The Count of Monte Cristo

Chapters I – XIX (1-19) Study Guide


Be sure to notate physical descriptions and personality traits of ALL the characters. It will be helpful to keep a separate sheet of paper for character listings as well! There is a BRIEF character guide listed on my website.


Chapters are numbered in Roman numerals. I have listed the chapter number in parentheses as well.

I (1) – Marseilles-The ArrivalWrite the year here. Year:______ A. What is the name of the ship that arrives in Marseilles?

B. What ill luck has overtaken those on board?

C. How does the crew view Monsieur Danglars? EdmondDantès?

D. Historical Note: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military general in the French Revolution

who made himself the Emperor of France (1799-1814) and Italy (1804-1814). After an attempt

to take over the rest of Europe, foreign armies defeated him, and he was imprisoned on the

island of Elba. He managed to escape from Elba and was reinstated as Emperor from March 20

to June 22, 1815. Note the date that the book opens and any other references to Napoleon and

the loyalists who want to see him return to power. Grand Maréchal (Marshall) Bertrand was a

general in Napoleon’s army who followed him into exile both times.

E. How does Morrel feel about Napoleon?

F. Why does he warn Dantès?

G. What promotion does Dantès receive?

II (2) - Father and Son

A. What is Dantès’ father’s financial condition?

B. Why did the old man pay Caderousse more than half of the money Dantès had left him?

C. Why do Caderousse and Danglars go to see the Catalans?

III (3) - The Catalans

A. Where are the Catalans originally from?

B. Why does Fernand Mondego spend so much time with his cousin Mercédès?

C. Stop and Consider: What motivates Danglars, Caderousse, and Mondego as they try to ruin

Dantès’ life?

D. Who seems to be the leader of the plot against Dantès?

E. Vocabulary: What does betrothal mean?

IV (4) - The Betrothal Feast

A. When are Mercédès and Edmond to be married?

B. What unexpected event interrupts the feast?

C. With what is Edmond charged?

V (5) - The Deputy Procureur du Roi

A. Do those present at this betrothal feast support Louis XVIII or Napoleon?

B. What is Villefort’s job?

C. Based on her career goals and choice of bridge, what type of man do you think he is?

VI (6) - The Examination

A. Why is Villefort so upset when he hears to whom the letter was addressed?

B. What happens to the letter?

C. Why does Dantès feel calm when he is taken away?

D. Where is Dantès taken? What types of prisoners are kept there?

E. Why is Dantès taken to the dungeon?

VII (7) – King Louis XVIII

A. Who is the king of France?

B. Of what does his advisor warn him?

C. How does the king react to the warning?

D. Explain Villefort’s role/lies.

E. How does the King test Villefort? What is his reward? Explain irony.

VIII (8) – The 100 Days March 20 – June 22, 1815

A. Why does Napoleon keep Villefort around?

B. Who requests Dantès release? How many times?

C. Historical Note: Waterloo refers to the battle at which Napoleon was finally defeated.

Louis XVIII was then restored to the throne.

E. What happens to the principal characters during the next few months? Consider EdmondDantès,

Villefort, Danglars, Fernand, Mercédès, M. Morrel, and Edmond’s father.

F. What saves Mercédès from suicide?

IX (9) - Numbers 34 and 27Approximate Year: _____

A. Who is prisoner number 34? Number 27?

B. Briefly describe the way that Edmond’s emotions and thoughts change as time passes.

C. How many years have passed during which Edmondtried to starve himself to death?

D. How does Dantès acquire tools to help the man he hears tunneling through the prison?

E. How long has he been in prison?

X (10) - An Italian Scholar

A. Who is the Italian scholar (#27)?

B. What does Faria teach Dantès?

C. What is their new plan?

D. How long do they work on it?

E. What type of attack does Faria suffer?

XI (11) - The Treasure

A. Briefly describe the story of Pope Alexander VI and Count Spada.

B. How did Faria come to have possession of the will?

C. What was the relationship b/w Faria and Dantès?

XII (12) - The Third Attack

A. What happens to Faria during the third attack?

B. How does Edmond escape?

C. What is the cemetery of the Chateau d’If?

XIII (13) – Free ManYear: _____

A. Where does Edmond swim?

B. What does he tell the crew of the ship that picks him up?

C. What does Edmond figure out about the ship?

D. How long has passed since 1815?

E. Who does Dantès vow vengeance upon? Note: vengeance will become a reoccurring motif.

XIV (14) - The Isle of Monte Cristo

A. How does Dantès get to Monte Cristo?

B. How does he get the crew to leave him behind alone?

C. Of what does the treasure consist?

XV (15) - The Stranger

A. How does Edmond get the treasure off of the island?

B. Who is Dantès new helper?

C. What is the news concerning Mercédès and his father?

XVI (16) - The Pont Du Gard Inn

A. Who runs the Pont du Gard Inn?

B. Who arrives to visit with the owner? About what does he want to know?

C. We know that the abbe is an imposter. Who might he be?

D. How does he manipulate Caderousse into sharing what has happened to the others? What does

he Find out about: Morrel, Fernand, Danglars, Mercédès, his father?

E. Who has received the cross of an Officer of the Legion of Honor and made a count? Explain


XVII (17) - The Prison Register

A. Characters are not always who they seem. Who is pretending to be a clerk with Thompson and


B. Based on who you suspect the Englishman to be, why do you think he paid M. Morrel’s large

debt to M. Boville?

XVIII (18) - Morrel and Son

A. Who is Emmanuel Herbaut? Julie?

B. When the Englishman meets with Morrel, what misfortune does he witness?

C. Even though he is broke, how much does Morrel pay the sailors?

D. What instructions does the Englishman give to Julie?

XIX (19) - The Fifth of September

A. What does the letter from Sinbad the Sailor tell Julie to do?

B. What is M. Morrel’s plan?

C. What stops Morrel from committing suicide?

D. Dantès’ plan to recompense Morrel for his kindness was very complicated. Why did he go to

such lengths – rebuilding the Pharaon, sending Julie to find the diamond, etc. – instead of

simplyforgiving Morrel’s debt and giving him a gift?

E. Opinion: What if Julie had been a moment later and M. Morrel had killed himself? Should

Edmond have taken this risk?

F. What is Edmond’s plan now that he has repaid those who were good to him? Expect it to be as

elaborate as his plan to help Morrel was.

G. Pay close attention to the last few paragraphs in this chapter…Let the games begin!