldfields building

13:40-14:00 Final discussion: MTN Lab


·  Five demonstrations (each in a different venue), will be organised.

·  The five demonstrations will be done in parallel in a given session.

·  Sessions will be repeated five times during the course of the day – up till early afternoon.

Demonstration topics and presenters:

1.  B. Rigby- EtalumiSe (Pty) Ltd / RTPSSC, DUT and A. Adewole CSAEMS CPUT

·  RTDS Comparison of Distance Relaying Using Sample Value Based And

Conventional Measurement Inputs.

2.  B. Pfafferott and R. Wright - RJConnect

·  Precision Time Protocol integrated with VLAN and Multicasting

3.  P. Diamandis – Quadnet, D. Kowenski - H3iSquared, H. Muller and C.Viljoen - Nampower

·  Modern Network Redundancy and Time Syncronisation for Substation Automation

4.  A. Makadam - City of Cape Town

·  A Utilities Application for Bus-Zone Protection of 11kV Metal-Clad using IEC61850 GOOSE

5.  R. Dalvie, J.Atkinson, M. Vala, and J. Hector – Eskom Western OU Substation Automation Group

·  61850 Implementation for Control, Data Acquisition and Analysis of Independent Power Producers



Miss P.Panda, Phone 021 953 8454, Email:

Prof. R. Tzoneva, Phone 021 959 6459, Email:


Dr. Alexander Apostolov received MS degree in Electrical Engineering, MS in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. from the Technical University in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has worked for fourteen years in the Protection & Control Section of Energoproject Research and Design Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria.

From 1990-94 he was Lead Engineer in the Protection Engineering Group, New York State Electric & Gas where he worked on the protection of the six-phase line, application of microprocessor relays, programmable logic and artificial intelligence in protection. 1994-95 he was Manager of Relay Applications Engineering at Rochester - Integrated Systems Division. 1995-96 he was Principal Engineer at Tasnet. 1996-2006 he was Principal Engineer for AREVA T&D Automation.

He is presently Principal Engineer for OMICRON electronics in Los Angeles, CA.

He is IEEE Fellow and Member of the Power Systems Relaying Committee and Substations C0 Subcommittee. He is the past Chairman of the Relay Communications Subcommittee, serves on multiple IEEE PES Working Groups and is Chairman of Working Group C9: Guide for Abnormal Frequency Load Shedding and Restoration.

He has been actively involved for more than 10 years in the development of UCA 2 and IEC 61850. He is member of IEC TC57 Working Groups 10, 17, 18 and. He is Chairman of the Technical Publications Subcommittee of the UCA International Users Group.

He is member of CIGRE and works on CIGRE WG B5.07, B5.09 and B5.36. He is Convener of WG B5.13 Acceptable Functional Integration and B5.27 Standard Protection Schemes.

He holds four patents and has authored and presented more than 300 technical papers.

Dr. Apostolov is also the Editor-in-Chief of the PAC World magazine – the global forum of the protection, automation and control industry. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.