Kerry Community Council
Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 27th September in Kerry Village Hall.
Chair / Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. D Hughes (Kerry)
Cllr.D. England (Kerry)
Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry),
Cllr A. Osborne (Kerry)) ,
Cllr. C. Seal. (Kerry)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. D. Jones (Sarn)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / None.
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. L. Powell (Kerry), Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor),
Item 2 To approve Minutes of the Meetings of the 26th July 2017 and the Additional Planning Meeting of the 30th August 2017
The Minutes of the Meetings of the 26th July 2017 and the Additional Planning Meeting of the 30th August 2017 were approved and signed.
Item. 3 To Co-opt Sarn Councillor.
No candidates in attendance. Moved to October agenda.
Item 4.To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Item 5. Matters Arising.
  1. Safety Bollards at the Top Cemetery Entrance.
Cllr.M Morgan advised Council that work is now complete.
  1. Works at Kerry Cemetery
The refurbishment to the cemetery gates is complete.
Plans to construct a new notice board are in hand and Mark Holloway is contracted to carry out the signwriting work.
  1. Proposal to site Outdoor Gym Equipment.
Cllr. C. Seal advised Council that the Dolforgan Park play area is too small to accommodate any additional equipment.
Cllr. David Jones is to liaise with St. Michael’s School with the proposal to site outdoor gym equipment at the school play area.
  1. Tree Works at Dolforgan Park.
Cllr M. Morgan gave details of two quotes to carry out this work. Council voted for the contract to be awarded to Andrew Mills at a cost of £700.
E.Continuing Decline in Maintenance Work on Minor Roads.
PCC’s response to letter sent to Highways. 30th June 2017
Ref; Concern on the Deterioration of Maintenance and Repair to Drainage Systems and Road Surfaces
There is some good news in that we have been successful in obtaining increased capital funding for highways asset investment for this year and hopefully a further 2 years. This means that our programme of surface dressing can be reinstated along with some resurfacing and structural road repairs. We also will be taking delivery of 2 ‘Roadmaster’ machines which will enable us to deal with more of the minor road defects much more efficiently, which in turn should create some capacity to do more of the vital basic maintenance works like drainage cleansing etc.”
Adrian Jervis
Senior Manager Highways Operations
F.Additional Ground work at Kerry Cemetery.
Council voted to accept a quote from ABborist .
Additional grass cut in October for Kerry Cemetery. £250.00
Tree and hedge cutting on the path /road in the cemetery grounds for easy access for funerals as discussed with Leach & Sons funeral director, and the removal of the waste. £350.00.
G. Bespoke Training.
It was voted to review the training programme to a time when the ward has a full complement of Councillors.
Item 9. Amenities Committee Report.
Kerry Public Toilets.
A verbal report was given by Cllr V Wildish and Cllr D Hughes.
The general public are still full of praise at the high standard achieved by the caretaking team.
Council noted the need to keep the grass cut outside the toilet block; this is a PCC contracted grass cutting area making it difficult for KCC to manage.
It was noted that the PCC grant period has now expired and will create a £3,000 deficit. Last year’s running costs are shown at £5,193.86. It was voted to request extended funding from PCC. The use of these facilities far exceeds expectation with an average weekly footfall of approximately 1,000. As the majority of users come from outside the area, KCC feel justified in their request.
A request was made to have the area in front of the KCC notice board which is attached to the toilet block wall to be paved. Cllr. M Morgan to arrange for work to be done.
Item 10. KCC Planning Consultations.
Application KCC Response.
1.Dolforgan Lodge Kerry SY164NU / LBC.Demolition of an existing flat roof extension and erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling / “Council understands that plans are to be resubmitted”.
1.Dolforgan Lodge Kerry SY164NU / Householder: Demolition of existing flat roof extension and erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling / “Council understands that plans are to be resubmitted”.
Item 10. KCC Planning Consultations.
Application KCC Response.
22/08/2017 Dolfor Inn, Dolfor
SY164AA / Full: Change of use of land and erection of 2 holiday cabins / “Council wishes to support this application on the condition that the units are indivisible from the Public House and not to be sold off as a separate unit at a later date.
Dolfor Inn is regarded as a valuable asset to the village and it is anticipated this will help ensure the financial viability of the business in the future.”
Item 10. PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
  1. P/2017/0638
Glog Farm Llaithddu
Llandrindod Wells SY164BW
Full - Erection of a steel portal framed agricultural building / “Council wishes to support this application”. / Conditional Consent
  1. P/2017/0519
24 The Gardens, Kerry. SY164PP
Full: Formation of vehicular access (retrospective) / “While Council support this application, they also wish to make the following comments”.
“The access point is located on Common Road close to a Zebra Crossing.”
“In view of the ongoing concerns relating to parking and traffic speed on Common Road Council is surprised that Highways have chosen not to make comment.”
“Council is disappointed that PCC Housing is non-compliant with planning policy, following correct procedure would have enabled KCC with local knowledge to suggest constructive alternatives.” / Application withdrawn
  1. P/2017/0461
Little Meadow, Kerry. SY164DU
Section 191 application for lawful development certificate of exisitng use in relation to a breach of occupancy restriction condition. / “If the legal requirements for the discharge of this agreement have been met Council wishes to make no further comment”. / Refused
Item 11. Finance.
Accounts Paid July 2017.
Accounts paid during August Recess.
Accounts to be paid September 2017 / M.E. Hughes Memorial.
Nikky Michelle Dingle.
