5thAugust 2013 Playday

Risk Identification

The following is a risk analysis chart, plus a breakdown of the concerns identified and the measures that will be taken to try and overcome the concerns which have been identified as a potential high risk for this event.

  • Adequate Disabled Parking
  • Sufficient Toilet Areas
  • Unsupervised Young People
  • Lack of Supervision During Activities

  • Other Activities Locally
  • Noise Pollution
  • Poor Attendance
  • Over Attendance
  • Litter
  • Dog Walkers
  • Other Park Users
  • Sharp Objects
  • Anti Social Behaviour
  • Lack of Volunteers
  • Uneven Surfaces and Potholes
  • Volume of People
  • Wet Conditions
  • High Temperatures
  • Vehicle Movement – Top Field
  • Vehicle Movement – Lower Area
  • Birds of Prey Display
  • Inflatables
  • Power Cables/Equipment

Identified High Impact High Risks & Solutions

Whereas the complete identification of risk and the ability to affectively counteract every possible contingent is an impossible task due to unknown variables; this policy in line with this mindset has been designed to primarily identify and tackle the High Impact/ High Risk categories, which warrants some form of immediate action or attention.

Sharp Objects

A day before the event there will be a pre-event sweep of the area by as many staff as possible, who will highlight and remove any potential dangers to the exhibitors and the general public. The same sweep of the proposed area will also be undertaken just prior to the start of the event to ensure little or no sharp objects are present within the event area.

Anti Social Behaviour/Security

Uniformed officers will have a presence during the event - Any incidents must be reported to them to allow for preventative measures to take place rather than any actual engagement with any offenders.

All Playday volunteers will wear some form of identification (Badge – Visual Tabard - or other shirt) to identify them. This will hopefully lead to a high visibility of staff, which in turn should deter some of the anti social behavioural problems on the day.

Lack of Volunteers

A minimum estimated number of volunteers needed to ensure the safe delivery of the event is 8. If less than 8 volunteers commit to the day, then it is recommended for the safety of all concerned that the organisers consider cancelling part or the entire event.

Uneven Surfaces and Potholes

Where potholes or uneven surfaces occur within the park grounds, the organisers of this event will try to minimise the risk to visitors by redirecting people around an obstacle or by erecting fencing of those areas considered most likely to cause injury.

Volume of People

Due to the many exit points and the overall size of Queens Park, any crowds should be able to move around freely and be able to adequately disperse from any given area. Volunteers are asked to be vigilant at the event, as large gatherings of people also arguably attract thieves’ and pick-pockets; such events also offer the potential for illegal drug distribution and substance misuse.

Wet Conditions

If wet conditions are likely, then a large vehicle will be made ready in case of cars becoming bogged down in any mud. Any electrical equipment should be secured within the marquee, or under some form of other suitable and well ventilated protective cover.

High Temperatures

Volunteers are advised in hot conditions to take breaks and fluids every hour and to stand wherever possible in any shaded areas. Free drinks are available and can be requested at anytime.

Volunteers are also being asked to look out for the signs of people exhibiting signs of sun-stroke or heat exhaustion.

Vehicle Movement – Top Field

A set procedure for car-parking on the top field is not necessary, providing a lead car is in position to start a pattern. The volume of cars leaving the top gates needs to be monitored several times during the day, in case of a back-log of exiting cars from the park.

If a backlog occurs it is recommended that a volunteer advisers drivers to turn left only when exiting the top gate area

Vehicle Movement – Lower Field

All lower field vehiclestaking part in the event will remainin a stationary position between the times of 10am – 4pm. The only exception is in the case of emergency

All main paths and roadway systems around the park must be kept clear at all times to ensure emergency vehicle ease of entry and exit.

Birds of Prey Display

An enclosed area will be provided allowing for a safe area for the birds of prey to be on show to the public. Flying displays have been limited to 3 this year on the day of the event only.

Dogs may cause some distress to the birds of prey; to help prevent this, organisers will ask staff to be aware of any dog walkers who go near this area, asking them to put their dog on a lead when passing.


The organisers recognise the potential dangers surrounding the use of inflatable devices. Evidence of procedures and policies will be asked for by the organisers to ensure thatthose providing inflatable services on the day, comply with health & safety, child protection and other protocols.

Inflatable items of equipment must be supervised by the staff of the company providing the equipment at all times.

Power Cables/Equipment

All main feed power cables will be free of any kinks or loops likely to cause a trip hazard - where power cables cross a path or tarmac surface, rubberised coverings will be used.

Main electrical junction boxes will have some form of barrier to prevent public tampering or accidental injury.

Other Users

The date of the event may coincide with a private party wanting to use the park as a resource. In this event the organisers will try and accommodate were possible all parties wishing to use the parks facilities on the same day; providing that is that any external parties’ activities or other, do not endanger or put at risk in anyway those attending the main event.

Child Protection and Lost Children

Child protection officer and lost children co-ordinator for the day is Mrs. Christine Hyde

First Aid Cover

Primary: Mr. Robert Hyde – Secondary: Mr & Mrs Stephen Hyde

This Risk Assessment has been approved on behalf of the

National Playday Committee 2013


Name: Mr. Stepehen Hyde

Date: 4/4/13