Updated to end 2005

Network Learning/Solution #030 -- Terms and Definitions - Guidance and Database

DATABASE: Linked herewith is a tabulation of theISO/TC 67 Terms and Definitions Database 2005 used in the ISO/TC67 standards.

It includes every definition in the standards published from 1996 to end 2005 (see list here). It does not include terms and definitions from DIS or FDIS documents. It is made available for the use of experts and work groups for use in the development of further standards, for guidance not for prescriptive use. Clause 6.3.1 of theISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, (Fifth edition, 2004) provides general guidance on the use of terms and definitions in ISO documents. Definitions are provided in ISO documents, where necessary, for the understanding of certain terms used in the document. These are document specific, and there may be good reason for using different definitions for the same term, in different documents. However in a coherent standards system, there are advantages in using the same definition where the term has the same meaning. One of the purposes of this tabulation is to encourage this practice.

CAUTION: In accordance with the principles stated above, these definitions need not be used compulsorily in further documents. They are provided here purely for information.

The terms are listed in alphabetical order, but can be sorted by standard number. The usual electronic search functions for words or standard number can be used.

It has made using a copy and paste from the original standard, including NOTES and EXAMPLES. Whilst made with maximum care, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and the term and definition in the actual published standard should be consulted. It is intended to keep this tabulation complete and current - to be updated at least annually.

GUIDANCE: Here are some further recommendations for drafting and presentation, as well as additional learnings and advice from TC67 authors:

  • Do not define terms which are not used in the document (you'd be surprised how often this happens);
  • Consider not defining a term which is used only once or twice in the document (better simply explain, if needed, at the first point of use) - unless it is part of a coherent set of terms and definitions;
  • Do not define terms that should be well known to the educated reader;
  • Construct the definition so that the text could (mentally) replace the defined term wherever that term is used in running text in the document;
  • DO make a final check that all defined terms are in fact still used in the standard. Authors often write the definitions early in the process (or as they proceed with the document). With the subsequent development of the text of the document, some terms get deleted in the text (but remain in the definitions clause) or the context changes (rendering the definition improperly constructed). Alternatively, write the standard first before writing the definitions (because if one has to delete a definition it requires the entire list to be renumbered and internal cross-references corrected).