Stopem (Bollards) (Paid 3rd July)
A Feltham (clerk July)
A Feltham (Admin July)
A Evans Landscape Grass Cutting (+weed killer)
AB Arborist Cemetery Maintenance
Mr P. Friel (Caretaker July/August)
British Gas (Toilets Elec)
R.J. Electrical (Toilets)
Avondale Supplies.
AB Arborist Cemetery Maintenance
A Feltham (Clerk August)
A Evans Landscape Grass Cutting
M.E. Hughes Masons (War memorial)
AB Arborist Cemetery Maintenance
A Feltham (Clerk September)
A Evans Landscape Grass Cutting
Mr P. Friel (Caretaker September)
A Feltham (Admin)
Avondale. (Sanitary products)
H M Revenue and Customs (PAYE) / £125.00
Account balance as of 5th September 2017. Community Acc£33,837.51 Money Manager Acc £ 11,063.51 giving a total of £44,901.02
Councillors to be aware the grant requests closing date is 13th November 2017. Posters are now ready for distribution amended as follows;” Please note, due to the increased demand on KCC’s funds, Council is no longer able to award grants for general running costs but is pleased to assist with funding specific projects”
Council voted to agree to a request made by Sarn Village Hall to reclaim VAT costs to the new heating system costs on the proviso that all procedures are met.
The Clerk has submitted a request for a £669.68 VAT refund on KCC expenses.
Item 12 Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Montgomery Cluster Group.
Ref;Montgomery Cluster Group Volunteers - Regular Team Work Days
At a recent Cluster Group meeting it was agreed that the focus of our work will be in the Kerry area once the WAW festival is over. Kerry WI published a booklet of 10 circular walks in 2007 which was very popular and it is felt that this resource should be made available again. To do this we must first ascertain if the routes are in good order and then fix any issues that are discovered. If any of you would like to conduct route surveys then please let me know. Since we know that these routes were walkable 10 years ago we can be reasonably confident that any issues we discover will be fixable by our team.
Details of the above request for volunteers from Phil Johnson,Community Delivery (Vale of Montgomery) Officer was given by Cllr. D Hughes. It was suggested that a notice be placed on the Village Notice Board in the hope that residents may like to join in. Clerk to produce the poster.
Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm: (Community Benefit Fund) 18th September.
Cllr D. Jones gave a verbal report stating that an agreement is about to be signed giving all qualifying Community Councils an equal share of the fund.
County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones reported that having attended a meeting on the 26th September that no changes are to be made in the Kerry Ward.
Details of the public drop in sessions closing on the 30th October were discussed and all information on the LDP is available at the public library in Newtown.
Defibrillator Fund.
Cllr. M. Griffiths informed Council that £2,000 has been raised to provide defibrillators at the Village Hall, St Michael’s School and the Football Pitch.
PCC reception at the Royal Welsh Show.
Cllr A Osborne attended this meeting as KCC’s representative.
Item 13 Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to: P/2013/0524 planning application Wind Turbines. It is felt that a copy should be forwarded to the local police as concern is expressed at the tone of the letter.
RoSPA. Report.Forwardedto.Cllr. Morgan.
Janet Rogers. Norman Cotton Ref; Sarn co-option.
Tom Jerman. Letter clarify works done at the cemetery
PCC Highways Damage done to Pentre Bridge.
Correspondence From.
RoSPA. Report.(Copy with Cllr. M. Morgan)
OVW. The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 29. (details with Clerk)
OVW.One Voice Wales Conference and AGM Saturday 30th September 2017
Clerk Manafon Community CouncilMins.of Montgomeryshire Broadband Summit 17th July.(with clerk)
Norman Cotton. Ref. Sarn co-option.
I am still interested but don't feel confident in my ability to attend frequent meetings and if that's deemed to problematic I must in all faith withdraw my interest.
Janet Rogers. Ref;Sarn Co-option. Regrets not able to stand.
Powys Eisteddfod. Invitation for 2 representatives on 23rd. Sept. at Llanidloes.
PCC Highways Danny Jarman. In response to works needed on the C2053 as a result of heavy traffic.
I took a drive around with regards to the below, however there was no sign of any activity going on at present, I will keep my eyes open, but if you have any more information let me know”.
Adrian Osborne (Powys Teaching Health Board - Communications) brief update on the NHS Future Fit programme (Full copy with clerk)
Liaison PCC. Requesting information for PCC Audit. (Completed and returned.)
OVWHeritage Impact Statements in Wales. From 1 September 2017 a Heritage Impact Statement will be required to support any application for listed building or conservation area consent in Wales.
PCC Letter and CD details of Public drop in sessions ref; Changes to LDP.
RABI .Request for financial support.
M.E. Hughes. CD of photos of works to Kerry War memorial.(Copy send to PCC)
Andrew Jones. Concerns about Powys Planning Policy (Details with Clerk) As a result of a request for an update on the planning application made by PCC for the proposed building of a large number of dwellings in Sarn and KCC’s subsequent request for a TPO on three Oak tree on the site; Council suggest a letter be sent to Andrew Jones setting out the facts in the handling of these issues.
PCC Standard Community Sub-Committee. Notification that Joy Shearer was elected.
Kerry Hunter. Request for information ref; local dog breeding farms. Council unable to comment.
Item 12. Any Other Business.
Kerry / To request information from PCC Planning department on the recent extensive ground works being carried out at The Beeches, Common Road.
Sarn / Cllr. P. Dyer to investigate the overgrown tree in City Lane.
Dolfor. / The Graig area at Middle Dolfor Road is suffering damage to the road side due to the use of heavy lorries serving Oil for Wales and Severn Waste.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Next Scheduled Meeting.

Wednesday 25th October2017 at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.

Any additional planning meetings will be posted on KCC’s notice board.

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