Supplementary material 1

(strand) / Start End / Predicted protein / E-value
Size(aa) / pI/Mw / Putative function (Matched database) / Putative function in phage
1 (-) / 199 - 1899 / 567 / 5.69 / 61474.61 / hypothetical protein (YP_002411749) / 0.0E0
2 (-) / 1902 - 2435 / 182 / 9.64 / 19093.09 / hypothetical protein (ZP_06661539) / 4e-73
3 (-) / 2422 - 3147 / 242 / 6.91 / 25142.46 / hypothetical protein (ZP_02834466) / 5e-82
4 (-) / 3137 - 3676 / 180 / 4.34 / 20049.28 / tail fiber assembly protein (ZP_06123849) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 8e-31
5 (-) / 3655 - 5637 / 661 / 7.07 / 70532.59 / tail fiber protein (YP_003613324) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 3e-174
6 (-) / 5646 - 6233 / 196 / 5.29 / 22324.17 / hypothetical protein (YP_002411744) / 1e-91
7 (-) / 6226 - 7410 / 395 / 5.11 / 43124.53 / hypothetical protein (YP_002411743) / 0.0E0
8 (-) / 7407 - 7733 / 109 / 4.21 / 12103.23 / hypothetical protein (YP_151787) / 5e-39
9 (-) / 7733 - 9790 / 686 / 9.15 / 73158.64 / phage tail tape measure protein (ZP_03213490) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 0.0E0
10 (-) / 9978 - 10235 / 86 / 5.13 / 9591.69 / hypothetical protein (YP_151789) / 5e-35
11 (-) / 10382 - 10714 / 111 / 7.89 / 11964.22 / hypothetical protein (YP_002041917) / 1e-38
12 (-) / 10714 - 11019 / 101 / 6.91 / 11403.68 / L-alanyl-D-glutamate peptidase (YP_001467496) / Lysis / 9e-06
13 (-) / 11056 - 11349 / 98 / 9.22 / 10267.93 / phage holin (YP_002147582) / Lysis / 2e-32
14 (-) / 11359 - 11793 / 145 / 4.58 / 15853.51 / tail tube protein (ZP_06661562) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 2e-56
15 (-) / 11811 - 12938 / 376 / 5.04 / 40506.58 / tail sheath protein (ZP_02684782) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 0.0E0
16 (-) / 12935 - 13642 / 236 / 11.30 / 26435.53 / phage virion morphogeneis protein (ZP_05971834) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 8e-82
17 (-) / 13642 - 14142 / 167 / 4.20 / 18943.99 / hypothetical protein (ZP_06661523) / 2e-68
18 (-) / 14139 - 14591 / 151 / 6.29 / 16302.26 / phage head completion protein (ZP_06661522) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 2e-68
19 (-) / 14688 - 15386 / 233 / 5.79 / 26338.61 / terminase endonuclease subunit (YP_002411731) / DNA packaging / 3e-93
20 (-) / 15390 - 16412 / 342 / 5.08 / 37825.28 / phage major capsid protein (YP_002411730) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 3e-167
21 (-) / 16473 - 17297 / 275 / 5.26 / 31490.87 / capsid scaffolding protein (YP_002411729) / Structure/Morphogenesis / 7e-83
22 (+) / 17321 - 19240 / 640 / 9.06 / 73480.78 / terminase ATPase subunit (YP_002411728) / DNA packaging / 0.0E0
23 (+) / 19237 - 20277 / 347 / 5.77 / 38648.28 / phage portal protein (YP_002411727) / DNA packaging / 4e-164
24 (+) / 20328 - 20597 / 90 / 8.93 / 9861.19 / transcription regulator (YP_002411726) / Replication/regulation/modification / 2E-38
25 (-) / 20571 - 20795 / 75 / 6.04 / 8751.42 / conserved domain protein (ZP_03215536) / 5e-11

Database matches of the predicted ORFs of phage ESSI-2

(strand) / Start End / Predicted protein / E-value
Size(aa) / pI/Mw / Putative function ( Matched database ) / Putative function in phage
26 (-) / 20914 - 22932 / 673 / 9.24 / 76360.92 / replication protein A (YP_003613345) / Replication/regulation/modification / 0.0E0
27 (-) / 22929 - 23792 / 288 / 9.24 / 31920.14 / DNA adenine methylase (YP_003613347) / Replication/regulation/modification / 2e-148
28 (-) / 24022 - 24255 / 78 / 5.28 / 8215.08 / hypothetical protein (ZP_06661512) / 1e-26
29 (-) / 24322 - 24723 / 134 / 6.18 / 15006.03 / hypothetical protein (YP_002411720) / 2e-48
30 (-) / 24727 - 25113 / 129 / 10.36 / 14407.23 / hypothetical protein (ZP_06641167) / 1.1E-32
31 (-) / 25136 - 25327 / 64 / 11.80 / 7524.28 / hypothetical protein (ZP_06661509) / 4e-13
32 (-) / 25338 - 25841 / 168 / 6.36 / 18101.25 / regulatory protein CII (ZP_03215363) / Replication/regulation/modification / 2e-65
33 (+) / 25935 - 26852 / 306 / 8.40 / 34157.99 / CI repressor (YP_003036979) / Lysogeny module / 1e-33
34 (+) / 26852 - 27868 / 338 / 9.33 / 38396.06 / phage integrase (ZP_03214662) / Lysogeny module / 3e-178
35 (-) / 28116 - 28382 / 89 / 8.79 / 10705.80 / hypothetical protein (ZP_07380282) / 0.15
36 (-) / 28603 - 28764 / 54 / 11.10 / 6670.59 / hypothetical protein (ZP_02347295) / 2e-08

(-): Negative strand, (+): Positive strand