OCTOBER 25, 2010

PRESENT: President Vincent Seeley

Trustee Joseph Kozloski

Trustee Patrick McCulloch

Trustee Brian Kehoe

ABSENT: Vice President James Chewens

The meeting was called to order by President Seeley, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Matyas Jeffery Brodowski, an honored guest.

PUBLIC HEARING – Hydrant Rates

A Public hearing was held to present a proposed 10% increase in hydrant rates. There were no comments from the public and the hearing adjourned.


Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the Treasurers, DPW, and Police reports. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to accept the rate increase proposed at the public hearing for hydrant rates. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

A request was received from Brian Branigan for a reduction in his water and sewer bill, and for more frequent checks for leaks. It was explained that he had a leaking toilet that caused the high bill, and he would be responsible for the water used. It was also explained that the current water program only allows for leak reports when meters are read, and to do a mid quarter reading would make billing nearly impossible. Motion by Kehoe, second by Kozloski to deny the requests of Mr. Branigan. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to appoint Betsy Cothren Village Treasurer and Deputy Village Clerk effective November 5. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to appoint Colleen Mosley Village Clerk and Tax Collector and Deputy Treasurer effective November 5. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to reappoint Bill Zwoboda to the Planning Board with appreciation for the excellent job he is doing. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Seeley said there would be updates to the Village’s website with the addition of a President’s Message, forms, additional information, etc. over the next few months. Shebar Windstone said it should be evaluated for handicapped accessibility.

There was discussion about the notification process for boil water advisories. It was explained that 87 doctors, restaurants, nursing homes, dialysis unit, etc. are personally contacted, television and radio stations and newspapers are faxed or emailed the information, and it is placed on the Village website. Lew O’Connor said signs that can be placed around the Village have been ordered. Kehoe said he was contacted by three citizens who were not aware of the recent boil water advisory. He wants the Village to pursue telephone notification through the school. O’Connor said he has been in contact with the Superintendent of Schools and will let the Board know as soon as there is an answer. Kehoe suggested signs on poles and in stores. Shebar Whitestone said she was not aware of the boil water as she does not read the paper, listen to tv or radio, so was never informed. Colleen Mosley thanked Lewis O’Connor and Mike McGrath for handling the recent boil water notification perfectly.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to add Christopher Deeg to the active roll of the Fire Department. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to move Shawn Hotaling from the associate to active roll of the Fire Department. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to remove Raul Rivera from the active roll of the Fire Department. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the attached fire contract with the Town of Catskill. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the attached contract for the ski program with the Town of Catskill and Catskill Central School. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the Parade of Lights for November 26. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the attached list of water bill adjustments. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the sale of surplus items. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by Kozloski to approve the attached resolution for application of funding for the Black Bridge. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by Kehoe, second by McCulloch to request RFP’s for engineering services for evaluation of the Black Bridge. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Kehoe said he has read the County Transit Study and will be working on behalf of the Village on this project.

McCulloch said the Fire Chief’s election will be December 14. He also said that he is working on a False Alarm Law and will report to the Board at a future meeting. He asked that a letter be sent to the County supporting their proposed law.

Kozloski reminded that leaf pickup will begin and no brush ofrplants should be put out with leaves or the leaves will not be picked up.

Seeley said that he will be in Cairo Town Court October 26 for the Peter DiStefano small claims case.

Seeley encouraged support for Tatiana’s expansion.

The Clerk is asked to send a thank you to the School Superintendent for the use of robo caller during the water emergency.

Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.

Carolyn Pardy