Cemetery Name: Greenwood Presbyterian Church

Tax Map # N38° 38.580 W077° 20.892

Location: Delaney Road about 0.3miles north of Minnieville Road

Property Owner:


Classification: Municipal ReligiousFamilyCivil War Private

Status:AbandonedMaintained, not in use currently used Moved

Condition: Excellent Good Fair Poor

Approximate size:

Approximate Number of Burials:

Markers: Tombstone Fieldstone Unmarked Other

Earliest Known Burial Date: Latest Burial Date:

Surnames Listed on Markers:

Calvert, Clarence Preston 1911 - 1922

Calvert, Howard Maynard 1914 - 1924

Calvert, Maggie Catherine 1888 - 1926

Calvert, George Phillip

Clarke, Clara Feb 15, 1848 - Aug 18, 1905

Clarke, Frederick Jan 27, 1854 - Dec 7, 1877

Clarke, William August 7, 1850

Clarke, Mary M. Wife of Thomas June 4, 1822 - Aug 4, 1921

Clarke, Thomas born in Shanford, England Dec 21, 1817, served three years during the Civil War in 2nd Reg. of D.C. Vols. - died Feb 7, 1908

Comstock, Elma A. 22 Mar 1890 - 22 Sept. 1915

Comstock, Mary Frazier 1857 - 1949

Comstock, Orville A. 22 Mar 1838 - 5 May 1904

Florence, Edna I. 10 Aug 1907 - 20 May 1913

Florence, Elizabeth Briggs 2 Oct 1918 - 30 Oct 1918

Florence, James A. 20 Jun 1850 - 21 May 1915

Frazier, Thomas C. 20 May 1828 - 5 Feb 1906

Hershey, John Elmer 12 Nov 1876 - 19 Jun 1962

Hershey, William A. died 1872

Hershey, William C. 28 Sep 1872 - 8 Aug 1902

Rampey, Victor H. 1905 - 1939

Randall, Victor N. 1905 - 1939

Strobert, Angelica M. 11 Jul 1844 - 31 Jan 1915

Strobert, Emma Lee 21 Mar 1874 - 15 Jan 1919

Strobert, Franklin H. 20 Feb 1902 - 16 Jan 1919

Strobert, Walter A. 25 Jan 1872 - 12 Jan 1919

Strobert, William L. 8 Jan 1833 - 17 Jan 1894

Turner, David Clinton 22 May 1941 - 6 Sep 1993

Turner, Martin L. 18 Sep 1876 - 25 Nov 1946

Turner, Thomas O. 25 Jul 1925 - 18 Nov 1935

Comments: The cemetery is in very bad condition with tombstones overturned and trash dumped inside.

Surveyed by: Ron Turner Date: 1994, 2001