Application Deadline: May 1, 2017 at 11:59 PM EST. To be filled out by a student chapter member or officer.

Please provide information only on 2016 year activities.

Fill in below and include this page with a maximum of 3 additional pages of submitted answers. Samples, agendas, and/or materials may be attached where appropriate as appendices. Please submit the application and all supplemental materials as a single PDF to y May 1, 2017 at 11:59 PM EST.

Advisor Name:

Student Chapter Name: Date Established:


Phone: Fax: Email:

Nominator Name: Nominator Email:

GOAL 1: Devotion To Wildlife, Natural Resources And Students Pursuing Careers In These Fields

A. Describe nominee’s enthusiasm and passion for the resource.

B. Describe nominee's ability to relay this enthusiasm to students.

C. Describe nominee's ability to interact with, encourage and support students.

GOAL 2: Enhancement Of Knowledge And Technical Capabilities Of Wildlife Students

A. Describe nominee’s work to accomplish Goal 2. This may include her/his involvement in workshops, outreach, symposia, conferences and/or conclaves to accomplish this goal. Describe purpose, program/agenda, and participation for each.

B. Describe nominee's role in creating or enhancing opportunities for undergraduates to become involved in research or internships within or outside of the university or college.

C. Describe nominee’s involvement in any publication of newsletters, development or maintenance of list-serves and/or web sites to provide communications between students and other members.

D. Describe nominee’s development and/or presentation of information on wildlife science, management and policy to the public and nominee’s involvement of students in the process.

GOAL 3: Ensure And Further Growth And Diversity Of The Chapter

A. Describe nominee’s efforts to involve wildlife students in chapter activities and their results.

B. Describe nominee’s efforts to involve non-wildlife students in chapter activities and their results.

C. Describe nominee’s efforts to diversify the ethnic and gender composition of the chapter and/or profession.

D. Describe nominee’s efforts to promote student membership in the section and TWS (international organization) and their results.

GOAL 4: Promote Professional Standards For Wildlife Research, Education And Management Among Students

A. Describe nominee’s efforts to educate wildlife students about TWS’ certification program.

B. Describe nominee’s efforts to educate wildlife students on professionalism, job qualifications and ethical conduct.

C. Describe nominee’s efforts to advocate the use of sound biological, social and economic information for wildlife policy decisions.